80 /House of Delegates Maryland Manual 1994-1995
ROSA LEE BLUMENTHAL, Democrat, District 26, Prince George's County. Member
of House of Delegates since 1987. Member, Judiciary Committee. Vice-Chair, Bi-County
Committee of Prince George's County Delegation. Born in Raeford, North Carolina.
Fayetteville Sr. High School, Fayetteville, N.C.; Lewisburg College. Member, Governor's
Commission on Protocol for the Maryland State Flag, 1989-90. Member, Prince George's County
Democratic Central Committee, 1982-86. President, Prince George's Women's Democratic
Club; Oxon Hill Recreation and Cultural Council. Past president, Oxon Hill Democratic Club;
Prince George's Federation of Park and Recreation Councils. Former board member, Oxon Hill
Manor Foundation. Member, American Legion, VFW and DAV Auxiliaries. Columnist, Prince
George's Post. Past member, Ft. Foote and Oxon Hill PTAs. Chairman, Oxon Hill Arts and
Crafts Fair. Former board member, Prince George's Civic Opera. Charter member, Oxon Hill
Homemakers Club. Area chairman, Cancer Crusade. President of the Year, Prince George's
Federation of Park and Recreation Councils; Citizen of the Year, Congress of Southern Prince
George's Civic Associations; American Legion Service Award. Married; four children; eleven
grandchildren. District office: 4400 Stamp Rd., Suite 212, Temple Hills 20748; tel. (301)
423-4130. Annapolis office: 205-A Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (301)
ROSE MARY HATEM BONSACK, Democrat, District 34, Harford County. Member
of House of Delegates since 1991. Vice-Chair, Rules and Executive Nominations Com-
mittee, 1994—. Member, Environmental Matters Committee, 1991—; Joint Committee
on Health Care Delivery and Financing, 1993—. Chair, Harford County Delegation,
1994—. Born in Havre de Grace, Maryland, October 24, 1933. Washington College, B.S., cum
laude, 1955; University of Maryland Medical School; Medical College of Pennsylvania, M.D.,
1960, Physician. Medical Chirurgical Faculty of Md; 1961—; Harford County Medical Society,
1961—; Hypertensive Council of Md., 1980-82; Md. Academy of Family Physicians, 1980—
(pres; 1988-89); American Academy of Family Physicians, 1980—. Member, State Board of
Medical Examiners, 1985-88. Member & Executive Secretary, Commission on Medical Disci-
pline of Maryland, 1985-88. Executive Secretary, State Board of Physician Quality Assurance,
1988—. Member, State Council on Cancer Control, 1991-93; Medical Advisory Board, Motor
Vehicle Admin. Member, Democratic State Central Committee, 1986-90. Member, St. Joan of
Arc Council; ex officio member, bd. of directors, John Carroll High School. Service above Self
Citation, Havre de Grace Rotary, 1976. Certificate of Merit for Service, Man/land Cancer
Society, 1977. Outstanding Community Service Citation, Harford County Medical Society,
1979. Women Helping Women Award, Soroptomists of Harford & Cecil counties, 1983-84.
Married; five children. District office: 118 W. Bel Air Avc., Aberdeen 21001; tel. (410)
575-6438, 273-9549. Annapolis office: 326 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel.
(410) 841-3289.
FRANK D. BOSTON, JR., Democrat, District 41, Baltimore City. Member of House
of Delegates since 1987. Deputy Majority Whip. Member, Commerce and Government
Matters Committee, 1994—; Special House Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse.
Member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee, 1987-91; Judiciary Com-
mittee, 1991-93. Chair, Baltimore City Delegation. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, December
5, 1938. Douglas Sr. High School; University of Maryland, B.A., 1973; The Johns Hopkins
University, M.Ed., 1979. Vocational evaluator-teacher, Baltimore City Public School System.
Member, Governor's Commission on Women's Health, 1993—. Former president, Local 1694,
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council 92,
AFL-CIO. Member, Maryland State Teachers Association; Baltimore Teachers Union. Mem-
ber, People Not Politics. Member, Maryland Democratic State Central Committee, 1982-86.
Married, two children. District office: 2200 Garrison Blvd., Suite 202, Baltimore 21216;
tel. (410) 566-3373. Annapolis office: 314 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401 1991; tel.
(410) 841-3283.
BENNETT BOZMAN, Democrat, District 38, Somerset, Wicomico & Worcester
Counties. Member of House of Delegates since 1991. Member, Commerce and Govern-
ment Matters Committee, 1994—. Member, Constitutional and Administrative Law
Committee, 1991-92; Economic Matters Committee, 1992-93. Born in Norfolk, Virginia,
May 8, 1936. Washington High School, Princess Anne; University of Maryland School of
Pharmacy, B.S., 1961. Served in U.S. CoastGuard, 1961-69. Pharmacist. Member, Democratic
State Central Committee, Worcester County, 1974-78. Member, Worcester County Board of
County Commissioners, 1978-90. Member, Maryland Tourism Development Board, 1994—.
President, Maryland Association of Counties, 1990. Member, Maryland Pharmaceutical Asso-
ciation; Eastern Shore Pharmaceutical Association; Worcester County Farm Bureau. Eagle Scout.
Member, Salisbury Elks Club; Ocean City Veterans of Foreign Wars; Ocean City Marlin Club;
Ducks Unlimited. Former member, Berlin Lions Club; Berlin-Ocean City Jaycees; Berlin
Chamber of Commerce. Life member, University of Maryland Alumni Association. Recipient,
Bowl of Hygeia for State of Maryland, 1989, from Berlin Fire Company for 20 years active
service. Married; two children, District office: 103 Cedar Ave., Berlin 21811; tel. (410)
641-2221. Annapolis ofticc: 413 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel (410)