Center and the Tome School in Cecil County The
property is being transferred to the Maryland Eco
nomic Development Corporation for industrial de
Brandon J Price, Ph D , Chair, 1998
Appointed by Board of Directors (which names chair)
M J (Jay) Brodie, 1996, Edward L Cahill, 1996, M
James Barren, Ph D , 1997, Thomas C Fisher, 1997,
Barbara Plantholt Melera, 1997, Mark L Wasserman,
1997, Bruce K Hamilton, Ph D , 1998, Patrick P
Hervy, 1998, Deborah A Smeltzer, 1998
Ex officio Victor L Hoskms, designee of Secretary of
Business & Economic Development, Rita R, Colwell,
Ph D , designee of President, University of Maryland
System, Theodore Poehler, Ph D , designee of
President, The Johns Hopkms University
Patncc M Cromwell, Executive Director
Maryland Bioprocessmg Center, Inc
Johns Hopkms Bayview Research Campus
5210 Eastern Ave (410) 558 9065
Baltimore, MD 21224 fax (410)558-9064
The Governor appointed the original Board of
Directors of the Maryland Bioprocessmg Center, Inc ,
in December 1991 The Center is a private, nonprofit
organization created by industry leaders from across
Maryland in conjunction with The Johns Hopkins
University, the University of Maryland System, and
Maryland State government The Center supports
and promotes the manufacturing and commercial
development of biotechnology in Maryland
To capitalize on the State's renowned biomechcal
research base, the Center built a "scale up" biophar
maceuncal manufacturing facility in hast Baltimore at
the Bayview Industrial Park, 5901 East Lombard
Street The Bioprocessmg Center facility, known as the
BioCenter, opened m the summer of 1996 The facility
offers biotechnology companies affordable access in
Maryland to pharmaceutical-grade (GMP) manufac-
turing facilities, equipment, technical expertise, and
regulatory guidance Maryland companies receive pn
only access to the facility and may apply for financial
incentive awards to lower their manufactunng costs
The Center's Board of Directors is self-perpetuating
Members sen e three year terms Three serve ex officio
C hnstian H Pomdexter, Chair, 1997
Appointed by Governor (who names chair) Martin D
AbelofF, MD, 1996, Patricia O Horsey, 1996,
Genevieve M Matanoski, M D , 1996, Constance
M Unsold, 1996, Michele H Bloch, M D , 1997,
Ernest C Borden, M D , 1997, Famebndge C
Payne, 1997, Mary Sexton, Ph D , 1997, one vacancy
Designated by Senate President Paul G Pmskv, 1997
Desi^gnated by House Speaker Kathenne Klausmeier, 1996
Ex officio Mary Jo Garreis, designee of Secretary of
the Environment, Georges C Benjamin, M D ,
designee of Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene,
David J Ramsay, D M , D Phil , President,
University of Maryland at Baltimore
Nonvoting member Regma el Arculli, National
Cancer Institute
U Michael Curne, Executive Director
c/ o Dept of Health & Mental Hygiene
201 West Preston St, Suite 200
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 767 4055
Annual Report to Governor due Dec 1
The State Council on Cancer Control was author
ized by the Governor m June 1991 (Executive Order
01 01 1991 22) The Council works with the Gover
nor to develop a comprehensive State police and pro
gram to reduce the incidence of cancer in Maryland
The Council also recommends programs for public
education, prevention and treatment of cancer, and
access to testing, screening, and treatment It evaluates
existing and planned programs and promotes pubhc
private partnerships to lower the incidence of cancer
The Council sets the goals and priorities of the
Cancer Surveillance System, which collects data on
incidence, diagnostic stage, mortality, and risk fac
tors for cancer Through the Maryland Cancer
Registry Advisory Committee, the System also uses
the Maryland Cancer Registry as a tool to plan
evaluate, and target cancer control programs
The Council has fifteen members Twelve are
appointed to two year terms by the Governor
Three serve ex officio
Chair Stuart O Simms, Secretary of Juvenile JusUce
c/o Office of the Secretary
Dept of Juvenile Justice
2323 Eastern Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21220^207 (410) 780 7800
The Governor formed the Task Force on the Fair
Imposition of Capital Punishment in July 1996