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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 920   View pdf image (33K)
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rendered, or the contract entered into nor may the salary
or compensation of any public officer be increased or
diminished during his term of office except those whose
full term of office is fixed b\ law in excess of 4 years
However, after January 1 1956, for services rendered after
that date, the salary or compensation of any appointed
pubhc officer of the Mavor and Cit) Council of Baltimore
may be increased or diminished at an; ume during his term
of office, except that as to officers in the Classified C itv
Service, when the salary of any appointed public officer of
the Mavor and City Council of Baltimore however, in
creased or decreased, it ma\ not again be increased or
decreased, as the case may be, during the term of such
public officer

SEC. 35A 3 Nothing in this Constitution shall e\
empt the salary or compensation of an) judge or other
public officer from the imposition by the General Assem
biy of a non discriminatory tax upon income

SEC. 36 No Lottcr> grant shall ever hereafter be
authorized by the General Assembly, unless it is a lottery
to be operated by and for the benefit of the State

SEC 37 ^Vacant

SEC. 38. No person shall be imprisoned for debt,
but a valid decree of a court of competent jurisdiction or
agreement approved by decree of said court tor the sup
port of a spouse or dependent children, or for the support
of an illegitimate child or children, or for alimon) (either
common law or as defined b\ statute), shall not constitute
a debt within the meaning of this section

SEC 39. The books, papers and accounts of all
banks shall be open to inspection under such regulations
as ma\ be prescribed by law

SEC. 40. The General Assembly shall enact no Law
authorizing private property to be taken tor public use
without )ust compensation, as agreed upon between the
parties, or awarded by a jury, being first paid or tendered
to the part) entitled to such compensation

SEC. 40A. The General Assembly shall enact no law
authorizing pmate property to be taken for public use
without just compensation, to be agreed upon between the
parties, or awarded by a )un, being first paid or tendered to
the party entitled to such compensation but where such
property is situated in Baltimore C itv and is desired by tins
State or by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, the
General Assembly ma\ provide that such property may be
taken immediate!} upon payment therefor to the owner or
owners thereof by the State or by die Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, or into court, such amount as the State
or the Ma) or and City Council of Baltimore, as the case may
be, shall estimate to be the fair value of said property,
pro\ ided such legislation also requires die payment of any
further sum that ma) subsequently be added b\ a Jury, and
further provided that the authority and procedure for the
immediate taking of property as it applies to the Mayor and

City Council of Baltimore on June 1, 1961, shall remain
in force and effect to and including June 1, 1963, and
where such property is situated in Baltimore C ountv and
is desired by Baltimore County, Man land the County
C ouncil of Baltimore County, Maryland imy provide for
the appointment of an appraiser or appraisers by a Court
of Record to value such property ind that upon pi\ ment
of the amount of such e\ aluation, to the pal ry entitled to
compensation, or into Court, and securing the payment
of any further sum that ma\ be awarded li\ a )ur), such
property may be taken, and where such propcrn is situated
in Montgomery County and in the judgment of and upon
a finding b) the County Council of said C ountv that there
is immediate need therefor tor right of wa\ for County
roads or streets, the County Council imv pro\ ide that such
property may be taken immcdiateh upon pax ment diere
for to the owner or owners thereof, or into court such
amount as a licensed real estate broker appointed by the
County Council shall estimate to be the fair market value
of such property, provided that the Council shall secure
the payment of am turdier sum that nn\ subsequently be
awarded by a jur^ In the \anous municipal corporations
within Cecil County, where in the judgment of and upon
a finding by the go\erning bod) of said municipal corpo
ration that there is immediate need therefor tor right of
way for municipal roads, streets and extension of munici
pal water and sewage facilities, the governing bod) may
provide that such propcrn ma\ be taken immediately
upon payment therefor to the owner or owners thereof,
or into court, such amount a& a licensed real estate broker
appointed bv the particular governing bod\ shall estimate
to be a fair market value of such property, provided that
the municipal corporation shall secure the pa\ mcnt of any
further sum that subsequently ma\ be awarded by a jury
This Section 40A shall not apply in Montgomery County
or any of the various municipal corporations within Cecil
County, if the property actually to be taken includes a
building or buildings

SEC. 40B.71 The General Assembh shall enact no law
authorizing private property to be taken tor public use
without just compensation, to be agreed upon between
the parties or awarded b) a )tir\, being first paid or
tendered to the part\ entitled to such compensation,
except that where such property in the judgment of the
State Roads Commission is needed bv the State for high
way purposes, the Genera] Assembly may provide that
such propert\ may be taken immediately upon payment
therefor to the owner or owners theicof bv said State
Roads Commission, or into Court, such amount as said
State Roads C ommission shall estimate to be of the fair
value of said property, pro\idcd such legislation also re
quires the payment of am further sum that may sub
sequently be awarded ^ a )un

SEC. 40C.72 The General Asscmbh shall enact no law
authorizing private property to be taken for public use
without just compensation, to be agreed upon between



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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 920   View pdf image (33K)
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