The Survey researches and investigates coastal
and estuanne geology related to erosion and sedi
mentation in the Chesapeake Bay and along the
ocean shoreline As part of its applied earth science
research on the Bay, the Survey was one of the
principal investigators on the Chesapeake Bay Pro
gram of the U S Environmental Protection
Agenc) The Survey's work is carried out by three
projects Coastal and Estuanne Geology, Environ
mental Geology and Mineral Resources, and Hy
drogeology and Hydrology
The Director is appointed by the Governor
upon recommendation of the Secretary of Natural
Resources (Code Natural Resources Article, sees
2 201 through 2 203)
M Gordon Wolman, Ph D , Chair, 1997
(410)516 7090
The Commission of the Maryland Geological Sur
vey advises the Director on matters concerning the
Survey The Commission's five members are appointed
by the Secretary ofNatural Resources to five year terms
(Code Natural Resources Article, sec 2 204)
M Gordon Wolman, Ph D , Chair
(410) 554 5504
Created in 1992, the Geologic Mapping Advi
sory Committee advises the Director of the Mary
land Geological Survey on the de\elopment of
geologic maps of areas important to the economic,
social and scientific welfare of the State and nation
The Committee is concerned with the State geo
logic mapping component (called STATEMAP) of
the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Pro
gram The Program was established in 1992 within
the US Geological Survey (PL 102 285, Na
tional Geologic Mapping Act of 1992)
Randall T Kerhin, Chef
(410)554 5544
Created m 1971 from the Shore Erosion Inves
ngation Program, the Coastal and Estuanne Geol
og) Project investigates the geologic framework
and icsouiccs of the State's coastal cnviionmcnts
extending from the barrier island of the Atlantic
Ocean to the wetlands and shorelines of
Chesapeake Bay Orthophoto quadrangle maps
from aerial photography, combined with historical
shoreline erosion maps, provide the basis to evalu
ate shoreline changes in the Bay region
The Project monitors the geochemical compo
nents and physical features of sediments around the
Hart Miller Island Containment Facility
In 1975, the Chesapeake Bay Earth Science
Study was added to the Project This work deter
mines the distribution of sands, silts, and clays,
identifies the patterns of erosion and deposition of
these sediments, and analyzes the geochemistry of
the pore waters in these sediments
James P Reger, Ph D , Chief
(410)554 5523
The Environmental Geology and Mineral Re
sources ProJect makes geologic, environmental and
topographic maps and investigates mineral and energy
resources Project studies provide an earth science
framework for managing Maryland's mineral, energ)
and land resources The Project was created m 1972
from the former Geologic Investigations Program and
the Topographic Maps Program
Topographic maps are used by the public for
activities such as hiking and camping and by State and
local governments for a mynad of technical and plan
rung applications Geologic maps provide data about
the kinds of rocks and the location of minerals (pre
dommantly sand, gravel, stone, and coal) and provide
background for the intelligent planning and use of
Maryland's geologic natural resources
The Pro)ect provides technical advice and assis
tance for the Geologic Exhibits and Visitors Center
at Sideling Hill in western Maryland Through the
Survey's library and the Earth Science Information
Center, aerial photos and large scale maps are avail
able to the public and private industry
Harry J Hansen, Ph D , Chief
(410)554 5554
The Hydrogeology and Hydrology Project was
formed m 1972 In cooperation with die U S Geo
logical Survey, the Project maintains a statewide water
data network and investigates the hydrologic and geo
logic characteristics of Mar} land's water resources
The surface water data network provides infor
mation on minimum, maximum and average
streamflows for the planning of water supply and
sewage facilities, water power pro)ects, dams and
bridges The ground water network measures water
levels ui aquifcis and selected spiing'. and iclatcs
clidiiges in ground waLcr levels Lo wiLlidiawdLs and
precipitation The ground water network also
monitors the hydrologic effects of long term
changes in pumpage, land use patterns, and rainfall
Special resource assessment studies undertaken
with local and county governments include the
extent of saltwater intrusion, aquifer and stream
flow characteristics, water quality and rates of re
plemshment, and water well sampling for basic
chemistry, nutrients, radon and cither industrial
organic constituents, or agricultural herbicide or
pesticide residues