the Maryland Council on Higher Education in
1968 (Chapter 130,Acts of 1968) The State Board
for Higher Education replaced the Council in 1976
(Chapter 538, Acts of 1976) The Board in turn
was superseded in 1988 by the Maryland Higher
Education Commission the Commission imple
mented a reorganization of Maryland universities
and colleges in 1988 (Chapter 246, Acts of 1988)
In consultation with the governing boards and agen
cies concerned widi higher education, the Commission
develops and updates an overall plan, consistent with the
Maryland Charter for Higher Education, to coordinate
the growth and development of postsecondary educa
non in Maryland The Charter, adopted in 1988, sets
forth State goals for higher educauon (Code Education
Article, sees 10 201 through 10 212)
Appointed by the Governor, the Secretary of
Higher Education oversees the State's system of
higher education The Secretary also serves on the
Governor's Executive Council, the Governor's Corn
mission on Service, the Maryland Commission on
Manufacturing Competitiveness, the Education Co
ordinaong Committee, the Maryland Education
Council, the Education Coordinating Council for
Correctional Institutions, the Southern Regional
Education Board, and the Interdepartmental Advi
sory Committee for Minority Affairs
The Commission's twelve members are appointed
by the Governor with Senate advice and consent
Eleven serve five year terms, a student member has a
one year term The Governor names the chair (Code
Education Article, sees 11 101 through 11 206)
Mary S Bode, Assistant Secretary
The Division of Finance Policy started in 1988
as the Division of Finance and Policy Analysis and
received its present name in 1993 It oversees State
scholarship administration, finance, and facilities
The Division administers over $30 million in
State student financial aid For institutions of
higher education, the Division sets guidelines for
operating and capital budgets, analyzes campus
budget requests, and makes recommendations on
funding The Division also directs State aid for
community colleges and private institutions, and
capital improvements for community colleges
Linda J Weippert, Director
16 Francis St
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974 2462
The State Scholarship Administration began in
1961 as the State Scholarship Board (Chapter 412,
Acts of 1961) The Board was reorganized in 1988 as
the State Scholarship Administration under the Mary
land Higher Education Commission (Chapter 246,
Acts of 1988) The Administration is responsible
for all State student financial aid programs
John A Sabatmi, Jr , Ed D , Assistant Secretary
(410) 974 2750
The Division of Planning and Academic Affairs
was formed in 1988 The Division is responsible for
planning and academic affairs, and policy analysis
and research The Division approves academic pro
grams and new institutions, oversees postsecondary
institutions, including private career schools, and
analyzes the needs of and plans tor education and
training programs The Division also conducts data
analysis and research In addition, the Division
oversees the Maryland Fire Rescue Education and
Training Commission
Frederick E Porter, Administrator
Thomas J Bagmski, Chair, 1997
16 Francis St
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974 2971
In 1976, the Maryland Fire Rescue Fducation
and Training Commission was established within
the State Board for Higher Education (Chapter
682, Acts of 1976) The Commission was placed
under the Maryland Higher Education Commis
sion in 1988 (Chapter 246, Acts of 1988)
The Commission develops standards for fire,
rescue and emergency medical education and train
ing in Maryland To coordinate emergency scrv ices
training, the Commission develops and maintains a
statewide master plan, collects and disseminates
data, and reviews research on fire rescue education
The Commission works in cooperation with the
University of Maryland System
The Commission consists of thirteen members
appointed to four year terms by the Governor with
Senate advice and consent The Governor names
the chair (Code Education Article, sec 12 113)
Jennifer Burdick, Executive Director
6St Paul St, 9th floor
Baltimore, MD 21202—1631 (410) 767 8600
fax (410) 333 1841
toll tree 1 800 637 MCHR
TTY (410) 333 1737
World Wide Web
http // www mop md gov/ mchr/ index html