Occupational Safety and Health Task Force 644
Occupational Skills Training Center, DPSCS 470, 486
Occupational Therapy Practice Board 302, 323
Ocean City 848
beach replenishment & hurricane
protection project 439, 452
convention center 586
OTarrell Youth Center 399, 406
Off Label Uses of Drugs Panel 299,313
Office-Holding by Public Employees Task
Force, Dual 642
Office Waste Recycling Program 289
Officials of Maryland, Hutoncal List of Public 527
Oil and Gas Compact Commission, Interstate 855
Oil and Gas Division, Minerals, 258, 274
Oil Control Program 257, 269
Open Meetings Law Compliance Board 568
Open Space corridors 632
Open Space Program See Program Open Space
Operating Assistance Grant Demonstration Projects 362
Operation Cease Fire 498
Operation People, DSP 494, 499
Operations, DHMH 304, 328
Operations, DHR 389
Operations Management Division, DEN 278
Opinions, Advice, and Legislation Division, AG 172
Opportunity to Learn Standards Committee 250
Optometry Board 302, 323
Organization and Procedure Committee
(General Assembly) 45
Organization of Maryland State Government 528
Onole, Baltimore 15
Oriole Park at Camden Yards 23, 585
Out pensions 378
Outer Continental Shelf Policy Committee 855
Outreach and Traimng Office, DHCD 369
Oxford 832
Oxford Laboratory Board of Visitors, Cooperative 440, 454
Oyster Police 443, 453
Oysters 12,443,444
diving committee 441
dredgers committee 441
statewide committee 441
tongers committee 441
Ozone Transport Commission 855
Pacific American Affairs Office, Asian 373, 381
Park Advisory Commission 458
Park and Planning Commission,
Maryland National Capital 711
Park Service, Forest and 438, 450
Parks, State 9,438,450,451
Parole and probation 475
Parole and Probation Division 462, 472, 489
Parole Commission 462, 472, 488
Partnership for Work Force Quality Advisory
Board 217,225
Partnership Policy Council on Block Grants 635
Partnership Program Advisory Board, Public Service 625
Partnership Rental Housing Program 361
Patapsco Valley State Park Board 438
Patent Tong Committee 441
Pathologist, State 190
Patterson Historical Park and Museum 353, 365
Patterson House (Girls' Group Home) 395, 409
Patuxent Filtration Plant 714
Patuxent Institution 462,471,487
board of review 471, 488
citizens' advisory board 471, 488
re-entry facility 471, 488
Patuxent River Commission 570, 571
Patuxent River Policy Plan 571,572
Pawnbrokers licensure 416, 430
Pay Plan Committee, Institutional Educator 558
Payroll Bureau, Central 161, 165
Peabody Institute Oversight Committee 625
Peggy Stewart 20
Penal Commission, Maryland Penitentiary 474
Penal Farm 483
Penal systems 473
Penitentiary, Maryland 467, 473, 483
Pension System, State Retirement and 581, 582
Pensions, Special Joint Committee on 37, 47
People's Counsel 568
Perkins Hospital Center 309, 343
citizens advisory board 309, 343
Permit Division, Wastewater Discharge 259, 275
Permits, gun 476, 498
Permits, wetlands 276
Permits and Compliance Policy Office, DEN 256, 266
Permits and Technical Support Division, DEN 278
Permits Division, State Ground-water 259, 275
Permits Program, Nonpomt Source 258, 274
Permits Program, Water and Wastewater 259, 275
Permits Service Center, Environmental 255, 264
Perryville 760
Personnel Department 204,211
Personnel Management Services, DBM 202, 207
Personnel Management Services, DOP 211
Personnel Management System Reform Task Force 644
Personnel Services Administration, DHMH 304, 330
Pesticide Council 636
Pesticide Regulation Section 189, 196
Pharmacy Assistance Program 6, 7, 317
Pharmacy Board 302, 324
Philanthropy, private 379
Photographic collecuons 530
Photographic Services, State Archives 529
Physical Fitness Council 307, 337
Physical Therapy Board 302, 324
Physician Assistant Advisory Committee 304, 327
Physician Loan-Repayment Program 341
Physician Quality Assurance Board 303, 326
Physiography 9,447
Pick-Tour Own Fruit and Vegetable Directory 192
Piluuge rates 581
Pilots Board 416, 428
Pittsville 842