Introduced Passed
Senate 11 3
House 22 7
Total 33 10
Introduced Passed
Senate 18 1
House 19 1
Total 37 2
Submitted to referendum 0
Overridden 0
Operating Budget $14,428,862,319
State Debt $ 487,460,000
General Construction Loan $ 339,380,000
School Construction Loan $ 117,500,000
Bonds $ 30,580,000
Automobile insurance, baseball (prohibition
against replacement players), bicycle helmets, can-
ing, child support, closing-cost reduction (transfer
and real property taxes), community college fund-
ing, death penalty, domestic violence, drunk driv-
ing, economic development (Neighborhood Busi-
ness Development Program), education (disruptive
students), election law (Task Force to Review the
State's Election Law), English language, environ-
mental permits standing [requirements for con-
tested case hearings or judicial review], Fair
Campaign Financing Act, gambling, health-care
malpractice claims, Health Care Reform Act, health
insurance (patient access), housing (lead reduc-
tion), hunting (regulated shooting areas), inter-
state banking, Judicial Disabilities Commission,
juvenile law (detention and intake, restitution),
legislative ethics, legislative scholarships, local gov-
ernment (residency requirements), motor vehicle
theft, nontidal wetlands, optometrists (scope of
practice), pensions (restrictions on special local sys-
tems), personal property tax, pornography (dis-
playing to minors), procurement (minority
business enterprise), Program Open Space Act,
regulatory mandates on local government, sex of-
fender registration, smoking (workplace ban, ex-
ceptions), speed limit (65 mph), State agencies
reorganization, Student Safety and Support Act,
taxes, title insurance, transportation (highway users
revenue distribution), unemployment insurance,
University of Maryland System, vehicle emissions
testing, welfare, Woodrow Wilson Bridge and Tun-
nel Compact.