Ti-aining Advisory Council, Interagency 645
Training Center, Information Technology 203
Training Center, Occupational Skills, DPSCS 470, 486
Training Council, Apprenticeship and 431, 422
Training Division, Employment and 228
Training Program, Industrial 217, 225
Training School for Boys 406
Transit Authority, Washington Metropolitan Area 858
Transit Commission, Washington Metropolitan
Area 859
Transit Commission, Washington Suburban 715
Transit Information Services Division 515
Transit Operations Office 505
Transit system for National Capital area,
Metrorail 12, 13, 858
Transitional Housing and Emergency Shelter
Program 361
Transitional Housing Program, Women's Services 386
Transport C ommission. Ozone 855
Transportation, public 12, 511, 514, 715, 858
Transportation Authority 508, 520
police 508,521
Transportation Commission, Maryland 503, 511
transportation Committee, Specialized 637
Transportation companies 859
Transportation Department 501
historical evolution 501
origin & functions 508
review board 503, 511
secretary 183, 503, 511
Transportation Enhancements Program
Execunve Committee 504
Transportation Financing Committee, Joint 139
Transportation Planning Board, National
Capital Region 853
Transportation Professional Services Selection
Board 503,511
Transportation Program, Consolidated 514
Transportation Services Branch, Nutrition and 235, 243
Transportauon Steering Committee 710
Transportation Task Force, Special Joint 139
Transportation Task Force, U S 301 South Corridor 645
Transportation 2000 Committee 139
"Irappe 832
Travel and Outdoor Guide, Maryland 227
Travel Management Office, State, DBM 202, 205
Travelers Checks Law, Sellers of Money Orders
and 424
Treasurer, Joint Committee on Selection of State 139
Treasurer, State 41, 167
biography of Treasurer Dixon 32
duties 168
Treaty of Pans 20
Tree, State 18
Tree Mendous Maryland 442,456
Irees and Forests Executive Committee 645
in-County Council for Southern Maryland 713
Tn-County Council for Western Maryland 713
Thai Courts Judicial Nominating Commissions 699, 701
Tributary Strategies Program 446
Tuition Savings Program Task Force, Prepaid 588
Tunnels 13, 509, 520, 521
Turf and Seed Section 189, 197
Turnpikes 509,521
Turtle 17
Unclaimed property 162,166
Unemployment Insurance Office 413, 421
advismy Luuilcll 431
Unemployment Insurance Work Test 419
Uniform State Laws Commission 858
Uniform State Laws National Conference 858
Uninsured Employers' Fund Board 588
Union Bridge 755
US Attorney for Maryland 871
US Bankruptcy Court 870
US Commission on Civil Rights, Maryland
State Advisory Committee to the 540
US Court of Appeals 866
US District Court 866
appointments to 869
US Magistrate Judges 870
US Maishal 870
U S Naval Academy, founded 21
U S Representatives from Maryland 861
U S Senators from Maryland 860
US 301 South Comdor Transportation Task Force 645
Universities and colleges 5, 535, 553, 566, 584, 589, 621
University Hospital 617
University of Baltimore 606
University of Maryland at Baltimore 592
University of Maryland College Park 593
Agricultural Experiment Station 596
Cooperative Extension Service 596
University of Maryland Eastern Shore 602
University of Maryland Medical System 615
cancer center 617
hospital 615,617
shock trauma center 617
University of Maryland System 5, 589
Administration (UMSA) 589, 590, 591
Baltimore (UMAB) 592
Baltimore County (UMBC) 611
Biotechnology Institute 613
Board of Regents 590, 591
Bowie State University 599
Center for Environmental and hstuanne
Studies 612
College Park (UMCP) 593
Coppin State College 605
Eastern Shore (UMES) 602
faculty council 590
Frostburg State University 604
presidents council 590
Salisbury State University 608
Sea Grant College 615
student council 590
Towson State University 600
undergraduate enrollment 5
University College (UMUC) 609
University of Baltimore 606