Mano W Francioli, Commissioner of
Occupational & Professional Licensing
Harry Loleas, Deputy Commissioner
501 St Paul Place
Baltimore. MD 21202—2272 (410) 333 6210
Standards of performance for several vocations
are enforced by the Division of Occupational and
Professional Licensing Created in 1980, the Divi-
sion supervises a variety of specialized occupations,
including accountants, architects, engineers, cos
metologists, barbers, home improvement contrac
tors, and real estate brokers The Division regulates
the sports of boxing and wrestling as well
The Division oversees and coordinates fourteen
boards, four commissions, and an investigative unit
The Commissioner plans and directs the daily ad
mimstrative, fiscal and technical functions of these
agencies and administers all aspects of their licens
ing laws
Daniel W Bennett, Jr , Chair, 1998
Mary E Mays, Executive Director
(410) 333 6322
The State Board of Architects originated in
1935 as the Board of Examiners and Registration
of Architects (Chapter 309, Acts of 1935) The
Board was renamed as the Maryland Architectural
Registration Board in 1968 (Chapter 463, Acts of
1968) In 1989, the Board received its present
name (Chapter 3, Acts of 1989) The Board decides
all matters pertaining to the registration ofarchi
tects in Maryland All persons, corporations, or
partnerships seeking to practice architecture in the
State must submit their qualifications to the Board
or pass its examination before being registered and
licensed to practice
The Governor appoints the Board's seven mem
bers to five year terms with the advice of the Secretary
of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation and with Senate
advice and consent The Governor also names the
chair Authorization for the Board continues until July
1,2003 (Code Business Occupations and Professions
Article, sees 3 101 through 3 701)
D Chester O'Sullivan, Chair, 1999
Patrick S Pannella, Executive Director
(410) 333-6313
The Stare Athletic Commission was formed in
1920 (Chapter 710, Acts of 1920) The Commission
supervises all professional kick boxing, boxing, spar
nng and wrestling matches and exhibitions held in
Maryland It enacts and enforces rules to govern such
bouts It licenses all corporations, associations, or
persons sponsoring such bouts, and all referees,
managers, seconds, and participants The Comrms
sion collects from all sponsors of boxing and wres
ding matches a fee equal to ten percent of the gross
gate receipts and also ten percent of the sale of
radio, television or motion picture rights to boxing
and wrestling events The fees are deposited as State
general funds with the Comptroller of the Treasury
The Commission's five members are appointed
to six year terms by the Governor with the advice
of the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and Regula
tion Authorization for the C ommission continues
until July 1, 2001 (Code Business Regulation Ar
tide, sees 4 201 through 4 208)
John O Gatton, Sr , President, 1999
Kathleen A Harryman, Administrator
(410) 333 6320
The State Board of Barbers began in 1904 as the
Board of Barber Examiners (Chapter 226, Acts of
1904) The Board recened its present name in
1989 (Chapter 3, Acts of 1989) The Board exam
ines and registers all applicants tor barber licenses in
the State With the approval of the Secretary of Labor,
Licensing, and Regulation, the Board may appomt
subboards to assist in inspection and licensing The
Board also has the power to make rules and regulations
The Board's seven members are appointed to
five year terms by the Governor with the advice of
the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation
The Governor names the president, secretary, and
treasurer Authorization tor the Board continues
until July 1, 2001 (Code Business Occupations and
Professions Article, sees 4 101 through 4 701)
Robert E Herlth, Chair, 1997
Kathleen A Harryman, Administrator
(410) 333 6320
The State Board of Cosmetologists originated
as the Board of Hairdressers and Beauty Cultunsts
in 1935 (Chapter 282, Acts of 1935) The Board
received its present name in 1961 (Chapter 278,
Acts of 1961) The Board examines, licenses, and
regulates all persons engaged in the operation and
practice of hpaiity rnlrnre within the State The
Board conducts examinations throughout the State
at least four times a month
The Board is composed of five members ap
pointed to three year terms by the Go\ ernor with
the advice of the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and
Regulation Authorization for the Board continues
until July 1,2001 (Code Business Occupations and
Professions Article, sees 5 101 through 5 702)