Elected by lawyers in 13th Commission District Robert
C Bonsib, Esq , Edward P Camus, Esq , Christopher
R. Dunn, Esq , Walter E Laake, Jr , Esq
14th COMMISSION DISTRICT (Baltimore City)
George L Russell, Jr , Esq , Chair
Appointed by Govci nor (who names chair) Andrew M
Brooks, fclizabeth Chen, Michael M Hart, Veronica
Henderson, Harrv S Johnson, Esq , Kara C
King Bess, Susan Souder, Fsq , Garland O
Williamson Terms expire 1999
Elected by lawyers in 14th Commission District Arthur
S Alperstem, fcsq , Paul D Bekman, Esq , Sheila K
Sachs, Esq , I ynn K Stewart, Esq
15th COMMISSION DISTRICT (Charles County)
Stephen J Braun, Esq , Chair
Appointed by Governor (who names chair) Amy J
Bragunier, Esq , Francis C Garner, Keith A Hettel,
Salome F Howard, John M Sine, Ph D , Merle K
Turner, Fsq , Carmella D Watkins, Jean M Winkler
Terms expire 1999
Elected by lawyers in 15th Commission District Rudolf
A Carnco, Jr , Esq , Da\id Harris Chapman, Esq ,
Stephen P Fitzgerald, Esq , Sue Ann Greer, Esq
(Caroline, Dorchester & Talbot Counties)
George D Brcnnan II, Chair
Appointed by Governor (who names chair) Louis C
Andrew, Robert S Collison, Esq , Betty W Crothers,
Esq , Hilliard E Gardner D V M , Gladys H
Giddens, Anne W Rvan, Kathleen O Tieder, Evelyn
W Tow nsend Terms expire 1999
Elected by lawyers in 16th Commission District John G
Billmyre Esq , Dennis J Farina, Fsq , Karen M
Kaludis, Esq , Connie G Marvel, Esq
In 1970, the Governor by executive order estab
lished statewide judicial nominating commissions
to propose nominees for appointment to the appel
late courts, and regional commissions to perform
the same function for trial court vacancies The
commissions began operation in 1971 The corn
missions were reconstituted by the Governor in
1991 (Fxecuove Order 01 01 1991 05) and in
1995 (Executive Orders 01 01 1995 06/ 07/ 10/
13) Fach judicial vacancy filled pursuant to the
Governor's appointing power must be filled from a
list of nominees submitted by one of these norm
natmg commissions
When a judicial vacancy occurs or is pending,
the Administrative Office of the Courts notifies
the appropriate nominating commission and
then solicits applications by press an
nouncements and from interested bar associa
tions Applications received are distributed to the
commission members
After the tiling deadline for a \ acancy has passed,
the nominating commission meets to consider ap
plications and relevant information, such as recom
mendations from citizens and bar associations
Each candidate is interviewed by the full commis
sion or by commission panels By secret written
ballot, the commission then prepares a list of those
candidates deemed legally and professionally most
fully qualified for judicial office No applicant may
be added to the list without the affirmative vote of
a majority of the commission members present at a
voting session The list is forwarded to the Gover
nor who must make the appointment from it
Albert D Brault, Esq , Chair
361 Rowe Blvd
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974 2141
The Appellate Judicial Nominating Commis
sion nominates candidates tor the Court of Appeals
and the Court of Special Appeals
The Commission is composed of seventeen
members The Governor, who chooses the chair,
appoints one member from each of the seven ap
pellate judicial circuits, one at large member, and
one member of the Maryland Bar The remaining
eight members are lawyers elected by the Maryland
State Bar Association
Robert C Murphy Courts of Appeal Building
361 Rowe Blvd
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974 2141
Sixteen Trial Courts Judicial Nominating Corn
missions recommend nominees for Circuit Courts
and District Courts fcach commission consists of
thirteen members Six are lawyers four elected by
members of the Maryland State Bar Association
within designated geographical areas, two ap
pointed by the Governor Six are lav members
chosen by the Governor Named by the Governor,
the chair may be cither a lawyer or a lay person
Terms extend to the date of qualification of the
Governor after election, and until their successors
are duly chosen The Administrative Office of the
Courts is the secretariat to each commission
Amy S Sherr, Executive Secretary
Goldstem Treasury Building
80 Calvert St, Room 406 (410) 974 2177
Annapolis, MD 21401 fax (410) 974 2182