Maryland Manual 1996 1997 Maryland at a Glance / 21
1785, March 28 Mt. Vernon Compact, an agreement on navigation and fishing in Potomac
River and Chesapeake Bay, signed by Maryland and Virginia
1785, Aug China trade begun with arrival of Canton cargo at Baltimore
1785, Nov 22 Mt. Vernon Compact ratified by Maryland
1786, Sept 11-14 Annapolis Convention held to discuss revisions to Articles of
Confederation. Maryland sent no representatives.
1787, Sept 17 U.S. Constitution signed by Marylanders Daniel Carroll, James McHenry,
and Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, at Philadelphia
1787, Nov 29 Luther Martin's report, The Genuine Information, criticized proposed U.S.
Constitution, including its omission of a bill of rights
1788, April 28 Maryland, the seventh state, ratified U.S. Constitution
1789, Dec 19 Maryland ratified federal Bill of Rights, first ten amendments to U.S.
1791, Dec 19 Maryland ceded land for District of Columbia
1796 Baltimore City incorporated
1802 Property qualification for voting removed in local elections
1803 Viva voce voting at elections changed to voting by ballot
1807, Dec 18 University of Maryland chartered as the College of Medicine of Maryland
1810 Property qualification ended in voting for electors for president, vice-
president, and congressmen
1810 Free blacks disenfranchised
1814, Aug 24 Battle of Bladensburg
1814, Sept 12 British repulsed at Battle of North Point
1814, Sept 13 Bombardment of Fort McHenry, inspiring Francis Scott Key to
write "Star Spangled Banner"
1818 National Road completed from Cumberland to Wheeling, West Virginia
1819, March 6 In M'Culloch v. Maryland, U.S. Chief Justice John Marshall interpreted
Constitution to signify implied powers of federal government
1824-1829 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal constructed through Cecil County to
link Chesapeake Bay with Delaware River
1826 Jewish enfranchisement, religious qualification for civil office removed
1827, Feb 28 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad chartered
1828-1848 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal constructed (to Cumberland by 1848)
1837, May 17 The Baltimore Sun began publication
1838, Oct 3 Governor and State senators first elected by voters rather than by
1844, May 24 Samuel F. B. Morse demonstrated telegraph line from Washington, DC,
to Baltimore
1845, Oct 10 U.S. Naval Academy founded at Annapolis
1850, Nov 4-1851, May 13 Constitutional Convention of 1850-1851
1851, June 14 Second State Constitution adopted
1854 1859 Rise of Know Nothing Party Baltimore riots named city "Mobtown "
1859, Oct 6 Maryland Agricultural College opened at College Park
1859, Oct 16 John Brown launched raid from Maryland on federal arsenal in Harper's
Ferry, West Virginia
1861, April 19 Sixth Massachusetts Union Regiment attacked by Baltimore mob
1861, April 26 General Assembly met in special session at Frederick while federal troops
occupied Annapolis
1861, May 13 Gen. Benjamin F. Butler's Union forces occupied Baltimore
1862, Sept 14 Battle of South Mountain
1862, Sept 17 Battle of Antietam