Maryland Manual 1996-1997 Maryland & the Federal Government / 863
ELIJAH E. CUMM1NGS, U.S. Representative, 7th Congressional Dist.: Baltimore City
& Baltimore County. Democrat. Member, U.S. House of Representatives since 1996.
Member, Government Reform and Oversight Committee; Transportation and
Infrastructure Committee (coast guard & maritime transportation subcomm.; water
resources & environment subcomm.)- Member, House of Delegates, 1983-96; Speaker Pro
Tern, 1995-96; Economic Matters Committee, 1992-96 (vice-chair, 1993-94; chair,
workers' compensation subcommittee, 1994-96); Legislative Policy Committee, 1995-96;
Spending Affordability Committee, 1995-96. House Chair, Workers' Compensation
Benefit and Insurance Oversight Committee, 1989-96. Vice-Chair, Constitutional and
Administrative Law Committee, 1987-92. Member, Joint Committee on Administrative,
Executive and Legislative Review, 1991-92. Chair Emeritus, Maryland Legislative Black
Caucus (chair, committee on economic development). Chair, Governor's Commission on
Black Males, 1990-96. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 18, 1951. Baltimore City
College; Howard University, B.S., 1973; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1976
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976. Attorney. Chief Judge, Maryland Moot Court Board; Phi
Beta Kappa; Outstanding U.S. Student Government Leader Award, Royal Arts Society of
London; Major Achievement Award for Scholastic Accomplishment from Afro-Amencan
newspaper. President, Bancroft Literary Society. District office: 2300 N. Calvert St., Suite
100, Baltimore 21218; tel. (410) 367-1900. Washington office: 2419 Rayburn House
Office Bidg., Washington, DC 20515; tel. (202) 225-4741.
CONSTANCE A. MORELLA, U.S. Representative, 8th Congressional Dist.:
Montgomery County. Republican. Member, U.S. House of Representatives since 1987.
Member, Science Committee (basic research subcomm.; chair, technology subcomm.);
Government Reform and Oversight Committee (civil service subcomm.; human resources
& intergovernmental relations subcomm.). Co-Chair, Women's Issues Caucus. Served in
Congressional Human Rights Caucus; Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus; Federal
Government Service Task Force; Congressional Arts Caucus. Member, Maryland House of
Delegates, 1979-87; Appropriations Committee, 1979-87. Born in Somerville,
Massachusetts, February 12, 1931. Boston University, A.B., 1954, The American University,
M.A., 1967. Professor of English, Montgomery College, Rockville, MD, 1970-85. Member,
National Advisory Board of The American University, Washington, DC. Trustee, Capitol
College, Laurel, MD. Member, Montgomery County United Way Council; Advisory Council
of Montgomery County Hospice Society. Member, Honorary Board of National Kidney
foundation. Founding member. Global Legislators for a Balanced Environment (GLOBE),
an international organization that addresses world environmental issues. Honorary doctorates
from The American University, Norwich University, Dickinson College. Named one of Ten
Best Members of Congress for women by McCall's magazine. Inducted into Maryland Women's
Hall of Fame, 1994. Married; three children, six wards. District office: 51 Monroe St., Suite
507, Rockville 20850. Washington office: 106 Cannon House Office Bidg., Washington
DC 20515; tel. (202) 225-5341.
After each federal census. Congress determines the number of representatives for each state based on
population (U.S. Constitution, Art. 1, sec. 2). Maryland retained eight seats in the U.S. House of
Representatives following the 1990 federal census. Every two years, voters elect one representative from
each of Maryland's eight congressional districts.
Boundaries of Maryland's congressional districts are defined by legislation enacted by the General
Assembly. These boundaries have changed over time, and they continue to change. Local boards of election
supervisors are empowered to redefine precinct boundaries but cannot alter the election districts or wards
designated by the legislature. Consequently, boundaries defined by law for some congressional districts
may have undergone changes at the precinct level between enactments of the General Assembly (Code
1957, Art. 33. sec. 2-12).
In the description of congressional district boundaries, all references to election districts, wards, and
piccincts are to the geographical boundaries as they existed on April 1, 1990. Precinct boundaries are
dynamic. Changes are made to reflect population shifts and to ensure convenient polling places for all
voters. Local boards of supervisors of elections can provide current information on precincts encompassed
within each congressional district. Maryland's present congressional districts were enacted by the General
Assembly in 1991 (Chapter 4, Acts of 2nd Special Session of 1991).