The practice of psychology in Maryland is regulated
by the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists.
Established in 1957, the Board evaluates the qualifica-
tions of psychologists in the State and issues licenses to
those who fulfill the requirements (Chapter 748, Acts
of 1957). Licenses must be renewed biennially. The
Board administers examinations to qualified applicants
for licensing twice each year.
The Board consists of nine members appointed by
the Governor with the advice of the Secretary ofHealth
and Mental Hygiene and Senate advice and consent.
Members serve four-year terms. Authorization for the
Board continues until July 1, 2003 (Code Health
Occupations Article, sees. 18-101 through 18-502).
Harriet H. Brown, Chair, 1998
Harold G. Gordon, Administrator
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215—2299 (410) 764-4788
The State Board of Sodal Work Examiners was
formedin 1975 (Chapter453,Actsofl975). The Board
issues licenses to social work associates, graduate social
workers, certified sodal workers, and certified social
workers-clinical. Under certain conditions the Board
may take disciplinary measures to reprimand, suspend,
revoke, or refuse to renew the license of a licensee.
The Board's seven members are appointed by
the Governor for four-year terms. Two are consum-
ers appointed on recommendation of the Secretary
of Health and Mental Hygiene with Senate advice
and consent. Authorization for the Board continues
until July 1, 2004 (Code Health Occupations Ar-
ticle, sees. 19-201 through 19-502).
Judith W. Ryan, R.N., Ph.D., C.R.N.P.-A.,
President, 1998
Donna M. Dorsey, R.N., Executive Director
4140 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215—2254 (410) 764-5124
The State Board of Nursing originated as the
State Board of Examiners of Nurses in 1904 (Chap-
ter 172, Acts of 1904). It received its present name
in 1987 (Chapter 109, Acts of 1987).
To assure safe, competent nursing care for the
public, the Board regulates the practice of registered
nurses, licensed practical nurses, nurse practitioners,
nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and nurse psycho-
therapists. The Board administers licensure examina-
tions and issues licenses to those who successfully have
completed requirements and examinations. The
Board evaluates, monitors and approves nursing edu-
cation programs; enforces the standards and defines
the scope of nursing practice; approves refresher
programs; and assesses and evaluates trends in nurs-
ing. Through its investigative unit, the Board also
investigates any complaint alleging violation of the
Nurse Practice Act by a nurse, conducts hearings,
and takes disciplinary action as required. Such ac-
tion may include emergency suspension, revocation
of license, denial of licensure, probation, or fine.
The Board cooperates with the National Council
of State Boards of Nursing in the preparation of the
examination used for licensure. The Board also works
together with health care facilities, educational institu-
tions, professional organizations, the Maryland Higher
Education Commission, the State Board of Education,
the Office on Aging, county health departments, local
school systems, and Department agencies.
Upon recommendation of the Secretary ofHealth
and Mental Hygiene, the Governor appoints the
Board's eleven members for four-year terms. Two
members are consumers appointed with Senate advice
and consent. Authorization for the Board continues
until July 1,2003 (Code Health Occupations Article,
sees. 8-101 through 8-802).
Victor Rivera-Diaz, R.N., C.R.N.A., Chair
The Anesthetist Peer Review Committee started
as the Anesthetist Advisory Committee in 1981 and
received its present name in 1994. The Committee
advises the State Board of Nursing concerning the
practice of anesthesia by nurses. The Committee
also oversees the use of health insurance and medi-
cal assistance benefits by certified nurse anesthe-
tists. Appointed by the State Board of Nursing, the
Committee's five members serve three-year terms
(Code Health Occupations Article, sec. 8-503).
John J. Connelly, R.N., C.R.N.A, Chair
Formed in 1991, the Nurse Anesthetist Advi-
sory Committee advises the State Board of Nursing
on certified registered nurse anesthetist practice.
The Committee's three members are appointed to
three-year terms by the State Board of Nursing.
Eileen Ehudin-Pagano, R.N., C.R.N.M., Chair
Appointed by the State Board of Nursing, the
Certified Nurse-Midwives Advisory Council was
formed in 1983. The Council advises the Board on
matters relating to the practice of nurse-midwifery.
The Council consists of at least three certified
nurse-midwives who serve three-year terms (Code
Health Occupations Article, sec. 8-503).
Janice Emerling, R.N., C.N.M., Chair
Established in 1983, the Joint Committee on
Nurse-Midwifery reviews and makes recommenda-