Staff Suzanne H James (301) 952 3708
Pamela H Quirk (^01) 217 7223
Paul H Wemstem, Chair
Appointed by Chief Judge, Court of Appeals Robert
H Heller, Jr, William S Home, Barbara K Howc,
Raymond J Kane, Jr, Joseph H H Kaplan,
William D Missouri, Frederick C Wnght III
Staff Walter P Hebron (410) 974 2141
James P Salmon, Chair, 1997
Appointed by Chair, Executive Committee, m
consultation with Chief Judge, Court of Appeals
Joseph H H Kaplan, 1996, Theresa A Nolan,
1996, Thomas Ward, 1996, Raymond E Beck,Sr ,
1997, Howard S Chasanow, 1997, Jamey H
Weitzman, 1997, Ellen M Heller, 1998, Sherne
L Krauser, 1998,1 Marshall Seidler, 1998, Lloyd
O Whitehead, 1998
Ex officio G Darrell Russell, Jr , member,
Executive Committee, 1997
Staff George N Weber, Jr (410) 974 2186
Gale R Caplan, Chair, 1996
Appointed by Chair, Executive Committee, in
consultation with Chief fudge, Court of Appeals J
William Hmkel, 1996, Jack I lesser, 1996,
Stephen I Clagett, 1997, John M Givnn, 1997,
Ann S Harnngton, 1997, F Allen Shepherd,
1997, William S Home, 1998, G R Hovey
Johnson, 1998, John C Themehs, 1998,
Raymond G Thieme, Jr , 1998
Ex officio Gerard F Devlin, member. Executive
C ommittcc, 1997
Staff Deborah A Umtus (410) 974 2141
Vincent E Ferretti, Jr , Chair, 1996
Appointed by Chair, Executive Committee, in
consultation with Chief Judge, Court of Appeals
William O Carr, 1996, Nancy B Shuger, 1996,
William P Turner, 1996, Josef B Brown, 1997,
Dale R Cathell, 1997, Darryl G Fletcher, 1997,
Michael E Loncy 1997, James C Cawood, Jr ,
1998, S Michael Pmcus, 1998, Marjone L
C lagett, Arnold L Yochelson, Esq
Ex officio Gerard F Devlin, member. Executive
Committee, 1997
Staff George B Riggm, Jr (410) 974 2141
Robert M Bell, C hair
Elected by Court of Appeals Robert M Bell
Elected by Court of Special Appeals Charles E
Moylan, Jr
Elected by C ircuit Courts J Frederick Sharer, James
T Smith, Jr
Elected by District Court of Maryland Gerard F
Devlin, Robert F Sweeney, James N Vaughan
Ex officio Robert C Murphy, Chief Judge, Court
of Appeals
Staff Anthony S Dix (410) 974 2141
James W Dryden, Chair, 1996
Appointed by Chair, Executive Committee in
consultation with Chief Judge Court of Appeals
Robert H Mason, 1996, David B Mitchell, 1996,
Robert C Nalley, 1996, Warren J Krug, 1997,
Graydon S McKee III, 1997, John W Sause, Jr ,
1997, Ellen L Hollander, 1998, Lee M Sislen
1998, John H Tisdale, 1998, Martin P Welch,
1998, Erica J Wolte, Esq
Ex officio Richard T Rombro, member, Fxecutive
Committee, 1997
Staff Sharon L Matthews (410) 974 2141
Louise G Scrivener, Chair, 1998
Appointed by Chair, Executive Committee, in
consultation with Chief Judge, Court of Appeals
John J Bishop, Jr , 1996, John N Prevas, 1996,
TeaetteS Price, 1996, Lawrence R Daniels, 1997,
Thomas E Noel, 1997, Nelson W Rupp, Jr ,
1997. David W Young, 1997, Louis A Becker
III, 1998, John L Dunmgan, 1998, R Noel
Spence, 1998
Ex officio Charlotte M Cookscy, member,
Executive Committee, 1996
Staff Sally W Rankm (410) 974 2998
Edward J Angeletti, Chair, 1998
Appointed by Chair, Executive Committee, in
consultation with Chief Judge Couit of Appeals
Askew W Gatewood, Jr , 1996, Glenn T Harrell,
Jr , 1996, Norman E Johnson, Jr , 1996, Joseph
P McCurdy, Jr , 1996, Patrick L Woodward,
1996, H Gary Bass, 1997, Larry R Holtz, 1997,
Emory A Plitt, Jr, 1997, W Milnor Roberts,
1997, J James McKenna, 1998, Ste\en I Platt,
1998, Sheila R Tillerson Adams, 1998
Exofficio PaulA McGuckian, member. Executive
Committee, 1997
Organized in 1945, the Maryland Judicial Con
ference considers the status of judicial business in
the various courts and improvements to court prac
tice and procedure It evaluates and recommends
legislation and discusses proposals to improve the
administration of justice and the Judicial system in
The Conference consists of all judges of the
C ourt of Appeals, the Court of Special Appeals, the
Circuit Courts, and the District Court of Maryland
T he Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals serves as
chair, and the State Court Administrator as execu
tive secretary Annually, the Conference meets in
plenary session (Maryland Rule 1226)