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missioner and coach, Bel Air Parks and Recreation, 1985
91 Coach, Greater Har ford Soccer Club, 1990 91

THOMAS WARD. Associate Judge, Baltimore City Circuit
Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 1982 Member, Baltimore
City C ouncil, 1963 67 Member, Mayor's Committee to
Determine the Feasibility of Buying Maryland Transit Corn
pany, Baltimore City, 1966, Commission for Historical and
Architectural Preservation, 1966 68, Redistncting Commission,
Baltimore City, 1967, Joint Legislative Committee to Determine
die Feasibility of a Department ofTransportanon, 1968, Met
ropolitan Transit Anthony, 1970 72 Born in Baltimore, Mary
land, February
28, 1927 ValH?y Forge Military Academy,
Georgetoivn University School
of'Foreign Service, BS, 1950, Uni-
versity of Maryland School of Law, JD, 1953, four years, Ihe Johns
Hopkins University Graduate School Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1953 Member, Maryland State Bar Association Served in US
1945 47,1949 51,1952 (parachute infantry, graduate of
infantry school Van borne
&glider school) Reporfa-rforBalrimore
Sun, 1951 54 Active in Baltimore City civic and political life since
1953 Author of numerous conservation articles published in news-
papers and magazines throughout US

comico County C ircuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, since
1988 Assistant State's Attorney, Pnnce George's County,
1971 72 Assistant State's Attorney, Wicomico County,
1972 73 State's Attorney, Wicomico County, 1975 87
Member, State's Attorneys' Coordination Council, 1979
81 Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 2,
Wicomico County, 1987 88 Born in Washington, DC,
AugustI5, 1941 Bethesda Chevy Chase High School, Univer-
sity of the South, BA, 1963, George Washington University
Law School,
JD, cum laude, 1966 Captain, US Air Force,
1966 71 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1967 Member, Ameri-
can and
Wicomtco County BarAssociations, Maryland State's
Attorneys' Association, National District Attorneys Associa-
NITA Advocates Association

PAUL H. WEINSTEIN Counn Administrative Judge,
Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit,
since 1992 (Associate Judge, 1986 92) Member, Confci
ence of Circuit Judges (judicial selections committee, cnmi
nal law & proceduie committee) Associate Judge, District
Court of Maryland, District 6, Montgomery County, 1983
86 Member, Commission on the Futuie of Maryland
( ourts, 1995— Born in Washington, DC, April 20, 1933
Washington and Lee University, B S,
1955, George Washing
ton University School of Law,
LLB, 1959 Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1965 Member, Maryland State, District of
Columbia and Montgomery County Bar Associations

MARTIN P. WELCH. Associate Judge, Baltimore City
Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 1992 (adminis
tratne judge, )UM.nile court, 1995 ) Chief, Corporate
Division, Baltimore City Department of Law 1987 92
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, September 17,1953 Catons-
ville Sr High School, Frostburg State College, BS, 1974,
University ofMal viand School of Law, J D, 1977 Admitted
to Maryland Bar, 1980 Member, Monumental Bar Asso
elation Board of Advisors,
Frostburg State University Past
president, Citizens Planning and Housing Association
Member, Baltimore City
Bar Foundation

CYPERT O. WHITPILL. Associate Judge, Harford
County Circuit C ourt, 3rd Judicial Circuit, since 1982
Assistant and C it\ Attorney, Havre de Grace, 1965 79
Member, Harford Count) Charter Board, 1971 Chair,
Harford County Police Needs Study C ommission, 1973
Member, Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, 1984
Member, State Advisory Board tor Jinenile Services,
1988 91 Born in Floyd County, Texas, January 25, 1937
F/oydada, Texas, public schools, Texas Technological College,
1955 57, St Man's College of Maryland, 1957 59, Univer-
sity of Maryland School of Law, LL B, cum laude, 1965
Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1965 Served three years in US
Army, attended U S Army Language School

JAMES OWEN WISE. Circuit Admini-,tiati\e Judge
and County Administrative Judge, Caroline Count) Cir
cult Court, 2nd Judicial Circuit, since 1987 (Associate
Judge, 1982-87) State's Attorney, ( aroline C ounty,
1970 78 Legal officer, Potomac River Fisheries Commis
sion, 1976 82 Chair, Caroline County Government
Study Commission, 1981 Boinin Easton, Maryland, July
8, 1938 Caroline High School, Washington and
Lee Uni-
versity.BA, I960 Served in US Army, 1961, US A»my
Reserves, 1961-69 University of Maryland School of Law,
LL B, 1965 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1965 Pi
Denton Volunteer Fire Company, 1970 73 P»esidcnt, Ro
taryClubofDenton, 1981-82 Membel, Temple Lodge 128,
AF&AM President, Board of T; ustees, Peninsula Confer
ence, United Methodist Church,
1985 88

MARTIN A. WOLFF. Associate Judge, Anne Arundel
County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since 1979
Assistant State's Attorney, Anne Arundel County, 1969 71
Deputy State's Attorney, Anne Arundel Count), 1971 77
Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 7,
Anne Arundel County, 1977 79 Born in Nashville Lennes
see, May 11, 1938 Baltimore City schools. University of Mary-
land, BA, 1961, University of Baltimore School of law,
LL B, 1964 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1964

ROBERT J. WOODS. Chief Judge, Pnncc George's
County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since 1995
(Associate Judge, 1976—) Assistant State's Attorney,
Pnnce George's County, 1966 69 Associate Judge, District
Court of Maryland, District 5, Pnnce George's ( ounty,
1971 76 Bom in Washington, DC, February 16 1933
Gonsaga High School, Washington,
DC, Georgetown Umver
sity, B S S, 1956, Catholic University Law School, JD, 1962
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1963 Member, Maryland State
and Pnnce George's County Bar Associations

SYLVANIA W. WOODS Associate Judge, Pnnce
George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial ( ircuit, since
1994 Associate Judge, Pnnce George's County, Distiict 5,
District Court of Maryland, 1976 94 Born in Fort Games,
Georgia, August 4, 1927 Attended public schools in Fort
Games Served in US Navy, 1943-45 Moms Brown College,
Atlanta, B A, 1949, Atlanta University, American Umver
sity School of Law, JD, 1960 Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1969 Member, Washington, District of Columbia and Pi ince
George's County Bar Associations Vice Chair, Prince George's
County Democratic Party, regional vice chair, Maryland
State Democratic Party, 1974 76 Judge advocate, American
Legion, Department of Maryland, 1975

DAVID W. YOUNG. Associate Judge, Baltimore C itv
Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 199S I^cgal Re
porter, Baltimore County Commission on Charter Rev ision,
1977 Assistant City Solicitor, Baltimore Cir>, 1980 85
Member, Selective Service System Local Board, 1980—
Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1,
Baltimore City, 1985 95 Born in Hagerstown, Maryland,
August 26, 1951 North Hagerstown High School, Hager-
stown Junior College, A A, 1971, University of Maryland
Baltimore County, B A, 1974, University of Maryland School
of Law,] D, 1977 Admitted to Maryland Bai,
1980 Mew
her, American, Baltimore City and Monumental City Bar
Associations Law clerk to Judge David T Mason,
( ourt of
Special Appeals, 1978 80 President, Board of Managers,
Druid Hill Family
YMCA, 1990— Board of Directors,
Family and Children's Services of Central Maryland, Balti
more Reads, Inc Steering committee. Second Generation
Scholarship Fund (UMBC), advisory committee,
Bay Outward Bound Program Named outstanding young
man of America by National Jaycees, 1979 Commendation,
Baltimore City Police Dept, 1981, certificate of appreciation,
Baltimore Chapter, American Red Cross, 1984,
tion, Baltimore City Board of Estimates, 1985 Named Out-
standing Alumnus,
UMBC, 1992



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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
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