The Trust supervises and directs the renovation,
design, and furnishing of the seven State rooms of
Government House, the official residence of the
Governor The State rooms include the center hall,
the conservatory, the pnvate reception room, the
State dining room, the State drawing room, the
State parlour, and the State reception room The
Trust also is responsible for landscaping the
grounds of Government House, conserving and
restoring objects in the State rooms, and carrying
out the maintenance of the State rooms An mven
tory of furnishings in Government House is main
tamed by the Department of General Services
On behalf of the State, the Trust may receive
and accept gifts and loans of property for use in the
State rooms of Government House No improve
ment, alteration, addition, removal, or other
change in the internal design or furnishings of any
State room of Government House is authorized
unless approved by the Trust In performing its
duties and responsibilities, the Trust consults with
and seeks the advice of the Commission on Artistic
Property, and the Board of Trustees and Council of
the Maryland Historical Society
The Trust consists of seventeen members Four
teen are ex officio members, five of whom are
voting members Three nonvotmg public members
also are appointed by the Governor The Secretary
of General Services serves as chair (Code State
Government Article, sees 9 601 through 9 606)
George L Russell, Jr , Esq , Ch«»r
Appointed by Senate President Edward G Banks, Jr ,
Esq , Kenneth P Reichard, Ralph E Updike, M D
Appointed by House Speaker Neil W Brayton,
D D S , David Dager, George L Russell, Jr , Esq
Terms expire 1996
Ex officio Richard N Dixon, State Treasurer
Staff William S Ratchford II
c/o Department ofl-iscal Services
90 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410)841-3761
The Governor's Salary Commission was author
ized by Constitutional amendment ratified by the
voters on November 2, 1976 (Chapter 543, Acts ot
1976) The Commission recommends to the General
Assembly the salaries of the Governor and the Lieuten
ant Governor These recommendations are presented
as a legislative joint resolution and must be introduced
no later than the fifteenth day of the regular session
every fourth year The General Assembly may adopt or
reduce the Commission's proposed salaries, but may
not increase them If the General Assembly fails to
adopt or amend the joint resolution within fifty
calendar days after its introduction, the salaries
proposed by the Commission shall apply Salaries
recommended by the Commission and endorsed by
the General Assembly begin at the next term of the
Governor If the Commission fails to provide salary
recommendations, no salary changes can be made
For the term of office from 1995 to 1999, the
Governor's salary is $120,000 and the salary of the
Lieutenant Governor is $100,000
The Commission's seven members include the
State Treasurer, three appointees of the Senate
President, and three appointees of the House
Speaker Members serve four year terms (Const,
Art II, sees 1A,21,21A)
Thomas G Kroen, Chair, 1997
Appointed by Governor Paul D Brylske, Randall P
Cogar, Robert W Cullison, Thomas P Durkin,
Pearl L Gmtlmg, Charles G Greason, Frederick H
Habicht, Jr , Joseph G Sisolak, Jr , James F Skarda
III, one vacancy Terms expire 1997
Staff Michelle Vargo
c/o Maryland Environmental Service
2011 Commerce Park Drive
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974-7281
In 1981, the Hart Miller Pleasure Island Citizens
Oversight Committee was formed (Chapter 587, Acts
of 1981) The Committee monitors the redeposit of
spoil and Baltimore County tributary spoil within five
miles of the Hart Miller Pleasure Island chain in Bal
nmore County It also hears complaints lodged by
persons affected by this material
The Governor appoints the Committee's eleven
members (Code Environment Article, sec 5 1104)
Paul B Menu, Chair, 1999
Sheila K Riggs, Vice-Chair, 1998
Appointed by Governor (who names chair &
vice-chair) Thomas E Dobyns, Esq , 1996, Richard
W Phoebus, Sr, 1997, PaigeT Davis, 1998, Thomas
J S Waxter, Jr , Esq , 1999, Leonard I Frenkil, 2000,
Robert D H Harvey, 2000
Ex officio Richard N Dixon, State Treasurer
Donald P Carter, Executive Director
22 East Fayette St, 4th floor (410) 837 6220
Baltimore, MD 21202 fax (410) 685 1611