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Maryland Manual, 1996-97
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County Bar Association (pres, 1970 71), American Trial
Lawyers Association, 1973 89, National Council of Juve-
nile Court
Judges, 1975—, American Judicature Society,
1975, Maryland Masters Association,
1985-89, Maryland
Trial Lowers Association,
1988 89 Representative of
Maryland Coalition Against
Sexual Assault, 1983 85
Patuxent River Council Now
League of the U S, 1986—
(elected Judge Advocate, 1987—) Board of Directors, St
Mary's Hospital, 1977-78 Lexington Park Rotary Club
1975-76), St Mary's County Chamber of Commerce,
1974 89

RAYMOND J. KANE, JR. County Administrative
Judge, Howard County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Cir
cuit, since 1991 (Associate Judge, 1982—) Assistant
State's Attorney, Howard County, 1966 Counsel to
Howard County Welfare Board, 1967, counsel to
Howard County Park Board Associate Judge, District
Court of Maryland, District 10, Howard County, 1977
82 (Administrative Judge, 1980 82) Born in Baltimore,
Maryland, June 9, 1938 Calvert Hall
High School, Loyola
College, University of Maryland School of Law, LL B, 1963
Admitted to Maryland Bai, 1964 Served in U S Army
Reserve, 1957 63 Member, Maryland State Bar Associa
tion, Howard County Bar Association (pres ,1976 77) Past
president, Ellicott City Junior Chamber of Commerce Co-
Howard County Code, 1970 and 1972 editions

JOSEPH H. H. KAPLAN Circuit Administrative Judge,
Baltimore City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since
1984 (Associate Judge, 1977—) Assistant U S Attorney
for the District of Maryland, 1963 65 Past executive secre
tary. Mayor's Advisory Commission on Crime, Baltimore
City Member, Maryland C ommission on Human Rela
tions,1969 71 Member, Expenditure Control Committee,
Baltimore City, 1972 77, Board of Ethics, Baltimore City,
1972 77 President, Civil Service Commission of Baltimore
City, 1972 77 Chair, Balumore City Executive Pay Plan
Committee, 1975 77 Member, Court of Appeals Standing
Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1982—
Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference,
1983 87 Member, Conference of Circuit Judges, 1984—
Chair, State Federal Judicial Council, 1989— Chair, Sen
tencmg Guidelines Advisor} Board, Maryland Judicial Con
terence, 1990—(member, 1981—) Co Chair, Sentencing
and Intermediate Sancuons Task Force of Cabinet Council
on Cnminal and Juvenile Justice, 1995— Member, Corn
mission on the Future of Maryland Courts, 1995— Born
in Brooklyn, New York, January 2, 1937 The Johns Hopkins
University, AB, 1957, University of Chicago Law School,
JD, I960 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1961 Served in US
Army, US Army National Guard, US Air Farce Reserve,
and U
S Navy Reserve Member, American and Baltimore
City Bar Associations, Maryland State Bar Association (co
chair, alternative dispute resolution committee,
President, Library Company of the Baltimore Bar, 1979 83
(board member, 1977—) ( hair, Alcoholism Services Advisory
Committee of Alcohol and
Drug Abuse Program, University
of Maryland School of Medicine, 197985 Trustee, Wood
bourne Center,
1967 82 President, Quarter Way House, Inc,
1977 79 Honorary board member. Asthma
& Allergy Faun
dation of America, Maryland Chapter Past officer. Big
Brothers and Big Sisters of Central Maryland, Inc, Dismas
House Member,
Ser/eants' Inn Law Club, Barristers' Law
Club, Lawyers Round Table Law Club President, J Dudley
Digges Inn, American Inns of Court, 1990 91

MARTHA G KAVANAUGH. Associate Judge,
Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit,
since 1995 Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery
County, 1978 84 Member, Montgomery County
Spouse Abuse Commission, 1982— Member, Character
Committee of Court of Appeals, 1990 93 Associate
Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6,
Montgomery County, 1993 95 Born in Newark, New
Jersey, September 23, 1941 Trinity
College, BA, 1963,

MAT, 1968, Washington College of Law, The American
University, J D, cum laude, 1978 Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1978 Member, Maryland State, District of Columbia,
Montgomery County and Women's Bar Associations Ad
Junct professor (trial practice), Washington College of Law,
The American University, 1990 92

SHERRIE L. KRAUSER. Associate Judge, Prince
George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since
1995 Associate Judge, Prince George's County, District
5, District Court of Maryland, 1989 95 Born in Wash-
ington, DC, September 11, 1950 University of Maryland,
BA, cum laude, 1970, Duke University I aw School, JD,
1973 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1973 Member, Mary
land State, Prince George's County and
Women's Bar
Associations Member, Prince George's Count) Women Law
yers' Caucus Editorial board,
Duke Law Journal Presi-
dent's award for extraordinary service, Prince George's
County Bar Association, 1986

WARREN J. KRUG. County Administrative Judge, Cal
vert County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit, since 1995
(Associate Judge, 1993—) Estate Tax Attorney, Internal
Revenue Service, 1969 71 Standing Fxaminer, Calvert
County Circuit Court, 1972 93 Born in Washington, DC,
March 28, 1942 George Washington University, BA, 1964,
University of Maryland School of Law, J D 1969 Admitted
to Maryland Bar, 1969, US District Court of Maryland,
1973, US Supreme Court, 1973 Member, American, Mary
land State and Calvert County Bar Associations, past mem
her, Federal Bar Association Member, Delta Theta Phi legal
fraternity Director, Calvert County Chapter, American
Cancer Society Director, past president, German Orphan
Home Association, Inc Teacher, Calvert County Adult Edu
cation Program Attorney,
Handen and K»ug, PA (for-
merly, Handen &Singerman),
1971 93

DIANE O. LEASURE Associate Judge, Howard County
Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since 1995 Born in
Cumberland, Maryland, June 11, 1952 Glassboro State Col
lege, B A, Magna cum Laude, 1974, Drexel University, M S,
1977,Rutgers University School of Law, J D ,1982 Admitted
to Maryland Bar, 1982 Member, American Bar Association,
Federal Bar Association (board of governors, 1994—), Vir
ginia State Bar Association, Maryland State Bar Association
(board of governors, 1995—, executive committee, 1995—,
chair, committee on planning, 1995—, Women's Bar Associa-
tion of Maryland (long-range planning committee, 1995—),
Prince George's County Bar Association (pres, 1994-95),
Howard County Bar Association Member, Association of
Trial Lawyers of America, Maryland Trial Lawyers' Associa
tion, Marlborough Inn of Court President's Award for Out
standing Contributions to the Bar and the Community, Prince
George's County Bar Association 1991, 1994

GARY G. LEASURE Associate Judge, Allegany
County Circuit Court, 4th Judicial Circuit, since 1983
Frostburg City Attorney, 1975 78 Assistant County At
torney for Allegany County, 1977 82 County Attorney
for Allegan) County, 1982 83 Born in Cumberland,
Maryland, July 7, 1946 Allegany High School, Frostburg
State College, BS, 1968 Served in US Army Reserve,
1969 75 University of Maryland School of law, J D, 1972
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1972 Member, American,
Maryland State and Allegany County Bar Associations

EUGENE M. LERNER- Associate Judge, Anne Arun
del County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since 1979
Attorney for Anne Arundel County Electrical Board,
1957 58 Maryland Trial Magistrate, 1958 59 Member,
Annapolis Planning and Zoning Commission, 1961 63
Alderman, City of Annapolis, 1961 6^ Attorney for City
of Annapolis, 1969 79 Born in Annapolis, Maryland,
December 18, 1931 Annapolis High School, University of
Maryland, 1948 50, University of Baltimore School of Law,
JD, 1954 Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1954 Served in
US Army, 1954 56 Member, Anne Arundel County Bar



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