Rhoda M Dorsey, Ph D , Chair, 1997
Appointed by Governor Douglas L Becker, Robert
C Embry, Jr , Esq , Susan M Kolodner, Courtney
J McKeldin, Marion W Pines, Jan C Rivitz,
Samuel Sanchez Terms expire 1997
Dallas R Evans, Sarah Brooks From, Shanaysha M
Furlow, Charles A Johnson, Sally J Michel, Shan
Taylor Wilson, Terms expire 1998
Philip L Collyer, Edgar F Koch, James S Jeffers,
Pamela J Nelson, Hazel L Ricker, Frances R
Rothstein Terms expire 1999
Ex officio Nancy S Grasmick, Ph D , State
Superintendent of Schools
Ex officio (mnvoting) Alvm C Collms, Secretary of
Human Resources, Stuart O Simms, Secretary of
Juvenile Justice, John R, Griffin, Secretary of Natural
Resources, Patricia S Florestano, Ph D , Secretary of
Higher Education, Margaret A O'Neill, Director,
Office on Volunteensm, Cathy L Brill, Director,
Volunteer Maryland, Laune Denne, Director,
Maryland Conservation Corps, Luke Frazier,
Director, Maryland Student Service Alliance, Jerry E
Yates, Director, Maryland Delaware Acuon Agency
Manlyn W Smith, Ph D , Executive Director
300 West Preston St, 6th floor
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 767-1216
Annual Report to Governor due Dec 31
Updated Three Tear Plan for service programs due
May 1
The Governor's Commission on Service was
formed by the Governor in January 1994 (Execu
tive Order 01 01 1994 01) At that time, the Corn
mission assumed responsibilities of the Governor's
Ad\ isory Board on Service and Citizenship, and the
Governor's Volunteer Council
The Commission oversees Maryland's participa-
tion in the National and Community Trust Act of
1993 The Act requires participating states to de
velop, update, and implement a three year strategic
plan for service programs Submitted in May 1994,
the plan sets funding and program priorities for
allocation of federal funds in Maryland With the
Go\ ernor's approval, the Commission may apply to
the Corporation for National Service and other
public and private sources for additional funding
Appomted by the Governor, the Commission has
up to twenty five members who serve three-year
terms The Governor names the Executive Director
Charles D Lippy, Chair
Designee of Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene
Ins A Gordon
Designee of Secretary of Human Resources one vacancy
Desynee of Secretary of Transportation Barbara Fisher
Destgnee of State Superintendent of Schools Jean Jackson
Designee of Director on Aging Susan Russell
Desigwee of Director, Office for Individuals with
Disabilities Brian Cox
c/ o Office of Planning & Programming
Mass Transit Administration
6 St Paul St
Baltimore, MD 21202—1614 (410) 767-3765
TDD (410) 539 3497
The Governor created the Interagency Corn
mittee on Specialized Transportation in 1975 (Ex
ecutive Order 01 01 1975 02)
In 1993, the Committee developed a plan to
administer and use federal funds available under
section 16 of the Federal Transit Act of 1992 (P L
102 240) Administered by the Mass Transit Ad
ministration, these monies fund transportation of
the elderly and persons with disabilities The Corn
mittee reviews applications from State government
agencies for vehicles and equipment used to pro
vide these transportation services
Harry A Cole, Chair
Appointed by Governor (who names chair) Fred
Lazarus IV, James E Lewis, Dianne A Magruder,
Edward C Papenfuse, Ph D , Kenneth G Rodgers,
Areca H Sampson
Contact Nikki Smith
c/ o Division of Historical & Cultural Programs
Dept of Housing & Community Development
100 Community Place
Crownsville, MD 21032 (410) 514 7654
A memorial statue will be erected by the State
of Maryland to honor her native son, Thurgood
Marshall (1908-1993) Justice Marshall served
on the U S Supreme Court from 1967 to 1991
In 1954, as chief counsel to the National Asso
elation for the Advancement of Colored People,
he argued against school segregation before the
U S Supreme Court in the landmark case of
Brown v Board of Education