on its final passage, (d) Each Supplementary Appropna
uon Bill shall be presented to the Governor of the State as
provided in Section 17 of Article 2 of the Constitution and
thereafter all the provisions of said section shall apply
(9) Nothing in this section shall be construed as
preventing the General Assembly from passing at any time,
in accordance with the provisions of Section 28 of Article
3 of the ConsOtution and subject to the Governor's power
of approval as provided in SecUon 17 of Article 2 of the
Constitution, an appropriation bill to provide for the
payment of any obligation of the State within the protec
non of Section 10 of Article 1 of the Constitunon of the
United States
(10)ss If the Budget Bill shall not have been finally acted
upon by the legislature seven days before the expiration of
the regular session, the Governor shall issue a proclamation
extending the session for some further period as may, in his
judgment, be necessary for the passage of such bill, but no
other matter than such bill shall be considered during such
extended session except a provision for the cost thereof
(11) For the purpose of making up the Budget, the
Governor shall require from the proper State officials (in
eluding all executive departments, all executive and admin
istrative offices, bureaus, boards, commissions and agencies
that expend or supervise the expenditure of, and all insntu
tions applying for State moneys and appropriations) such
itemized estimates and other information, in such form and
at such times as directed by the Governor An estimate for a
program required to be funded by a law which will be in
effect during the fiscal year covered by the Budget and which
was enacted before July 1 of the fiscal year prior to that date
shall provide a level of funding not less than that prescnbed
in the law The estimates for the Legislauve Department,
certified by the presiding officer of each House, of the
Judiciary, as provided by law, certified by the Chief Judge of
the Court of Appeals, and for the public schools, as provided
by law, shall be transmitted to the Governor, in such form
and at such times as directed by the Governor, and shall be
included in the Budget without revision
(12) The Governor may provide for public hearings
on all estimates and may require the attendance at such
hearings of representatives of all agencies, and for all
institutions applying for State moneys After such public
hearings he may, m his discretion, revise all estimates
except those for the legislative and judiciary departments,
and for the public schools, as provided by law, and except
that he may not reduce an estimate for a program below
a level of funding prescribed by a law which will be in effect
during the fiscal year covered by the Budget, and which
was enacted before July 1 of the fiscal year prior thereto
(13) The General Assembly may, from time to time,
enact such laws not inconsistent with this section, as may
be necessary and proper to carry out its provisions
(14) In the event of any inconsistency between any of
the provisions of this Section and any of the other provi
sions of the Constitution, the provisions of this Secoon
shall prevail But nothing herein shall in an) manner affect
the provisions ofSecuon 34 of Article 3 of the Constitu
uon or of any laws heretofore or hereafter passed in
pursuance thereof, or be construed as preventing the
Governor from calling extraordinary sessions of the Gen
eral Assembly, as provided b) Section 16 of Article 2, or
as preventing the General Assembly at such extraordinary
sessions from considering any emergency appropriation or
(15) If any item of any appropriation bill passed under
the provisions of this Section shall be held invalid upon
any ground, such invalidity shall not affect the legality of
the bill or of any other item of such bill or bills
SEC. 53.91 Vacant
SEC. 54. No County of this State shall contract any
debt, or obligation, in the construction of any Railroad,
Canal, or other Work of Internal Improvement, nor give, or
loan its credit to, or in aid of any association, or corporation,
unless authorized by an Act of the General Assembly
SEC. 55. The General Assembly shall pass no Law
suspending the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus
SEC. 56. The General Assembly shall have power to
pass all such Laws as may be necessary and proper for
carrying into execution the powers vested, by this Consti
tution, in any Department, or office of the Go\ernment,
and the duties imposed upon them thereby
SEC. 57. The Legal Rate of Interest shall be Six per
cent per annum, unless otherwise provided by the General
SEC. 58.93 The Legislature shall provide b\ Law tor
State and municipal taxation upon the revenues accruing
from business done in the State by all foreign corporations
SEC. 59. The Legislature shall pass no law creating
the office of "State Pension Commissioner", or estab
lishing any general pension system within this State
SEC. 60.95 The General Assembly of Maryland shall
have the power to provide bv suitable general enactment
(a) for the suspension of sentence by the Court in criminal
cases, (b) for any form of the indeterminate sentence in
criminal cases, and (c) for the release upon parole in
whatever manner the General Assembly may prescribe, of
convicts impnsoned under sentence for crimes
SEC. 61. (a) The General Assembly may authorize
and empower any county or any municipal corporation,
by public local law
(1) To carry out urban renewal projects v> hich shall be
limited to slum clearance in slum or blighted areas and
redevelopment or the rehabilitation of slum or blighted
areas, and to include the acquisition, within the boundary
lines of such county or municipal corporation, of land and
property of every kind and any right, interest, franchise,
easement or privilege therein, by purchase, lease, gift,
condemnaQon or any other legal means The term "slum
area" shall mean any area where dwellings predominate