Hanna Szczepanowksa, Conservator
(410) 974 3914
Conservation Laboratory The Conservation
Laboratory preserves the physical integrity of ar
chives in many forms, including manuscript papers
and record books, microfilm, microfiche, photo-
graphs, published books, government publications,
maps, newspapers, and electronic files The Con-
servation Lab monitors environmental conditions
in temperature and humidity controlled storage
areas Where appropriate, conservation measures
are used These include deacidification of paper,
repair and restoration, mylar encapsulation, phase
boxing, and archival bookbinding
Preservation ana Access The State Archives pre
serves information with microfilm and digital im-
aging to expand access to historical documents
Sophisticated computer scanning technology and
microfilm produced to national preservation stand
ards preserve images of original materials These
procedures help individuals who are not able to use
originals at the Archives, and they preserve the
information value of fragile manuscripts, maps,
newspapers, and photographs
Preservation Outreach The State Archives partici-
pated in the work of the Task Force to Initiate Pres
ervanon Planning m Maryland and has assumed a
leading position in promoting preservation to orgam
zahons and individuals across the State The State
Archives was designated by the Task Force to coordi
nate public information, workshops, and low-cost
conservation services The goal is to ensure preserva
Oon of significant collections of books and documents
m Maryland libraries, museums, historical societies,
government offices, private organizations, and private
homes At the State Archives, conservation staff
conducts preservation workshops each spring
Patricia V Melville, Director
(410) 974-3914
Records are made accessible to the public and
government agencies through the search room and
by telephone, fax, and mail The search room is
open Tuesday through Saturday Telephone, fax
and mail reference services are available Monday
through Friday
Records are used for historical research, title
searches, geographical information, vital record re
search, legal documentation, and genealogy Copies
of records can be produced on paper as photographic
images, or through scanning, as image files Self serv
ice copying from film and xeroxing of some materials
also is available Records on microforms may be bor
rowed through interlibrary loan
Nancy M Bramucci, Director
(410) 974 3914
The State Archives is authorized to collect public
and pnvate records and other information relating to
the history of the Province and State of Maryland
from the earliest times At the discretion of the State
Archivist, the State Archives also is authorized to
acquire collections of pnvate records as permanent
gifts (Code State Government Article, sec 9 1010)
Special Collections supervises the care, preserva
non, accessioning, and description of pnvate records
Usually, they are given to the State Archives by pnvate
donors and generally consist of personal letters, dia
nes, photographs, maps, church records, architectural
plans, and other manuscript documents Maps, for
example, date from 1565 to the present They serve
as an important resource for scientists, historians,
and citizens interested in the Chesapeake water
shed Photographs illustrate a cross section of
Maryland life and culture, including agriculture,
architecture, family life, government, nautical and
naval affairs, recreation, and sports In addition, the
State Archives has microfilmed records of nearly
300 churches of various denominations, and more
than 250 newspapers from across the State
With the exception of collections of fine arts, the
Director, m conjunction with the State Archivist,
reviews offers of materials as gifts to Special Collec
tions Offers of gifts of fine arts are reviewed by the
Curator of Artistic Property and the State Archivist
Materials are accepted on the basis of their rele
vance to the holdings of the State Archives, their
condition, and the need to provide for their proper
storage and care
While collections generally are offered as gifts to
the State Archives, occasionally materials are accepted
on deposit The decision to accept a collection of
original materials as a deposit is made by the Director
in conjunction with the State Archivist based upon the
relevance of the collection to the holdings of the State
Archives, its condition, and the historical value of the
collection A collection may be placed on deposit if its
contents are to be photographed or microfilmed as a
reference collection at the Archives and the original
materials returned to the owner
Kevin J Swanson, Director
(410)974 3862
State and Local Government Records super
vises the appraisal, description, transfer, storage,
and retrieval of the permanently valuable records
of Maryland government State, county and mu
mcipal government agencies in Maryland may
offer the State Archives all files, documents, and
records not in current use