Count\ w ithin thirt, day s after it shall be reported to him
Such charter shall be submitted to the voters of said City
or County at the next general or Congressional election
after the report of said charter to said Mayor of Baltimore
or President of the Board of County Commissioners, and
if a majority of the votes cast tor and against the adoption
of said charter shall be in fa\or of such adoption, the said
charter from and after the thirtieth day from die date of
such election shall become the law of said City or Count),
subject onlv to the Constitution and Public General Laws
of this State, and any public local laws inconsistent with
the provisions of said charter and an\ former charter of
the ( it\ of Baltimore oi County shall be thereby repealed
SFC 1A The procedure provided in this section
tor adoption of a charter ma'\ be used in any county in lieu
of the procedures provided in Section 1 of this Article, and
a charter adopted pursuant to this section has the effect of
a charter adopted in accordance with the provisions of
Section 1 The board of tountv commissioners of any
county at an\ time may appoint a charter board Said
charter board shall be registered voters and shall consist
of an uneven number of members, not fewer than five or
more than nine The board of county commissioners shall
appoint a charter board within thirty days after receiving
a petition signed b} five percent of the registered voters
of the countv or bv ten thousand voters of the county,
w hichever is the lesser number It additional charter board
members are nominated b\ petitions signed by three
percent of the registered voters of the county or by two
thousand registered voters, whichever is the lesser num
ber, delivered to the board of county commissioners
within sixt\ days after the charter board is appointed, the
board of county commissioners shall call a special election
not less than thirty or more than ninety davs after recen ing
petitions, unless a regular election tails within the desig
natcd period The appointees of the board of county
commissioners and those nominated b\ petitions shall be
placed on the ballot in alphabetical order without party
designation The voters m3.'\ cast wtes for, and elect a
number of nominees equal to the number of charter board
member!, originally selected by the board of count\ corn
missioners, and those so elected are the charter board The
charter board, within 18 months from the date of its
appointment, or it there was an election for some of its
members within 18 months trom the date of the election,
shall present a proposed charter for the county to the
board of county commissioners, which shall publish it at
least twice in one or more newspapers of general circula
tion in the county within thirty days after it is presented
The charter shall be submitted to the voters of the county
at a special or regular election held not earlier than thirty
days or later than mnet) da^s after publication of the
charter If a majority of the \otes cast for and against the
adoption of the charter are in favor of its adoption, the
charter shall become effective as the charter of the county
on the thirtieth dav after the election or such later date as
shall he specified in the charter
SEC. 2.182 The General Asscmbh shall b\ public
general law provide a grant of express powers for such
Count) or Counties as irur, thereafter form a charter under
the prov isions of this Article Such express powers granted
to the Counties and the powers heretofore granted to the
Cit} of Baltimore, as set forth in Article 4, Section 6,
Public local Laws of Maryland, shall not be enlarged or
extended bv any charter formed under the provisions of
this Article, but such powers ma\ be extended, modified,
amended or repealed bv the General Assemble
SEC. 3 ' I-vcr\ chaitcr so formed shall provide for
an elective legislative bod) in which shall be vested the
lawmakmg power of said C ity oi Count\ Such legislative
body in the City of Baltimore shall be known as the Cit^
C ouncil of the Cil^ of Baltimore, ind in any county shall
be known as the Counn ( ouncil of the County The chief
executive officer, it am such charter shall provide for the
election of such executive officer, or die presiding otticcr
of said legislative body, it such chai tcr sliall not provide for
the election of a chief executive officer shill be known in
the City of Baltimore as Mi\or of Baltimore, and in any
County as the President or Chairnnn of the County
Council of the County, and all references in the C onstitu
tion and laws of this State to the Ma,or of Baltimore and
City Council of the City ol Baltimore oi to the Count}
Commissioners of the Counties, sh ill be construed to refer
to the Mayor of Baltimore ind C if\ C ouncil of the City
of Baltimore and to the President or C hairman and
County Council herein pro\ided for whenever such con
-.(ruction would be reasonable From md after the adop
tion of a charter bv the C it\ of Baltimore, or any County
of this State, as hereinbefore piovided the Mayor of
Baltimore and Cm Council of the City of Baltimore or
the Count) Council ol said C ounr, subject to the C on
stitution and Public General L-iws of this Sntc, shall have
full power to enact local laws of said ( it\ or Count\
including the power to repeal or imend local laws of said
Cm or County enacted b\ the General Assembly, upon all
matters covered b\ the express powers granted as above
provided, provided that nothing herein contained shall be
construed to authorize or empow er the County Council
of any County in this State to enact law s or regulations for
any incorporated town village, or municipality in said
County, on any matter covered b\ the powers granted to
said town, \illagc or municipahn b\ theActincorpoiatmg
it, or any subsequent Act or Acts amendatorv thereto
Provided, however, that the charters for the'. anous Coun
ties shall specify the number of davs, not to exceed forty
five, which may but need not be consecutive, that the
County Council of the C online-, ma) sit in each \ear for
the purpose of enacting legislation for such Counties, and
all legislation shall he enacted at the times so designated
for that purpose in the charter, and the title or a summan
of all laws and ordinances proposed shall be published once
a week for two succcssi\e weeks prior to enactment for
lowed by publication once after enactment in at least one
newspaper of general circulation in the count,, so that the
taxpayers and citizens ma\ htve notice thereof Ihe valid
ity of emergency legislation shall not be affected if enacted
prior to the completion of advertising thereof These
provisions concerning publication srnll not apply to Bal
timore Cm All such local laws enacted b) the Ma^or of
Baltimore and Cm Council of the Cit, of Biltimorc or
the Council of the ( ounties as hereinbefore provided,
shall be subject to the same rules of interpretation as those
nov\ applicable to the Public local Laws of this State,
except that in case of any conflict between said local law
and any Public Genera] Law now or hci cartel enacted the
Public General Law shall control
SEC. 3A.184 (a) The ch-irtci tor the government of
any county go\ erned b} the prov isions of this Article ma^