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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 970   View pdf image (33K)
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Davis, Mark J 174, 745, 876
Davis, Marlene 874
Davis, Mary R 874
Davis, Maurice C 440
Davis, Michael J 888,902
Davis, Mildred W 840
Davis, Nancy 277
Davis, Olivia 469
Davis, Paige T 416, 552
Davis, Patricia 162
Davis, Paul J 459, 472, 488, 696
Davis, Pnscilla 162
Davis, R Scott 682,687,842
Davis, Richard M 310
Davis, Robert M 189, 198
Davis, Robert W 187,440
Davis, Russell A 600
Davis,Ruth M 593
Davis, Sean 569
Davis, Sheryl 876
Davis, Stanley Jerry 889
Davis, Stephanie K 301
Davis, Susan F 876
Davis, Thomas W 305,331
Davis, Victoria S 351, 357, 358
Davis, William A 283,287
Davis, William H 644
Davis Loomis, Nancy L 683, 687, 695
Davison, Elizabeth B 800
Davison, Richard 607
Dawes, Randel B 892
Dawson, Douglas B 283, 286
Dawson, Frank W 436, 446
Dawson, George E 235
Dawson, Herman C 806, 891
Dawson, Larry 155, 156
Dawson, Norma I 822
Dawson, Sue A 799
Day, Barbara? 574
Day, Michael K 353, 366,873
Dayton, Leonard W 574
Deakyne, Tern Tilghman 898
Deal, Paul F 188
Dean, Benjamin F 639
Dean, David M 554,604
Dean, Ford L 700
Dean, James M 143,739
Dean,Jean C 598
Dean, Parker 277
Dean, Robert L 651
Dean, Walter R 535
DeAngelis, Catherine D 638
Dearholt, Sandra 303
Deanen, Patricia L 308
Deanng, Mane B 310
DeArmon, Donald M 884
Deavers, Andrew E 810
DeBiase, Ann Mane 173,255
DeBittner, Magaly Rodnguez 374

DeBoy, John (Jack) 306
DeBronkart, Anne 147
DeCario, Diane 71,84,113, 116,
DeCesare, Daryl 438
Deckelbaum, Ralph H 217
Decker, Alonzo G , Jr 442,621
Decker, MarkS 783
Decker, Wayne H 608
Dedmond, Flossie M 606
Deegan, Charles C 808
Deegan, Roberta (Bobbie) Buell 876
Deen.Marland 713,761
Deener, Herman M 563
Deere, Daniel 534
Dees.Lon 876
Deets, Michael 876
DeFeo, Linda M 641
DeFontes, Kenneth W,Jr 646
deFnes, Peter 623
DeGrange, David C 737
DeGrange, James E , Sr 561, 721
Dehart, Dennis 151
Dehart, H Grant 439, 452, 628
DeHonty, George M 506
Deibel, Carol L 569
Dcn-liiiian, Dunald M 885
Deitchman, Philip R 310, 888,901
DeJesu, Louise 235
DeJuliis, Connie Galiazzo 882
DeJulns, James R (Ron) 699
DeLancey, Gail 142
Delanev, Lillian R 633
de la Pena, Violeta R 374
DeLashmet,G B 257
Deleaver, Douglas 440
Del Gludice, Stephen J 255, 853
D'Eha, Christopher F 441,614,615
DcLibera, Judith A 414
Dell, Donald I 569, 710, 751
Della, George WJr 52,55.56,
Dell'Amore, Carol J 610
Dellaposta, Vincent 877
Delllsola, Anthony 634
Deloach, James Edward, Jr 882
DeLoatch, Eugene M 567
Del Sordo, Jean S 768
DeMarco, Robert A 257,269
DeMarco, Vincent 642
Demaree, Larry 600
De Mans, Earl 349, 351, 354, 356,
Dembow, Cabnna 277
Dembrow, Dana Lee 69, 72, 85,
113,118, 120,890,903
Demedis, Emanuel 743
Denussi, Ejigou 602
Dermssie, Rudine 469
Demond, Ulysses G , III 633

Dempsey, Robert N 463
Denham Parks, Diana 554
Denis, Howard A 875, 877
Denne,Laurie 438,451,637
Dennis, Cecelia G 841
Dennis, Donna L 51
Dennis, Duane C 641
Dennis. Edward E (Earl),Jr 493,498
Dennis, Nancy M 472, 488
Dennis, Shane 305
Dennis, William E 771
Denmson, William E 503
Denny, Arthur L 203
Densford, David W 886
Densford, James W 699
Densmore, Ralph S 704
Denton, David M 888
Denton, Susan T 621
DePaola, Rudolph V 235, 503
DePazzo, Louis L 735
DePietro, Sherry 630
Depot, Robin 257
Derby, E Stephen 870
Derr, John W 35, 37, 38, 39, 45,
Derr, Joyce Anne 739
Derr, Mark 537.538
Desai, Harsha M 157
DeSantis, M Jane 585
Desbordes, Cheryl D 150, 152
Deschenaux, Warren G 133
DeShields, Tanya M 728
de Silva, Shinn 307,414
DeStefarus, Margaret 303, 326
DeStefano, Anthony V 466,483
Destler, William W 595
Deters, Philip J 175
Dettor, Ralph C , Jr 629
Deuster, Patricia A 301
Deutsch, Robert W 611
Devadason, Chmnadurai 763,815
Devadoss, Joseph E 302
Devenyns, Douglas C 822
Devine, Donald 877, 883, 899
DeVmey, Stanley P 603
DeVito. Mathias J 728
Devlin, Gerard F 683, 688, 695,
696,697, 809
Devlin, Mary Lynn 536
DeVnes, Donald L , Jr 546, 547
Dew, Margaret 234
DeWaters, Edward A , Jr 660,
Dewberry, Thomas E 35, 37, 46,
69.71,85,113, 116, 121,541,
DeWitt, Clifford C 781
DeWitt, Harlan D 574
DeWoIfe, Paul B 890
Dexter, Edward M 257


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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
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