3, Acts of 1989) The Board establishes rules and
regulations to ensure the safety of pilotage services
In 1984, the responsibility for setting pilotage fees
and charges was transferred to the Public Service
Commission (Chapter 727, Acts of 1984)
The Board consists of nine members appointed
for two year terms by the Governor The Secretary
of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation (or designee)
serves ex officio and the eight remaining members
are appointed with the Secretary's advice The Gov
ernor names the chair Authorization for the Board
continues until July 1, 2003 (Code Business Occu
pations and Professions Article, sees 11 101
through 11 802)
Charles J Morgan, Jr , Chair, 1996
Charles P Kazlo, Executive Director
(410) 333-6322
The first board for examining and licensing
plumbers in Maryland was established in 1886
(Chapter 439, Acts of 1886) Its Jurisdiction was
limited to Baltimore City The State Board of Corn
missioners of Practical Plumbing was created with
statewide jurisdiction in 1910 (Chapter 436, Acts
of 1910) In 1988, it was renamed the State Board
of Plumbing (Chapter 647, Acts of 1988)
The Board examines and certifies journeymen
and master plumbers It regulates the plumbing
trade Periodically, the Board also publishes the
State Plumbing Code
The Board has nine members They are ap
pointed to three year terms by the Governor with
the advice of the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and
Regulation and Senate advice and consent The
Governor designates the chair Authorization for
the Board continues until July 1, 2003 (Code
Business Occupations and Professions Article, sees
12 101 through 12 702)
Donald E Howard, Chair, 1996
Mary E Mays, Executive Director
(410) 333 6322
The State Board of Public Accountancy ongi
nated in 1900 as the Board of Examiners of Public
Accountants (Chapter 719, Acts of 1900) In 1961,
the Board was renamed the Maryland State Board
of Public Accountancy (Chapter 819, Acts of
1961) It became the State Board of Public Ac
countancy in 1989 (Chapter 3, Acts of 1989)
Subject to the authority of the Secretary of
Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, the Board exam
mes applicants for certificates as certified public
accountants, judges applications by certified public
accountants of other states for reciprocal certifi
cates, and enrolls certified public accountants, cor
porations, and partnerships engaging in certified
public accounting services
Examinations are held each May and November
The Board issues certificates to those who pass the
examinations or whose applications for reciprocal
certificates are approved For specified causes, the
Board may revoke or suspend any such certificate,
registration, or enrollment after written notice to
the holder and reasonable opportunity for a hearing
In 1970, the General Assembly established minimum
educauonal requirements for applicants and gave the
Board jurisdiction over professional ethics
Consisting of seven members, the Board is ap
pointed to three year terms by the Governor with
the advice of the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and
Regulation Authorization for the Board continues
until July 1,2004 (Code Business Occupations and
Professions Article, sees 2 101 through 2 702)
Vacancy, Chair
Elizabeth A Beggs, Executive Director
(410) 333 6230
The Real Estate Commission of Maryland w as
constituted in 1939 to license all real estate brokers
and salespersons doing business in Maryland
(Chapter 351, Acts of 1939) In 1988, the Corn
mission was renamed the State Real Estate Corn
mission (Chapter 563, Acts of 1988) The
Commission adopts regulations for licensing real
estate brokers and salespersons, formulates a code
of ethics for the business of real estate, and sets
standards for hearings conducted by itself or the
Real Estate Hearing Board Each applicant for a real
estate salesperson's or broker's license must corn
plete courses relating to the principles of real estate
in order to qualify for examination
The Commission may revoke, refuse, or suspend
a license and reprimand or fine a person up to
$2,000 per violation for unethical conduct or vio
lation of the real estate laws Since 1971, the Corn
mission has administered the Real Estate Guaranty
Fund of Maryland (Chapter 648, Acts of 1971)
The Fund, in essence, bonds all licensees
The Commission is composed of nine members
appointed to four year terms by the Governor with
the advice of the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and
Regulation and Senate advice and consent
Authorization for the Commission continues until
July 1,2002 (Code Business Occupations and Pro
fessions Article, sees 17 101 through 17 702)
The authority to create the Real Estate Hearing
Board was given to the State Real Estate Commis
sion in 1968 (Chapter 89, Acts of 1968) With the
approval of the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and
Regulation, the Commission may appoint three of
its members to sit as a real estate hearing board The