and Governmental Affairs establishes working con-
tacts to strengthen ties between the State and local
governments. Periodically, Office staff visits each
Maryland county and municipality. The Office also
participates in the Maryland Association of Coun-
ties, the Maryland Municipal League, and other
regional organizations.
At public events, the Office represents the State
of Maryland. It also informs the public about other
functions of the Secretary of State, such as charita-
ble registration and solicitation regulations, extra-
dition, and the notary process.
(410) 974-5521
Certifications. The Secretary of State issues cer-
tifications of incumbency, manual signature regis-
trations, and official copies of documents that are a
matter of record in the Secretary's office (Code
State Government Article, sec. 7-106). The Secre-
tary also issues the apostille certifying documents
to be transmitted internationally.
Disclosures. Persons doing at least $10,000 worth
of business with the State or its subdivisions in a
calendar year and who have made political contribu-
tions are required to file a disclosure with the Secretary
of State (Code 1957, Art. 33, sec. 30-2). Persons
whose business with the State or local governments
aggregate $100,000 in any one year are required to
disclose certain information to the Secretary (Code
State Finance and Procurement Article, sec. 13-221).
(410) 974-5530
The Secretary of State receives original or certi-
fied copies of executive orders from the Governor
upon their issuance. These are indexed and retained
during the Governor's term of office, then deliv-
ered to the State Archives. The Secretary delivers
copies of executive orders to the Director of the
Department of Legislative Reference, and to the
Administrator of the Division of State Documents
(Code State Government Article, secs. 3-404
through 3-405).
(410) 974-5521
The Secretary of State Police reviews applica-
tions for the appointment of special police and
railroad police and recommends to the Governor
whether to grant or deny appointment. The Gov-
ernor may accept or reject this recommendation.
The Secretary of State assists the Governor in this
process (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 4-901; Art. 23,
sec. 258).
Richard A. Morris, Extraditions Officer
(410) 974-5530
Extradition is a process by which one state sur-
renders a person accused or convicted of an offense
to another state having authority to try the charge.
This process is administered by the Secretary of
State on behalf of the Governor.
Teresa Owens, Notary Officer
(410) 974-5520
The Division of Notaries Public administers the
State's notary statutes and issues notary public
commissions. Applications, notary public manuals,
and related information are available from the Di-
vision (Code 1957, Art. 68).
Patricia E. Smith, Condominiums & Trademarks
(410) 974-5531
Trademarks & Service Marks. If an applicant's
mark is registrable, a certificate of registration is
issued by the Secretary of State. (Code Business
Regulation Article, secs. 1-401 through 1-415).
Housing Authorities. Under the Housing
Authorities Law, housing authorities cannot trans-
act business or exercise powers until the Secretary
of State reviews their articles of organization and
issues a certificate of approval and a certificate of
organization (Code 1957, Art. 44A, sec. 1-205).
Condominiums. The Secretary of State and the
Attorney General are charged with enforcing provi-
sions of the Maryland Condominium Act. Residential
condominiums offered for sale in Maryland must be
registered with the Secretary of State. (Code Real
Property Article, secs. 11-127 through 11-130).
Cooperatives. A developer who is converting an
apartment house into a cooperative must file with
the Secretary of State a copy of the notice of
conversion and a list containing the name of each
tenant to whom notice was given. State law also
provides that the office of the Secretary of State
establish a file of local legislation affecting coopera-
tives (Code Corporations and Associations Article,
secs. 5-6B-05; 5-6B-09 through 5-6B-11).
Time-Shares. Since 1985, a developer of a time-
share project has been required to file with the
Secretary of State a public offering (disclosure)
statement for the proposed project. If the Secretary
of State determines that the public offering state-
ment satisfies the requirements of the Maryland
Real Estate Time-Sharing Act, an order of approval
is issued (Code Real Property Article, secs. 11A-
101 through 11A-129).