180 / Department Secretaries Maryland Manual 1996-1997
Within the Executive Branch are fifteen principal departments: Agriculture; Budget and Management;
Business and Economic Development; Education; Environment; General Services; Health and Mental
Hygiene; Housing and Community Development; Human Resources; Juvenile Justice; Labor, Licensing,
and Regulation; Natural Resources; Public Safety and Correctional Services; State Police; Transportation.
The head of each department (except for Education) is the Secretary. Appointed by the Governor
(subject to Senate confirmation), the Secretary serves at the Governor's pleasure. The State Department
of Education is headed by the State Board of Education. The Board appoints to a four-year term the State
Superintendent of Schools, who directs the Department.
LEWIS R. RILEY, Secretary of Agriculture since 1994. Deputy Secretary of
Agriculture, 1992-94. Member, House of Delegates, 1979-87; Minority Whip, 1982-87;
Environmental Matters Committee; Ways and Means Committee. Member, State Senate,
1987-92; Finance Committee, 1987-89; Budget and Taxation Committee, 1990-92; Joint
Committee on Investigation. Member, Board of Regents, University of Maryland System;
Governor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay; Governor's Pesticide Council; Maryland Food
Center Authority; Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation; State Soil
Conservation Committee; Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board. Born in Parsonsburg,
Maryland, February 19, 1935. Graduate of Wicomico Senior High School. Farmer;
poultryman; businessman. Member, Wicomico County Council, 1966-78 (president, four years;
vice-president, four years). President, Maryland Association of Counties, 1973; Advisory Board
of Holly Center; Delmarva Advisory Council. Member and past president, Parsonsburg
Volunteer Fire Department. Member, Wicomico Farm Bureau. Advisory Board, First
National Bank. President, Beaver Run Farms, Inc., a family farm corporation operated with
his son, producing grain, swine, and poultry. Board of Directors, Delmarva Poultry Industry.
Director, Farmers and Planters Company. Office address: 50 Harry S Truman Parkway,
Annapolis, MD 21401—8960; tel. (410) 841-5880; fax (410) 841-5914.
FREDERICK W. PUDDESTER, Secretary of Budget and Management since 1996.
Director, Maryland Water Quality Financing Administration, 1988-89. Director of
Finance, Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning, 1989-91. Member, Executive Task
Force to Study the Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, 1991-92. Deputy Secretary
of Budget and Fiscal Planning, 1991-94. Chair, Board of Trustees, Maryland Teachers and
State Employees Supplemental Retirement Plans, 1993-95. Deputy Chief of Staff, Office
of the Governor, 1995-96. Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Planning, 1996. Born in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 27, 1955. University of Vermont, B.A. (political science),
1977; Rutgers University, M.A. (public policy), 1979. Married; two children. Office address:
45 Calvert St., Annapolis, MD 21401—1907; tel. (410) 974-2114; fax (410) 974-2585.
JAMES T. BRADY, Secretary of Business and Economic Development since 1995.
Member, Maryland Economic Development Commission; Maryland Industrial
Development Financing Authority; Maryland Small Business Development Financing
Authority; State Information Technology Board; Maryland Advisory Commission on
Manufacturing Competitiveness; State Use Industries Advisory Committee; State
Commission on Neighborhoods; Community Reinvestment Board; Emergency
Management Advisory Council; Cabinet Council for Career and Technology Education;
Governor's Council on Adolescent Pregnancy; Governor's Commission on Service. Born
in New York City, July 11, 1940. Iona College, B.B.A., 1962. Employed by Arthur Andersen
& Co., 1962-78; admitted to partnership, 1975. Managing Partner, Long Island Office,
Arthur Andersen & Co., 1978-85. Managing Partner, Baltimore Office, Arthur Andersen
LLP, 1985-95. Board of Directors, College of Notre Dame of Maryland (treas.; chair, finance
committee); Downtown Partnership; Center Stage; Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre Foundation
of Maryland; World Trade Center Institute (chair, finance committee). Chair, Board of
Directors, United Way of Central Maryland; The Leadership. Chair, Board of Visitors,
University of Maryland Baltimore County. Executive Board, Leadership Maryland. Married;
two children. Office address: 217 East Redwood St., Baltimore, MD 21202—3316; tel
(410) 333-6901; fax (410) 333-6911.