Maryland Manual 1994-1995 House of Delegates /83
NORMAN H. CONWAY, Democrat, District 38, Somerset, Worcester & Wicomico
Counties. Member, House of Delegates since 1987; Appropriations Committee (chair, hu-
man resources & public safety subcomm.; member, capital budget subcomm. & oversight
committee on personnel); Spending Affordability Committee; Joint Oversight Committee on
Juvenile Services Initiatives; Joint Expenditure Study Group on Education and Human Re-
sources. House Chair, Joint Subcommittee on Education, 1989. Past member, Ways and
Means Committee (chair, pupil transp. subcomm.; community colleges subcomm.). Born in
Salisbury, Maryland, January 11, 1942. Wicomico Sr. High School; Salisbury State College, B.S.
(education), 1965, M.Ed. (education admin.), 1970. Member, Governor's Volunteer Council;
Citizens Advisory Board for Holly Center. Teacher, vice-principal, principal, Pinehurst Elementary
School, 1965-86. Supervisor, Chapter I programs, Wicomico Co. Board of Education, 1986—.
Member, Democratic Central Committee, Wicomico Co., 1970-74. Member, Salisbury City Coun-
cil, 1974-87 (pres., 1982-87). Member, Wicomico Co. Airport Commission, 1974-85; Wicomico
Co. Recreation Commission, 1985-87. Pres; Wicomico Co. Volunteer Firemen's Assoc., 1986.
Vice-Pres., Dist. 1, Md. Municipal League, 1982-86. Outstanding Young Educator, Salisbury
Jaycees, 1970; Sears' Citizen of the Year, 1976; Firefighter of the Year. Veterans of Foreign Wars,
1986. Married. District office: 1312 Whittier Dr., Salisbury 21801; tel. (410) 543-9060.
Annapolis office: 416 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3425.
GENE W. COUNIHAN, Democrat, District 15, Montgomery County. Member of
House of Delegates since 1983. Member, Ways and Means Committee (vice-chair, 1987-
92; member, taxes & revenues subcommittee); Joint Expenditure Study Group on Health,
Housing, Economic Development, and the Environment. Past member, Joint Budget and
Audit Committee; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review;
Spending Affordability Committee; Special Joint Committee on Energy Pricing. Chair,
Montgomery County Delegation, 1993—. Born in Cumberland, Maryland, February 6,
1941. Fort Hill High School, Cumberland; Frostburg State College, B.S., 1963; The American
University, M.Ed., 1970. Retired educator, Montgomery County Schools. Member, Governor's
Task Force on School Construction, 1992—. Member, Democratic Central Committee,
Montgomery County, 1978-82. President, Montgomery Village/Gaithersburg Democratic Club,
1980-82. President, Board of Directors, Montgomery Village Foundation, 1979-80; Seneca
Valley High School/Community Organization, 1981-82. Youth program director, YMCA,
1968-70. Consultant-trainer, Center for Creative Communications, 1971-74. Associate profes-
sor/instructor (part-time), The American University, University of Maryland, and Federal City
College, 1967-73. Five daughters. District office: 9901 Dellcastle Rd., Gaithersburg 20879;
tel. (301) 977-5045. Annapolis office: 222 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel.
(301) 858-3001, (410) 841-3001.
DAVID R. CRAIG, Republican, District 34, Harford County. Member of House of
Delegates since 1991. Member, Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1994—.
Member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee, 1991-92; Ways and Means
Committee, 1992-93 (education subcommittee). Born in Havre de Grace, Maryland, June
12, 1949. Havre de Grace High School; Towson State College, B.S., 1971; Morgan State
University, M.A., 1983. Assistant Principal, Aberdeen Middle School. Member, Havre de Grace
City Council, 1979-85. Mayor of Havre de Grace, 1985-89. Delegate, Republican Party
National Convention, 1992. Life member, Susquehanna Museum; Friends of the Concord Point
Lighthouse; Havre de Grace Decoy Museum; Havre de Grace Maritime Museum. Member, Sons
of the American Legion, Post 47; Boy Scouts of America Troop 967 (past district chairman,
Harford County). Virginia Scotten Award, Harford County Republican Party, 1987. Married;
three children. District office: 368 Congress Ave., Havre de Grace 21078; tel. (410)
939-9398. Annapolis office: 326E Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410)
ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS, Democrat, District 39, Baltimore City. Member of House
of Delegates since 1983. Vice-Chairman, Economic Matters Committee, 1994— (chair,
workers' compensation subcommittee, 1994—). Vice-Chairman, Constitutional and Ad-
ministrative Law Committee, 1987-92. House Chairman, Workers' Compensation Bene-
fit and Insurance Oversight Committee, 1989—. Member, Joint Committee on
Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 1991-92. Chairman Emeritus, Mary-
land Legislative Black Caucus (chair, committee on economic development). Born in
Baltimore, Maryland, January 18, 1951. Baltimore City College; Howard University, B.S.,
1973; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1976. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976.
Attorney. Chairman, Governor's Commission on Black Males, 1990—. Chief Judge, Maryland
Moot Court Board; Phi Beta Kappa, Outstanding U.S. Student Government Leader Award,
Royal Arts Society of London; Major Achievement Award for Scholastic Accomplishment from
Afro-American newspaper. President, Bancroft Literary Society. District office: 2300 N.
Calvert St., Suite 100, Baltimore 21218; tel. (410) 366-4550. Annapolis office: 151 Lowe
House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3263.