Cancer Regi&trv 307, 338, 627
ad\ isory committee 307
Cancer Surveillance System 627
Candidacy and Campaign Finance Division 545
Canvasser'. Board 538
Capital, State 3, 27, 286, 586
C apital Budget, Annual 206
Capital Budget Division, DBM 202, 206
Capital Construction Di\ ision, DPSCS 464, 478
Capital Debt Affordability Committee 539
C apital Dctcnse Division, Public Defender 578, 580
Capital Improvements Plan, Five Year 206
Capital Punishment Task Force 627
Capitol Heights 810
Captiv e Wildlife Advisory C ommittee 442
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Council, High
Blood Pressure and Related 307, 337
Career and Fmployability Development Branch 250
Career and Technology Education Board 235, 245
Career and Technology Education Cabinet Council 143, 145
Career and technology Services Branch 250
Career Connection Branch 235, 246
Career Technology and Adult Learning Division
C ARFS User Support Dnision, DHR 391
Carnegie Middle Grades School State Policy
Imtiativ e 248
Caroline C ounty 747
child care office 375
government 747
juvenile justice othce 398
propem tax assessment appeals board 574
taxpayer services branch office 163
Carroll County 751
child care office 375
gov eminent 751
juvenile justice office 398
property tax assessment appeals board 574
taxpa\er services branch office 163
C artel Center, J DeWeese, DJJ 396, 399, 408
Carter Center, Walter P, DHMH 308, 342
Case Management Committee, Circuit Court
Differentiated 697
Catalog of State Assistance Programs 573
Caucuses, legislative 39, 45
Cecil County 757
child care office 375
government 757
)u\cnilc justice office 398
propert) tax assessment appeals board 574
taxpayer services branch office 163
Cecil ton 760
Cemeteries, \ eterans 619, 620
Cemetery and Funeral Industry Task Force 539
Central Booking and Intake Facility 466, 481
Central Collection Unit, DBM 211
Central ( ommittees. Democratic 872
( entral Committees, Republican 875
Central Laundn Pre Release Unit 470, 487
Ccnual Light rLul Line 12, 13, 505, 515
Central Payroll Bureau 161, 165
Central Purchasing Bureau 204, 284, 291
Central Records Division, DSP 493, 496
Centreville 817
Certificate of Need Program, DHMH 300, 319
Certification Administration, Licensing and,
DHMH 295, 301, 320
Certification and Accreditation Division, SDOE
Certifications 147, 148
Certified Adult Residential Environment
Program Advisory Board 391
Challenge Investment Program 220
Challenge System Initiative 248
Charitable Giving Task Force 539
Charitable Orgam/ations Division 146, 147
Charities, Board of State Aid and 378, 380, 388
Chanties, private 379
Charles County 761
child care office 375
government 761
juvenile Justice office 399
property tax assessment appeals board 574
taxpayer services branch office 163
Charles H Hickey, Jr School 393, 399, 406
Chariestown 760
Charlotte Hall Veterans Home 621
Charter of Maryland 19
Charters, corporate 533
Cheltenham Youth Facility 394, 399, 408
Chemical Demilitarization Citizens' Advisory
Commission 540
Chemical Stockpile Emergency Planning Program 565
Chemist, State 189, 196
Chesapeake and Coastal Watershed Service 436, 445
Chesapeakc and Ohio Canal prescn anon district 538
Chesapeake Bay 2, 3
Chesapeake Bay Agreement 23
Chesapeake Bay Agricultural Programs 187, 191
Chesapeake Bay and Special Projects Program 276
Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Management
Administration, DEN 276
Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Programs 435, 445
Chesapeake Bay Bridge 3, 521
Chesapeake Bay Commission 850
Chesapeake Bay Communications Coordinating
Office 146
Chesapeake Bay C oimcil. Governor's 628
Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission 440, 454
Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas Joint Committee 38, 48
Chesapeake Bay Eaith Science Study 448
Chesapeake Bay National Estuanne Research
Reserve System—Maryland 446
advisory committee 436
Chesapeake Bay Policy 437, 447
Chesapeake Bay Program, DFN 276
Chesapeake Bay Program, Regional 437, 447
Chesapeake Bay Research and Monitoring, DNR 457