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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 964   View pdf image (33K)
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Burden, Marsha L 140, 160
Burdette, Douglas C , Jr 187, 192
Burdette, Sally D 308
Burdick, James F 301, 322
Burdick, Jennifer 555, 556
Bures, Charles J 300
Burgan, Joanna A 730
Burgan, John F 414
Burgan, Paul 303
Burge, Cherryale 143,639
Burger, Rodney 467
Burgess, Victoria M 175
Burgess, William J 888
Burgess, William S 436, 437, 446,
631, 644
Burget, Laura L 503,511
Burgman, Christian D 713
Burgoyne. Darnel R 188
Burian, Florence E 853
Burk, John F, Jr 503, 621, 639
Burkc, David G 436, 445, 570
Burke, Philip J 595
Burke, lorn 307
Burke, Valeric 376
Burkey,M Kathryn 538
Burkey, Michael R 579,719
Burkhardt, Robert L 631
Burkholder, Mary A 216,223
Burkholder, Patricia C 299,315
Burkley, John K , II 626
Burkley, William F 700
Burks, Jolly 352
Burleigh, John E , III 544
Burley, Delores 729
Burlison, William D 872
Burman, Cynthia 507
Burman, Roscoe L 282
Burner, Gene L 139
Burner, Rebecca F 202, 211,815
Burnett, Calvin W 465, 589, 605,
606, 728
Burnett, Gary 438
Burnett, K King 438. 858
Burnett, Ralph M 684,687,696,781
Burnettc, Virginia C 874
Burnham, Thomas M 534
Burn;,, Charles 889
Burns, hmmett C , Jr 72,73,81,
113, 116,119,640,889,902
Burns, George 578
Burns, )oan 376,385
Bums, Luke K , Jr 661, 665, 680,754
Burns, Michael W 72, 81, 113,
116, 120,875,877,892,904
Burns, Robert A 157, 229, 234,
Burnside, Waldo 593
Burrell, Gwendolyn A 566
Burner, John M 187
Burnll.DwightA 789

Burroughs, A Dean 608
Burruss, Joseph D , Jr 213,215,219
Burt.JohnJ 595
Burt,TamelaD 38,49,52
Burton, Barry A 717
Burton, David G 621
Burton, Delores A 377, 389
Burton, John R 632
Burton, Kermit C 143, 155
Burton, LaVerne C 730
Burton, Rex W 538
Burton Graham, Laura A 174
Burwell, Rhoda W 807
Bury, Janet 723
Bury, Margaret A 582
Busch, Michael E 35, 38, 48, 72,
Buser, Carolyn E 236
Bush, Patrick J 876
Bush, William 622
Bushnell, Ruth J B 700
Buster, Lester 307
Buswell, Susan R 233
Butcher, Edna D 173
Butcher, Gael S 309
Butcher, Tiffany M 233
Butler, Cathy R 234
Butler, Dennett L 826
Butler, Herbert L 505
Butler, K Nelson 608
Butler, Marion L , Jr 846
Butler, Nathan 376
Butler, Russell 37
Butta.J Henry 628
Butterworth, Lydia A 464
Byer, Myrna Rosen 873
ByerlyJoanC 574,873
Byers, B Mane 835
Bynum, Edward Jay 202
Byrd, Deborah G 767
Bvrd, Linda 645
Byrd, Norval E 559
Byrd,Phillip 256
Byrd, Viola E 522
Byrne, Dons A 527
Byrnes, Deborah S 700
Byrnes,J Norns 660,665,739
Byrnes, John Carroll 632, 662,
Byrnes, Peter G 351
Byron, Goodloe E , Jr 873
Byron, Hannah L 142, 352


Cabezas, James I 576
Cacceamise, Susan 37, 46
Cadden. Joan 37, 38,69,71,73,82,

Cadden,JoJm F,Jr 466
Cade,ArdathM 217
Cade, John A 35,37,38,46.51,
52,56,59. 116, 121, 138,139,
Cadigan, Robert h 660, 666, 680,
Catntz, Jo\ce Hubcr 621
Cahan,Jane F 729
Cahill, fcdward I 627
Cahill, Robert E , Sr 660 666, 739
Cahill, William W,Jr 578
Cahn, C harles, II 576
Cam, Ann Ottney 303, 308
Cam, John L 727
Calafiura, Mane B 840
Calcotc, Donna Y 808
Caldw ell, Robert M 642
Calia, Frank M W
Callahan, Fddic 467
Callahan, Isabella 810
Callahan, James E 638, 639, 645
( allan, G Bernard 352
Callas, Michael G 414, 638
Callcott, George H 633, 634
Callegary, Claude L 618, 639
Callister, Heather 151, 153, 211, 623
Callow ay, Joan E 842
Calloway, Stephen C 303
Call urn, Agnes Kane 628
Callum, C vnthia J 728
Calver.Mirru 526,527,528
Cabert.Cecilius 721,757,829,908
Calveit, Charles 747, 761
Calvert, Frederick 747,771,783
C alvert, William B 587
C ameron, Robert H 574
Cammack, Darcll R , Jr 302
Camou.JohnR 466,481
Camp,J Charles 217 226
Camp, Marva Jo 891
Camp Fender, Marva Jo 503, 504
Campbell, Fvel>n 889
Campbell, James E 729
Campbell, James W 73, 82, 113,
116, 121, 139 894,905
Campbell, Joyce 623
Campbell, Karen B 789
Campbell, Larry R 307
Campbell, Leslie A 251,255,264
Campbell, I on 876
Campbell, Robert L 759
Campen, Sidney S , Jr 17S
Camper, Carole P 562
C amper, Mildred Kanc 873
Camphor, Florme 606
Campitelli, Frank 629
Camus, Edward P 701
Canapp, Earl L 539
Canary, James P 217



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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
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