58 / State Senate Maryland Manual 1996 1997
WALTER M. BAKER, Democrat, District 36, Cecil, Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne's &
Talbot Counties. Member, Senate since 1979, Rules Committee, Executive Nominations
Committee, Legislative Policy Committee. Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 1987—
Senate Chair, Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee, 1988-93 Joint Task Force
on Catastrophic Liability Insurance Fund and Maryland Reinsurance Exchange, 1986; Na-
tional Conf. of State Legislatures, Southern Legislative Conf. of State Governments. Born in
Port Deposit, Maryland, September 23, 1927. Served in U.S. Army, 1950-53. Washington College,
B.A., 1960, Univ. of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1960. State's Attorney, Cecil County,
1963-66. Maryland Sentencing Guidelines Board, Governor's Task Force to Review the Defense
of Insanity, 1982-84, Governor's Task Force on Correctional Rehabilitation, 1983, Governor's
Task Force on Time-Sharing, 1983-84, Task Force to Study the Maryland Tax Court 1984 85,
Joint Executive/legislative Task Force on Medical Malpractice Insurance, 1985; Court of Appeals
Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1985 95, Task Force to Study Revision
of Inheritance and Estate Tax Laws, 1987. Past pres., dir., Cecil Co. Bar Assoc., past pres., Young
Democrat Club of Washington College & Cecil Co. Elkton Rotary Club (past dir., pres.), Ameri-
can Legion, VFW Sadler Award, Washington College, 1960. Married, two children. District
office 153 East Main St., Elkton 21921-5975, tel. (410) 398-0980 Annapolis office: 301 James
Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991, tel. (410) 841-3639
CLARENCE W. BLOUNT, Democrat, District 41, Baltimore City. Member, Senate
since 1971. Majority Leader 1983—, Rules Committee, Executive Nominations Com-
mittee. Legislative Policy Committee. Joint Budget and Audit Committee, Spending Af-
fordability Committee. Chair, Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee, 1987—.
Co Chair, Joint Committee on State Economic Development Initiatives. Urban Affairs
Committee, National Conf. of State Legislatures. Baltimore City public schools, Morgan
State College, B.A., 1950, The Johns Hopkins Univ., M.L.A , 1965, Georgetown Univ. Edu-
cator. Served in US Army, World War II (Combat Commission). Education Commission
of the States, Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, 1984-85, Governor's
Commission on Teacher Salaries and Incentives, 1986-87, Task Force on School Construction
Finance, 1987; Governor's Commission on School Performance, 1987-89, Governor's Transi-
tion Team for Higher Education, 1988; Governor's Task Force on SPECTRUM—Housing
for Economic Growth, 1990; Task Force on the Charles H. Hickey, Jr. School, 1991; Governor's
Task Force on School Construction 1992-95, Governor's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission,
1992-1995. Chair, Urban Services Commission, Baltimore City National Democratic Com-
mittee; Academy of Political & Social Science; Baltimore Urban League; NAACP; Alpha
Phi Alpha; Gamma Boule. Bd. of Trustees, Sinai Hospital, Western Md. College. District
office: 4811 Liberty Heights Ave , Baltimore 21207, tel. (410) 466-1197. Annapolis
office 201 James Senate Office Bldg., 21401 1991, tel. (410) 841-3697.
F. VERNON BOOZER, Republican, District 9, Baltimore County. House of Delegates,
1971-79. Member, Senate since 1981; Budget and Taxation Committee, 1995—; Rules
Committee, 1995—, Legislative Policy Committee, 1990—, Joint Committee on the
Management of Public Funds, 1995—. Minority Whip, 1990—. Finance Committee,
1981-84, 1991-92, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 1985-90, 1993-94, Executive
Nominations Committee, 1984-94, Joint Budget and Audit Committee, 1984-94, Joint
Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 1994. Born in Norfolk,
Virginia, January 30, 1936. Duke Univ., A.B., 1958; Univ. of Maryland School of Law, J.D.,
1964. Attorney, Task Force on Economic Expansion of Service Industries, 1983; Humane
Practices Commission, 1984-85; Medical Transplant Study Commission, 1984-85; State Ad-
visory Council for Handicapped Individuals, 1984-86; Liability Insurance Task Force, 1985,
Task Force on Real Property Closing Costs, 1985-86; Task Force on Eating Disorders, 1986-89,
Task Force to Study the White Cane Law, 1987; State Advisory Council on Administrative
Hearings, 1990—; Governor's Task Force on Family Law, 1991; Correctional Options Advi-
sory Board, 1993—; Commission on the Future of Maryland Courts, 1995—, Family Violence
Council, 1995—. Trial Magistrate, Baltimore Co., 1967-68. Administrator of Loan Laws,
1968-69. Married, four children. District office: 614 Bosley Ave., Towson 21204-4066,
tel. (410) 828-0669, fax (410) 823-7530 Annapolis office 410 James Senate Office Bldg.,
21401-1991, tel. (410) 841-3706, fax 841-3569
THOMAS L. BROMWELL, Democrat, District 8, Baltimore County & Baltimore City.
Member, House of Delegates, 1979-83. Member, Senate since 1983; Rules Committee
Executive Nominations Committee, Legislative Policy Committee, Spending Affordability
Committee, Joint Committee on State Economic Development Initiatives, 1995—. Chair,
Finance Committee, 1995—. Senate Chair, Workers' Compensation Benefit and Insurance.
Oversight Committee Chair, Baltimore County Delegation, 1985-94. Member, Southern
Legislative Conference of State Governments. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 9, 1949.
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, Essex Community College, A.A. (business), 1972. Served in
Maryland Air Guard and U.S. Air Force. Member, Governor's Commission on Baltimore
City Automobile-Insurance Rate Reduction, 1995—. Member, Baltimore Co. Civic & Social
Club Overlea Fullerton Recreation Council, American Legion, Catholic War Veterans,
Save-A-Heart, Poly & Essex Community College Alumni Associations, National Football
Foundation, Baltimore Chapter. Sponsor, Handicapped Boy Scout Troop 730. Member, 8th
Dist. Democratic clubs. Legislator of Year, Md. Association of Counties, 1984. St. Joseph's
Parish. Four children. District office: 12 Redfield Ct., Baltimore 21236. Annapolis office:
Presidential Wing, James Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991, tel. (410) 841-3620