Origin: Baltimore City was incorporated in 1796
(Chapter 68, Acts of 1796). The City name was
derived from the Proprietary's Irish Barony. As a
governmental unit, the City separated from Balti-
more County in 1851.
Elected by Voters:
Lawrence A. Bell (D), At Large, President, 1999
Agnes B. Welch (D), Dist. 4, Vice-President, 1999
John L. Cain (D), Dist. 1.............. 1999
Nicholas C. D'Adamo, Jr. (D), Dist. 1 .... 1999
Lois A. Garey (D), Dist. 1 ............. 1999
Vacancy, Dist. 2 ..................... 1999
Paula Johnson Branch (D), Dist. 2. ...... 1999
Robert L. Douglass (D), Dist. 2. ........ 1999
Joan Carter Conway (D), Dist. 3 ........ 1999
Robert W. Curran (D), Dist. 3 .......... 1999
Martin O'Malley (D), Dist. 3. .......... 1999
Sheila Dixon (D), Dist. 4 .............. 1999
Keiffer J. Mitchell, Jr. (D), Dist. 4 ....... 1999
Helen L. Holton (D), Dist. 5. .......... 1999
Stephanie C. Rawlings (D), Dist. 5. ...... 1999
Rochelle (Rikki) Spector (D), Dist. 5 1999
Rev Norman A. Handy, Sr. (D), Dist. 6 ... 1999
Edward L. Reisinger (D), Dist. 6 ........ 1999
Melvin L. Stukes (D), Dist. 6. .......... 1999
Meetings: Mondays, 5:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 409
100 North HoUiday St. (410) 396-4800
Baltimore, MD 21202 fax: (410) 539-0647
City Seal of Baltimore City
Elected by Voters:
Joan M. Pratt (D), Comptroller, 1999
(410) 396-4755
President: Lawrence A. Bell, President, City Council
Ex officio: Kurt L. Schmoke, Mayor; Joan M. Pratt,
Comptroller; Neal M. Janey, Esq., City Solicitor;
George G. Balog, Director, Dept. of Public Works.
Meetings: Wednesdays, 9:00 a.m.
City Hall, Room 204
100 North Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 396-4755