Chair Robert F Sweeney, Chief Judge, District
Court of Maryland
(410) 974 2412
The Administrative Judges Committee of the
District Court of Maryland was formed by the
Chief Judge of the District Court of Maryland
when the Court began in 1971 At that time, the
Committee included the Chief Judge, as chair, and
the twelve district administrative judges In 1978,
the Chief Judge extended membership to add five
trial judges of the District Court elected at large
biennially by written ballot of the administrative
and trial judges of the District Court
Meeting quarterly, the Committee considers
matters that affect the administration, operation,
and maintenance of the District Court of Maryland
L Edgar Brown, Chair
(410) 974 3480
The Commissioner Education Committee was
initiated by the Chief Judge of the District Court
of Maryland Annually, the Committee revises the
District Court Commissioners' Manual It recom
mends changes to forms and procedures used by
Commissioners Each year, the Committee pre
pares an educational seminar and presents it to all
Distict Court Commissioners
Alan J Karhn, Cha<r
(410) 974 3488
The Committee on Civil Procedures was formed
by the Chief Judge of the District Court of Mary-
land The Committee reviews new legislation af-
fectmg District Court civil cases and appellate court
decisions bearing on the trying of civil causes in
District Court The Committee recommends revi
sions to District Court forms, practices, and proce
dures Upon request of the Chief Judge or the
Administrative Judges of the Court, the Commit-
tee studies certain topics in civil law
Cornelius J Vaughev, Chair
(410) 974 3488
The Committee on Criminal and Motor Vehicle
Matters was created by the Chief Judge of the
District Court of Maryland The Committee re-
views new legislation affecting District Court cnmi
nal and motor vehicle cases and appellate court
decisions bearing on the trying of criminal and
motor vehicle causes in District Court The Corn
mittee recommends revisions to District Court
forms, practices, and procedures Upon request of
the Chief Judge or the Administrative Judges of the
Court, the Committee studies certain topics con
cernmg criminal or motor vehicle matters
John M Glynn, Chair
The Judicial Education Committee was estab-
lished by the Chief Judge of the District Court of
Maryland The Committee prepares and presents
an annual education conference for all District
Court Judges Topics and speakers are selected by
the Committee, whose members frequently make