Bishop L Robinson, Secretary of Public Safety
& Correctional Services
300 East Joppa Road, Suite 1000
Towson, MD 21286—3020 (410) 339 5004
Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice
and consent, the Secretary of Public Safety and
Correctional Services directs and coordinates State
correctional and parole programs
The Secretary chairs the Vehicle Theft Preven
tion Council and serves on the Cabinet Council on
Criminal and Juvenile Justice while co chairing the
Council's Task Force on Sentencing and Interme
diate Sanctions The Secretary also serves on the
Governor's Executive Council, the State Board of
Victim Services, the Institutional Educator Pay
Plan Committee, the State Information Technol-
ogy Board, the Pricing Committee for Blind Indus
tries and Services of Maryland, the Pricing and
Selection Committee for Rehabilitation and Em
ployment Programs, and the Interdepartmental
Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs
Reporting directly to the Secretary are the Po
lice and Correctional Training Commissions, the
State Fire Marshal, the Division of Pretnal Deten-
tion and Services, the Division of Correction,
Patuxent Institution, the Maryland Parole Corn
mission, and the Division of Parole and Probation
The office of the Secretary also oversees the Cor
rectional Options Advisory Board, the Commission
on Correctional Standards, the Explosives Advisory
Council, the Handgun Permit Review Board, the
Sundry Claims Board, and the Vehicle Theft Pre
vention Council The Secretary is assisted by a
deputy secretary and an assistant secretary
Mane C Henderson, Chair, 1998
Donald Jones, Executive Director
(410) 764 4268
The Commission on Correctional Standards
was formed in 1980 to improve standards for cor-
rectional facilities and programs and to ensure corn
pliance with standards for the public health, safety,
and welfare (Chapter 535, Acts of 1980) The
Commission advises the Secretary of Public Safety
and Correctional Services on standards for State
and local correctional facilities, provides technical
assistance to local governments, audits facilities to
dctciminc compliance with concctional standaids,
and dctci mines schedules for icmcdial action of
jurisdictions that do not comply After a public
hearing, the Commission may order a correctional
facility to close if it does not comply with estab-
lished standards The Commission also reviews and
acts on appeals of staff audit reports
To make State and national standards compat-
ible, the Commission consults with national agen
cics promulgating correctional standards The
Commission also may consult and cooperate with
State agencies and local jurisdictions on correc
tional standards and may establish advisory boards
The Commission has eleven members Eight are
appointed for three year terms by the Governor
with Senate advice and consent Three serve ex
officio With the approval of the Secretary of Public
Safety and Correctional Services, the Commission
appoints the Executive Director (Code 1957, Art
41, sec 4401)
Stoyan L Russell, Chair, 1998
(410)339 5000
Organized in 1984, the Explosives Advisory
Council recommends rules and regulations to the
Department for the storage, use, manufacture, and
transport of explosive material (Chapter 694, Acts
of 1984) The Council reviews proposed rules,
regulations, and laws that affect the manufacture,
use, or distribution of explosives It also monitors
federal regulations, and developments in the expio
sives industry, such as safety precautions and blast
mg techniques
The Council may have up to nineteen members
They are appointed to five year terms by the Gov
ernor (Code 1957, Art 41, sec 4 106)
Donald A Westcott, Chair, 1999
(410) 764 4070
The Handgun Permit Review Board was created
in 1972 (Chapter 13, Acts of 1972)
Any person whose application for a handgun
permit or renewal of a permit has been rejected or
whose permit has been revoked or limited may ask
the Board to review the decision of the Secretary of
State Police The Board can either sustain, reverse,
or modify the decision of the Secretary, or conduct
a hearing to establish the facts
The Governor appoints the Board's five mem
bers to three year terms with Senate advice and
consent (Code 1957, Art 27, sec 36E)
Vacancy, Chair
Marvm N Robbins, Secretary
(410) 764-4257
In 1961, the Sundry Claims Board was established
(Chapter 440, Acts of 1961) The Board administers
claims filed by any prisoner who has been injured on
the job while working for compensation in the Divi
sion of Correction or Patuxent Institution
Three ex officio members or their designees
serve on the Board The Governor names the chair
and secretary (Code 1957, Art 41, sec 4 701)