Federal Co-Chair: Jesse L. White, Jr.
States' Co-Chair: Brereton Jones, Governor of Kentucky
Ex officio: Parris N. Glendcning, Governor (Ronald
M. Krcitner, Director of Planning, alternate).
Thomas M. Hunter, Executive Director
1666 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20235 (202) 884-7700
The Appalachian Regional Commission was cre-
ated by the federal Appalachian Regional Develop-
ment Act of 1965 (PL. 89-4). The Commission
supports economic development of the Appala-
chian region through allocation of federal funds to
member states. The Commission can act only on
proposals submitted to it by state members.
The thirteen-state Appalachian region includes
the Western Maryland counties of Washington,
Allegany, and Garrett. To develop the region, the
Commission plans and coordinates programs to
construct a highway system, access roads, health
centers, vocational schools, and sewage treatment
plants. The Commission also works to develop
land, timber and water resources; rehabilitate areas
damaged by strip and surface mining; and establish
local development districts to support local eco-
nomic development.
The Governor serves ex officio as the Maryland
member and designates an alternate (Code 1957,
Art. 83A, sec. 6-402).
appalachian STATES LOW-LEVEL
Maryland members appointed by Governor: Jane T.
Nishida, Secretary of the Environment, 1997
(Richard W.Collins, alternate); Martin P. Wasserman,
M.D., J.D., Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene,
1997 (Robert W. Eastridge, alternate).
Contact: Ted Elkin
c/ o Waste Management Administration
Dept. of the Environment
2500 Broening Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 (410) 631-3441
In 1986, Maryland ratified the Appalachian
States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact
(Chapter 33, Acts of 1986). Delaware, Pennsyl-
vania, and West Virginia also have ratified the
Compact. The Compact established the Appala-
chian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Com-
mission to assure interstate cooperation for the
proper packaging and transportation of low-level
radioactive wastes. The Commission identifies a
host state (based on the volume and curie content
of radioactive waste generated) to receive and
dispose of radioactive waste from party states.
Costs and benefits are distributed equitably
among party states. After establishment of a re-
gional facility, the Commission may ban wastes
generated outside the region.
The Commission designates as a host state any
party state that generates 25 percent or more of
Pennsylvania's volume or total curie content of
low-level radioactive waste, based on a comparison
of averages over three successive years. A host state
must begin immediate development of a regional
facility designed to serve at least thirty years. Party
states exempt from host state responsibilities con-
tinue as party states provided they generate less than
the threshold amount of low-level radioactive waste
over successive three-year periods.
The Commission conducts research and estab-
lishes regulations to reduce the volume of low-level
radioactive waste. The Commission also prepares
contingency plans in the event the regional facility
is closed; collects fees from party states until the
regional facility becomes available; and enters into
temporary agreements for emergency disposal.
Appointed by the governor, two members
from each party state serve on the Commission,
as do four members from each host state. After
the host state has selected a site for a regional
facility, the governor from that state appoints to
the Commission an additional member who is a
resident of the county or municipality where the
facility will be located. Based in Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania, the Commission provides for its
own organization and procedures, by-laws, rules,
and regulations (Code Environment Article,
sees. 7-301 through 7-306).