Jonathan Davis Consistory no One, 33 degree, Mecca
Temple, no Ten Shnners Chair, Patuxent District N C A,
Boy Scouts of America, 1993 94 Member, parish council,
St Joseph's Church, Landover
DAVID B. MITCHELL. Associate Judge, Baltimore
City C ircuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 1984 (Ad
ministrative Judge, Juvenile Court, 1984 95) Assistant
chief, Case Preparation Unit, State's Attorney's Office,
Baltimore City, 1972 73 Assistant Public Defender, Bal
timore City, 1973 Board of Dircctois, rcdcial Picuial
Release Program, 1975 84 Board of Advisors, Dundalk
Community College Paralegal Program Member, Attor
ney Grievance Commission, 1979 83, Character Corn
mittee, 8th Judicial Circuit, 1979 84, Court of Appeals
Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure,
1983 84, Maryland Juvenile Justice Advisor}' Council,
1985 89 Chair, Committee on Juvenile and Family Law
and Procedure, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1986 88
Born in Bronx, New York, May 25,1945 The Peddle School,
Hightstown, New Jersey, Fisk University, BA, 1967, Co
lumbta University School of Law, J D, 1970 Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1970 Member, National Bar Association
(committees on professional ethics & commercial law),
Maryland State Bar Association (council of Juvenile &
family law, committees on professional responsibility &fee
disputes). Monumental City Bar Association (past vice
pres, chair. Judicial selections committee), National Coun
cil of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (chair,
metropolitan court judges committee, 1988-89, board of
trustees, 1988—) Associate, Brown, Allen &Josey, 1970-72
Founding partner, Mitchell & Lee, 1973-84 Lecturer and
faculty. National College of Juvenile and Family Law Past
member. Board of Trustees, Visiting Nurse Association of
Baltimore, Inc, American Society of Hospital Attorneys
Chair, Board of Trustees, Associated Marine Institutes
President, Board of Trustees, The Peddle School, Fort Small-
wood Marine Institutes, Inc Member, Church of the Holy
Trinity President, Baltimore Fisk Club Member, Inter
Alumni Council of Maryland, Intergovernmental Rela-
tions Committee, United Way of Central Maryland
Lawrence S Greenbaum Prize for Appellate Advocacy,
Columbia University School of Law
DANIEL W. MOYLAN Associate Judge, Washington
C ounty Circuit Court, 4th Judicial Circuit, since J982
Assistant U S Attorney, District of Maryland, 1962 64
Trial Magistrate, Washington County, 1965 67 State's
Attorney, WasJungton County, 1971 75 Board of Visitors,
Maryland School for the Deaf, 1965 84 (pres , 1983 84)
Member, Washington County Council on Alcoholism
Member, Review Board, Attorney Grievance Commission,
1975 79 Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland,
District 11, Washington County, 1979 82 Born in Balti
more, Maryland, February 21, 1934 Western Maryland
College, A B, 1956 Served in U S Army, 1956-58 University
of Maryland School of Law, LL B, JD, 1961 Law clerk to
Judge William L Henderson, Court of Appeals, 1961 Ad-
mitted to Maryland Bar, 1961 Member, American Bar
Association (advisory commission on youth alcohol & drug
problems, 1986), Maryland State Bar Association (chair,
special committee on adolescent alcoholism, addiction, & al
cohol & drug abuse, 1985 86), Washington County Bar
Association, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court
Judges (committee on alcohol & substance abuse, 1986)
Part time instructor (business law), Frostburg State College,
1972 76, participant, American Academy for Judicial Edu
cation television series for continuing legal education, 1973-
74, part-time instructor, Maryland Police Academy, 1973 85
ROBERT C. NALLEY. County Administrative Judge,
Charles County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since
1995 (Associate Judge, 1980, 1988—) Assistant State's
Attorney, Deputy State's Attorney, C harles County, 1971
75 State's Attorney, Charles County, 1975 80 Admims
tram e Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 4, C harles
County, 1983 88 (Associate Judge, 1981 83) Chair,
Distnct Advisory Board, District 4, Publ c Defender S} s
tern, 1983— Born in Washington, DC, September 18,1943
Attended parochial schools in Charlesand St Mary's Counties,
GonzagaHtgh School, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama,
BS, 1965, Georgetown University School of I an', JD, 1969
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1969, District of Columbia Bar,
1970 Served in U S Army, 1969 71 Member American,
Maryland State and Chai les C ounti Bar Associations
C. PIIILIF NICHOLS, JR. Associate Judge, Pnnce
George's County C ircuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since
1992 Chief Judge Orphans' (ouit, Pnnce George's
County, 1982 85 (Associate Judge, 1977 82) Associate
Judge, Prince George's County, District S, District Court
of Maryland, 1985 92 Member, Administrative Judges
Committee, District Court of Mary land, 1986 91 Chair,
Civil Law and Procedure C ommittec, Maryland Judicial
Conference, 1990 91 Born m Pnnce George's County,
Maryland, June 23, 1947 Laurel public and parochial
schools, LaSalle Military Academy Oakdale, New York,
1965, Georgetown University, AB, 1969, University of
Baltimore School of Law, ] D, 1973 Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1973 Member, Maryland State Bar Association
(board of governors, 1985 86, 1990 92) Prince George's
County Bar Association (pros, 1989-90), Maryland Asso-
ciation of Judges of the Orphans' Court (pres, 1981 85)
Captain, US Naval Reserve, and Senioi Reserve Military
Judge, US Navy, 1995— Membci, Rotan C lubofLamel
(pres, 1980) Board of Directors, St Vincent Palotti High
School, 1988 95, Lam el Regional Hospital, 1989— Hon
orary life member, Laurel Volunteer File Department
Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation
THOMAS E. NOEL. Associate Judge Baltimore City
Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 1983 Attorney,
Office of Public Defender, 1975 81 Assistant attorney
general, 1981 83 Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August
17, 1948 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, Morgan State
College, BS, 1971, University of Maryland School of Law,
JD, 1975 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1975 Member,
Maryland State, Monumental City and Baltimore City Bar
Associations Distinguished Alumnus Awmd, Black Law
Students Association, University of Maryland Sehooloflaw
PAMELA LEE NORTH. Associate Judge, Anne Arun
del County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since 1995
Assistant Public Defender, Anne Arundcl ( ounty, 1989
91 Born in Baltimore, Maryland, September 12, 1952
University of Maryland Baltimore County, B A (phlloso
phy), University of Baltimore School of law, JD, 1982
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1983 Member, Maryland
State and Anne Arundel County Bar Associations Board
of Directors, Annapolis Youth Servicd Buicau
DARLENE G. PERRY. Associate )udge. Prince
George's County Circuit C ourt, 7th Judicial ( ircuit, since
1985 Associate Public Defender, Prince George's
County, 1972 85 (chief, felony trial section, 1978 8^)
Inquiry Committee, Attornc) Gne\ancc Commission,
1975 82 Born in Virginia, 1939 Fastnn College of Corn
merce. University of Baltimore School of I aw J D, 1972
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1972 Member, Maryland
State Bar Association (board of governors, 1983 84), Prince
George's County Bar Association (executive seci etary, 1966
71, board of directors, 1972 86), Women sBa» Association,
J Franklyn Bourne Bar Association Partner, Camus &
Perry, 1978-85 Founder, Law Foundation of Prince
George's County, 1983 Master of the Bench Pnnce George's
Inn of American Inns of Court
S. MICHAEL PINCUS. Associate Judge, Montgomery
County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial C ircuit, since 1993
Domestic Relations Master, Montgomer) C ount) Circuit
Court, 1988 91 Associate Judge, District Court of Mar\
land. District 6, Montgomery Counn, 1991 93 Born in
Washington, DC, February 25 1939 Kladensburg High