Maryland School of Law, J D, 1959 Admitted to Mary-
land Ba», 1959 Served in US Army, I959,and US Army
Reserves for six years thereafter Vice-Chair, Prince George's
County Democratic Central Committee, 1968-70 Mem
her, American, Maryland State and Prince George's
County Bar Associations Member, Marlborough Inn of
RALPH M. BURNETT. Associate Judge, Garrett
County, District 12, District Court of Maryland, since
1993 State's Attorney, Garrett County, 1974 78 Born
in Seneca Falls, New York, January 5, 1943 St Paul's
School for Roys, Brooklandville, Maryland, Dickmson Col
Iege,BA, 1965 Served in US Army, 1966-68 University
of Baltimore School of Law, JD, 1972 Admitted to Mary
land Bar, 1972 Member, Federal, Maryland State, An
zona State and Garrett County Bar Associations
GALE RASIN CAPLAN Associate Judge, Baltimore
City, District 1, District Court of Maryland, since 1992
Assistant State's Attorney, Anne Arundel County, 1976
77 Assistant U S Attorney tor the District of Maryland,
1977 81 Assistant attorney general, 1985 92 Born in
Baltimore, Maryland, August 9, 1952 Kent County public
schools. National Cathedral School for Girls, Duke Univer-
sity, BA , 1Q73, Georgetown University Law Center, JD,
1976 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976 Member, Mary-
land State, Baltimore City, Kent County and Women's Bar
Associations Associate, Piper & Marbury, 1981-85
AUDREY J. S. CARRION Associate ludge, Baltimore
City, District 1, District Court of Maryland, since 1996
Member, Review Board of Attorney Grievance Commis
sion, 1989 93 (vice chair, 1991 92, chair, 1992 93), In
quiry Committee, 1993 95 Assistant attorney general,
Correctional Litigation Unit, 1990 95 Member, Mayor's
( ommittee on Hispanic Affairs, Baltimore City, 1995—
Born in New York, New York, July 16, 1958 College of
Notre Dame of Maryland, B A, 1981, University of Balti-
more School of Law, J D, 1984 Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1985 Member, American, Maryland State, Maryland His-
panic, Baltimore City and Monumental City Bar Associa-
tions Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, 1992— Citation
from Secretary of Juvenile Justice Certificate ofApprecia
tion, Last Baltimore Latino Organization Award of
Achievement & Exceptional Service Award, Young Lawyers
Section, Baltimore City Bar Association
more Cit), District 1, District Court of Maryland, since 1996
Past chief. Child Abuse Division, Office of State's Attorney,
Baltimore City Member, Foster Care Review Board, South
west Region no 2, Baltimore City, 1989 91, Adult Public
Guardianship Review Board, 1991 96 Born in Baltimore,
Maryland, June 10, 1944 University of Baltimore, BS, 1967,
University of Baltimore Law School, JD, 7970 Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1974 Member, Maryland State and Baltimore
C ity BarAssociations Lecturer, University of Maryland Found-
ing Director, Baltimore Child Abuse Center, Inc Victim Advo-
cate of the Year, People Against Child Abuse, 1992
Bve Judge, Calvert County, Distnct 4, District Court of Mary-
land, since 1996 (Associate Judge, 1990—) Deputy State's
Attorney, Calvert Counn, 1975 88 Court Auditor, Calvert
County, 1976 90 Born in Washington, DC', Septembers, 1947
Severn School, Washington College, BA, 1969, University of
Maryland School of Law, LLB, 1973 Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1973 Served in Maryland Army National Guard Member,
Maryland State and Calvert County Bar Associations
JOHN T. CLARK m Associate Judge, Queen Anne's
County, Distnct 3, Distnct Court of Maryland, smce 1979
State's Attorney, Queen Anne's County, 1975 79 Born in
Baltimore, Maryland, September 15, 1943 Centreville High
School, University of the South, B A, 1965, University of Maryland
Schoolof Law,} D, 1969 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1969 Served
in Army National Guard Member, American, Maryland
State and Queen Anne's County Bar Associations
BEN C. CLYBURN. Associate Judge, Baltimore City,
Distnct 1, Distnct Court of Maryland, since 1995 Assistant
attorney general, 1983 95 Born in Washington, DC, May
22, 1954 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, US Air Force
Academy Preparatory School, U S Air Force Academy, Um
versify of Maryland, BA, 1978, University of Maryland
School of Law,] D, 1981 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1981
Member, Maryland State, Baltimore City and Monumental
City Bar Associations Member, American Association of
Transportation Officials Outstanding Assistant Attorney
General—Award for Exceptional Service, 1985
CHARLOTTE M. COOKSEY Associate Judge, Balti
more City, Distnct 1, Distnct Court of Maryland, since
1983 Trial attorney. Civil Rights Division, U S Depart
ment of Justice, 1974 75 Master in Chancery, Division of
Juvenile Causes, Circuit Court for Baltimore City, 1979 83
Execunve Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference,
1992— (vice chair, 1993, chair 1994) Bom in Baltimore,
Maryland, October 30, 1947 Louise S McGehee School, New
comb College ofTulane University, BA, 1968, Loyola Uni-
versity School of Law, J D, 1971, Institute of Juvenile Justice,
University of Cambridge, 1980, National College of Juvenile
and Family Court Judges, 1980, National College of Judges,
1985 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976 Member, American,
Maryland State, Louisiana, District of Columbia, Baltimore
City and Women's Bar Associations Member, Women's Law
Center VISTA attorney. New Orleans Legal Assistance Car
poration, 1971-72 Staff attorney, Legal Aid Bureau, Inc,
1972-74 Managing attorney, Child Advocacy Project, 1975-
79 Member, National Association of Women Judges, Judicial
Ethics Committee, PL 99-660 Planning Council of Mary-
land Advisory Committee on Mental Hygiene, Trial table
Law Club
Montgomery County, District 6, District Court of Mary
land, since 1994 Legislative analyst. General Assembly, and
staff counsel. House Judiciary Committee, 1968 69 Assis
tant State's Attorney, Montgomery County, 1970 72 Re
porter. Criminal Rules Subcommittee of Court of Appeals,
1974 75 Member, Judicial Nominating Commission, 6th
Judicial Circuit, 1975 83, Character Committee of Court
of Appeals for 6th Judicial Circuit, 1981 86 Review Board,
Attorney Grievance Commission 1982 85 Member,
Montgomery County Charter Review Commission, 1990
94 Born in Camden, New Jersey, December 24, 1941 Be
thesda Chevy Chase High School, Lehigh University, BA
(economics), 1964 Servedin US Army Reserve (active duty,
1964, reserve status, 1964-70) Washington College of Law,
The American University, J D, 1968 Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1968, District of Columbia Bar, 1968 Law clerk to Judge
John P Moore, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 1968-69
Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors,
1985 86, 1988 90, chair, special committee on pro bono,
1988 89, chair, committee on laws, 1988-91), Montgomery
County Bar Association (pros 198687) Board of Trustees,
Montgomery County Bar Foundation (pres, 1986 87)
NANCY L. DAVIS LOOMIS. Associate Judge, Anne
Arundel County, District 7, District C ourt of Maryland,
since 1996
ROBERT SCOTT DAVIS Associate Judge, Wicomico
County, District 2, District Court of Maryland, since
1989 Former counsel to Somerset County Board of
Supervisors of Elections and Somerset County Board of
Liquor License Commissioners Born »n Salisbury, Mary
land, July 16, 1950 University of Maryland, B S, 1972,
University of Baltimore School of Law, J D ,1977 Admitted
to Maryland Bar, 1977 Member, Maryland State and
Wicomico County Bar Associations Member, Crisfield
Chamber of Commerce, 1977-84, Crisfield Kiwanis Club,
1977-84, Masons General Co-Chair, Crisfield National