Maryland Manual 1996-1997 State Senate / 61
ROY P. DYSON, Democrat, District 29, Calvert & St. Mary's Counties. Member of
House of Delegates, 1975-81; Environmental Matters Committee. Member of U.S.
House of Representatives, 1981-91 (elected 1st pres. of 1981 Freshman Democrats Class);
Armed Services Committee; Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee. Member of
Senate since 1995. Member, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee, 1995—
(education subcommittee). Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical
Areas, 1995—. Born in Great Mills, Maryland, November 15, 1948. Attended University of
Baltimore; Montgomery Junior College; University of Maryland. Legislative assistant and
research director for Congressman William D. Ford of Michigan. Special assistant, Subcom-
mittee on Agricultural Labor, U.S. House of Representatives. Former assistant director of
Operations, Democratic National Committee. Member, Knights of Columbus; Elks; Moose
Lodge; Fraternal Order of the Police; Maryland Farm Bureau. Outstanding Young Man of
the Year, 1977. Delegate to 1978 Democratic National Conference; presidential elector to
1976 Electoral College from 1st Congressional District. Annapolis office: 215 James Senate
Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3673.
TIMOTHY R. FERGUSON, Republican, District 4, Frederick & Carroll Counties.
Member of Senate since 1995. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 1995—;
Executive Nominations Committee, 1995—; Joint Committee on Investigations. Born in
Baltimore, Maryland, January 22, 1955. Attended Eastern Vocational-Technical High
School, Essex; Broome County Community College, New York, 1984. Engineering consultant.
President, South Carroll Republican Club, 1992. Member, Farm Bureau; Jaycees; 4-H;
Chamber of Commerce; Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD); National Rifle Associa-
tion (NRA). Listed in Who's Who of Rising Young Americans. Married; two children.
District office: P.O. Box 46, Mt. Airy 21771. Annapolis office: 403 James Senate Office
Bldg., 21401-1991, tel. (410) 841-3704.
JENNIE M. FOREHAND, Democrat, District 17, Montgomery County. Member,
House of Delegates, 1978-94; Appropriations Committee; Joint Committee on Adminis-
trative, Executive and Legislative Review; Joint Subcommittee on Program Open Space
and Agricultural Land Preservation. House Chair, Joint Committee on the Management
of Public Funds. Member, Senate since 1995; Judicial Proceedings Committee; Executive
Nominations Committee; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative
Review; Joint Committee on the Management of Public Funds. Southern Legislative Conf.
(vice-chair, econ. & cultural dev. comm.). Born in Nashville, Tennessee. Univ. of North
Carolina, B.S. (industrial relations). Former teacher, juvenile court probation counselor,
businesswoman. National Institutes of Health Bio-Safety Committee. Co-Chair, Governor's
Task Force on Senior Citizen Activity Centers. Member, State Advisory Council on Physical
Fitness; Girl Scout Advisory Council; AAUW; Women's Political Caucus; Peerless Rockville
& Gaithersburg Historic Preservation Assocs.; Montgomery Co. Arts Council. Board member:
Md. College of Art & Design; Rockville Arts Place; Univ. of Md. Center for Political Lead-
ership; Asbury Methodist Homes. Past chair, RICA -Rockville Citizens' Advisory Bd. Past
member, Montgomery Co. Health Services Planning Bd.; Md. Community Mental Health
Council; Rockville Economic Development Council; Lung Assoc. Methodist Board of Church
& Society. Married; two children. District office: 712 Smallwood Rd., Rockville 20850-
2144; tel. (301) 762-4772. Annapolis office: 214 James Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991;
tel. (301) 858-3134, (410) 841-3134.
BRIAN E. FROSH, Democrat, District 16, Montgomery County. House of Delegates,
1987-94; Environmental Matters Committee, 1987-94; Tort and Insurance Reform Over-
sight Committee, 1988-93; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 1991-94. Chair,
Montgomery County Delegation, 1991-93. Member, Senate since 1995; Economic and
Environmental Affairs Committee, 1995— (chair, environment subcommittee); Joint
Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas, 1995—. Born in Washington, DC, October
8, 1946. Attended Montgomery County public schools; Walter Johnson High School; Wesleyan
Univ., B.A., 1968; Columbia Univ. School of Law, J.D., 1971. Attorney. Member,
Montgomery County Bar Association. Governor's Energy Task Force, 1991-93; State Economic
Growth, Resource Protection, and Planning Commission, 1995—; Chesapeake Bay Commis-
sion, 1995—; Maryland Environmental Trust, 1995—; Task Force to Review the State's
Election Law, 1995—. State legislative liaison, Md. Department of Employment and Social
Services, 1971-72. Legislative assistant to U.S. Senator Harrison A. Williams, Jr., of New
Jersey, 1972-76. National Advisory Council, U.S. Small Business Administration, 1981-82.
Montgomery County Charter Review Commission, 1983-86. Board of Directors, Hebrew
Home of Greater Washington, 1986—- Married; two children. District office: 7315 Wiscon-
sin Ave., #800W, Bethesda 20814-3202; tel. (301) 652-2888. Annapolis office: 202 James
Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (301) 858-3124.