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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
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Howard ( ountv, Distuct 10, District Court of Maryland,
since 1989 Assistant State's Attornev, Balumore City,
197^ 75 Member, C ommittee on Civil Procedures, Dis
tncf ( ourt of Maryland Member, Ci\ il Law and Procedure
Committee, and Judicial Ethics Committee Mainland Ju

did il Conference Born in Providence, Rhode Island, Septcm

be) 30 1948 Boston University, BA, 1969 (Delta Honor
Society), University of Baltimor e School of Law JD, I97?
Stafa 'i Attorney's Office Baltimore City, 1973 75 Admitted
Maryland Ba>, 1974, admitted to practice before US
District ( ourt for District of Maryland, 1979, District of
C olumbia C ourt of Appeals 1980 Member, American Bar
Association (advisory committee on
elder abuse &Legal prob
lems of the elderly), Maryland State, and Women s Bar Asso
ctations, Howard County Bar Association (pros 1991 92)
Secretary, Baltimore Washington Chapter, National Associa
tion of
Women Judges Past member, Baltimore City Bar
Association Maryland Trial Lawyers' Association National
Disti let Attorneys' Association Partner,
Gel/man & Gelf
man, PA,
1975 89 Member, Howard County Executive's
Ad Hoc
C ommittee on Human Rights, Education Commit
tec Mediation and Conflict Resolution Center, Howard
( aunty Howard County Criminal Justice and Treatment
C oalttion Board of Directors, United Cerebr al Palsy ofCen
tral Maryland Member, Hadassah (past pros) Community
Relations Council, Howard County Genet al Hospital In
struetor (alternative sentencing). Judicial Institute of Mary
land Pait lecture; (real estate law & contracts), Howard
County Community College Former guest speaker, 9th Wcl
fare Advocate
( onferenee MIC PFI faculty speaker at trial
advocacy course, 1990— Bencher
James Macgill American
Inn of Court Pro Bono Award for outstanding legal services
to the poor of Maryland Maryland Volunteer Legal Services,
Inc and Maryland State Bar Association

JOHN MARTIN GLYNN. Associate Judge Baltimore City,
District 1, District Court of Maryland, since 1994 People's
Counsel 198594 Born in Baltimore, Maryland, October 21,
1946 The Johns Hopkins University K A, 1968 Served in US
1968 71 University of Maryland Schoolof Law, JD, 1974
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1974 Member, Maryland State and
C itv Bar Associations Trial lawyer National labor
Relations Board, Region
5,1976 81 Associate, Melmcove, Kauf
mann, Weinei, and Smouse, 1981 85

( ceil C ount), District '5, District Court of Man land, since
1988 Trial Magistrate, Elkton, 1969 72 Assistant State's
Attorney, Cecil County, 1962 66 Assistant Public De
render. District 3 (Caioline, Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's
ind Talbot Counties) 1972 88 Born in Euclid, Ohio
Feb»uan 10, 1928 Served in US Marine Corps 1945 52
Ohio State University
BA, 7955 Georgetown University
La n School, LL B, J D 1959 Admitted to Mar
iland Ba r,
I960 Membe», American, District of Columbia, Maryland
State and Cecil C ounty Sai Associations Past member,
Maryland Trial Lawyers Association Teachel, Boaid of
Education, Prince George'1! County, 1955 59 readier,
Boaid of Education, C ceil Count}, 1959 60 Member, Phi
Alpha Delta Law Fraternity President, Elkton Optimist
dub, 1972 73 Commander Fair Hill VFW Post #8799
1985 88 Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation

BARRY A. HAMILTON Associate Judge Montgomery
County, District 6, District C ourt of Maryland, since 1996

LOUIS D. HARRINGTON Associate Judge,
Montgomery Counn, District 6, District Court of Maryland,
sirut 1982 Member I-xtditivt ( ommittei Mir,land Jndi
cial Conference, 1993 94 Member, Boaid of F\ammers of
Man 1 ind Pilots, 1981 82 Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Octobil 16, 1939 Swarthmore (. allege harlham College, BA,
1961 University of Pennsylvania M A, 1963
Geoge Washing
ton University School o/Law 11 B, 1966 Admitted to Mary-
land Bar 1966, District of Columbia Bar, 1966, US Supreme
1969 Member, American Maryland State, Montgomery

Count) and District of Columbia Ba? Associations
Montgomery County Volunteer of the Tear Award, 1976
Board of Trustees,
Sidivell Friends School, Washington, D(
Chair, Board of Trustees, Catoctin Quaker (amp

C YVONNE HOLT STONE Associate Judge Balti
more City, District 1, Disrni-r ( ourr of- Mir\l-md '.n-iif
1991 Heanng officer (part time), Baltimore ( it\, 1980 81
Assistant State's Attorne), Howard C ounn, 1980 81 Mas
ter in Chancery, Division tor Ju\ enile Causes, Baltimore Cit\
Circuit Court, 1981 91 Born in Washington, DC, February
26, 1950 Forest Park Sr High School,
Baltimore, Morgan
State College, BA, cum laude, 1971, University of Pennsyi
vania,MCP (city planning), 1973, University of Maiyland
School of Law, JD, 1979 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1979
Member, Maryland State, Baltimore
C ity and Monumental
City Bar Associations, Alliance of Black Women Attorneys
Past member, American Bar Association Instructor, Univer
sity of Maryland School of Law, 1985 90 Board member
Health and Welfare Council of Central Maryland,
1981 87
(vice pros, 1984 87) Advisory Board Black American 1 an
Students Association, University of Maryland School of I an'
1982 87 Board member, Baltimore Regional Chapter
American Red Cross, 1982 88, University of Maryland School
of Law Alumni Association, 1986 90 Maryland Institute for
Continuing Professional Education of Lawyers
1986-87, 1988-89 Secretary, Black Jewish Forum of Balti
more (BL EWS) 1989 91 (leadership task f or ci, 1988) Board
member, Maryland Chapter, National Association of Women
Judges, 1991— Rho Xi Omega Charities, 1991 94 The
Leadership, Greater Baltimore Committee, 1992—, African
American Steering Committee, Walters Art Gallery 1994—

LARRY R. HOLTZ Associate Judge, Charles ( ounn,
District 4, District Court of Maryland, since 1988 (Dis
tnct Administrative Judge, J990 96) Associate Count\
Attorney, Prince George's ( ountv Office of La\v, 1974
76 Police legal advisor. Prince George's County, \975
76 Assistant Public Defender, District 4 (C ab ert, Charles
andSt Mary's Counties), 1976 86 Depun, District Pub
lie Defender, District 4,1986 88 Past member, Attoi nc\
Grievance Commission Born in Albert 1 ea Minnesota
August 21, 1945 Chaminade University, Honolulu Ha
wan, B A, 1967, University of Hawaii, B S, 1967 Served
in US Air Force, 196771 University of Baltimor i School
of Law JD, 1973 Admitted to Maryland Bar 1973
Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of if over
nors, 198586, 198889), Calveit County and Charles
County Bar Associations Past member American Judica
ture Society, Maryland Trial Lawyers Association

ROBERT D. HORSEY Assocutc Judge Somerset
County, District 2 District Court of M inland since
1976 State's Attorney, Somerset C ountv 196776 Born
in Marion, Maryland, August 19, 1933 Ciisfuld High
School Served
in US Army, 82nd Airborne Division
195456 University of North Carolina Univel sit\ of Bal
timore, A A, 1959, University of Baltimore School of
LLB, 1961 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1961

ERIC M. JOHNSON. Associate Judge Montgomery
C ount), District 6, District C ourt of Man land, since 1996

Baltimore CiQ, District 1, District Court of Man land since
1993 Assistant Federal Public Defender tor the District of
Maryland, 1980 83 Board of Trustees, Man land F mil on
mental Trust, 1980 85 Assistant attorney general with De
partment of Licensing and Regulation 1983 84 Superusmg
^ttornev C rntml C ollection I Jmt Dcp^rtmi ntof Riidgi rind

Fiscal Planning, 1984 93 Member, Public Aw ircncss C om
mittee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1994— Born in Bal
timore, Maryland, November 4, 1945 Morgan State (. ollcgt
BS, 1969 Served in US Army, 1969 71 Umver sin of Bait;
more School of Law, J D, 1977 Admitted to Pi nns\lvania Bar
1979, Maryland Bar, 1980, US Supreme C our t 1985 District
of Columbia Bar,
1988 Member, American Bar Association



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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
Volume 187, Page 689   View pdf image (33K)
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