General Services Administration, DHMH 304, 329
General Services Department 279
historical evolution 279
origin & functions 284
secretary 181,282,285
Genetic disorders 340
Geographic Information Coordinating
Committee, State Government 631
Geographic Intormauon Services, DNR 436, 446
Geographic Information Systems OP 570, 572
Geographic Information Sv stems and
Computer Modeling Division, DEN 256
Geographical Services, State Archives 531
Geologic Mapping Advisory Committee 437, 448
Geological Surve) 433, 437, 447
commission 437,448
Gifted and Talented Program 248
Gilted and Talented Students, Summer Centers tor 5
Gills Industiial School 100
Glen Echo 802
Glenarden 810
Goals 2000 Advisory Panel Schools for Success
and 233,240,250
Goldsboro 750
Government 6,24
buildings, Annapolis map of state 27
records 291,530
Government, Organization of Maryland State 528
Go\ eminent Assistance Programs, Commercial
and, DHCD 369
Go\ eminent Contract Financing Program 222
Go\ eminent House 142,551
Go\ ernment House Trust 551
Go\ ernment Information Services, State Archives 528
Government Matters Committee (House),
C ommerce and 71, 75
Government Records at the Maryland State
Archives, A Guide to 527
Governmental Arhirs Office DHMH 304, 328
Governmental Service Institute 599
Governor 140, 144
appointments 144
bills, sign or veto 44, 144
biography of Governor Glendemng 28
budget. State 42, 144
cabinet 143, 145
commander in chief 144
duties 144
military staff 146
pardons 144
qualifications for office 144
residence 552
\ acancy in office 41
veto 144
Governor's Executive Council 143, 145
Governor's Salary Commission 5S2
Grading Services Program, DAG 195
Graduate Medical Education Advisory C-ommittee 347
G» am and Livestock 192
Gram dealers 195
Grain Dealers Directory of 195
Gram Laws Program 195
Grants and Fiscal Management, DEN 277
Grants and Loan Management, DHCD 369
Grantsvillc 781
Grape Grow ers'Advisory Roird Wiiicr\ and 188 193
Graphics and Reproduction Services Division 28 ^ 289
Great Oaks Center "547
Great Seal of Maryland 14
Green Ridge Youth Center 399 408
Greenbelt 810
Greensboro 7W
Greenways and Resources Planning 4^8
Greenvi ays Commission 631
Greenways Commission Support 436
Groundwater Permits Division, State 259 27S
Group Home Financing Program 362
Group Home for Girls (Patterson House) 39 S 409
Group Home tor Boys 407
Group Homes Special Joint Committee 37, 46
Growth Management Program, DNR 436 44 S
Guano Inspector 196
Guaranty Assistance Program 222
Guide for Cruising Maryland Waters 4S7
Gun See also Handgun
Gun Violence Commission 642
Gunpowder Falls Board 438
Gypsy Moth Suppression Program 196
Hagerstown 837
Hagerstown Correctional Institution 468, 483
Hall of Records Commission 526,527
Hampstead 740 755
Hancock 8^7
Handgun See also Gun
Handgun Permit Review Board 46^ 476
Handgun permits 476, 498
Handgun Roster Board 490,49^ 49S
Handicapped, Library for Blind and Ph\ sicallv 2^4 241
Handicapped Children, Coordinating Council
tor Residential Placement of 154
Handicapped children, education 249
Harbor Development Department 508
Harford County 783
child care office 375
government 783
)u\emle justice oflicc 398
property tax assessment appeals board 574
taxpayer services branch office 16^
Hart Miller Advisor} Board 632
Hart Miller Island Dredged Material
Containment Facility S49
Hart Miller Pleasure Island Citizens Oversight
Committee SS2
Hatem Memorial Bridge '120
Havre de Grace 786
Hawkms Point Hazardous Waste Landfill S49
Hay and Straw Directory 192
Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety 562
Hazardous Substance Advisor) Council 2SO, 2S7, 270