650 /District Court of Maryland
1974-75. Partner, Foster, Mathews & Hill, 1975-82. As-
sistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1978-83.
MICHAEL L. McCAMPBELL. Associate Judge, Balti-
more County, District 8, District Court of Maryland, since
1990. Born in Detroit, Michigan, January 3, 1939. Served
in U.S. Navy. University of Baltimore, B.A., 1978; Univer-
sity of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1982. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1982. Member, Baltimore County Bar Asso-
ciation. Police Department, Howard County, 1972-77. As-
sistant State's Attorney, Baltimore County, 1983-84. Office
of Public Defender, Baltimore County, 1984-90.
DENNIS M. McHUGH. Associate Judge, Montgomery
County, District 6, District Court of Maryland, since 1991.
Born in Washington, DC, February 7, 1943. Gonzaga Col-
lege High School; University of Scranton, B.S., 1965; Geor-
getown University Law Center, J.D., 1968. Served in U.S.
Naval Reserve (captain, active duty aboard U.S.S. Turner Joy,
1968-71). Law clerk to Judge Kenneth C. Proctor, Baltimore
County Circuit Court, 1972. Assistant Corporation Counsel,
District of Columbia Government, 1972-76. Admitted to Mary-
land Bar, 1973. Member, Maryland State, Montgomery County
and District of Columbia Bar Associations.
JAMES CHARLES McKINNEY. District Administra-
tive Judge, Cecil County, District 3, District Court of
Maryland, since 1988 (Associate Judge, 1986—). Born in
Wilmington, Delaware, January 7, 1946. Attended Cecil
County public schools; Washington College, B.A., 1968;
University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1975. Ad-
mitted to Maryland Bar, 1975. Member, Maryland State
and Cecil County Bar Associations. Assistant State's At-
torney, Cecil County, 1977-81. Deputy State's Attorney,
Cecil County. 1982-86.
HENRY J. MONAHAN. Associate Judge,
Montgomery County, District 6, District Court of Mary-
land, since 1981. Born in New York, New York, Novem-
ber 15, 1932. St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford,
Connecticut, A.A., 1952; Fairfield University and Walsh
School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, B.S.,
1955. Served in U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Corps,
1955-57. Georgetown University School of Law, LL.B.,
1963. Admitted to District of Columbia Bar, 1964, Mary-
land Bar, 1969. Member, American, Maryland State,
Montgomery County and District of Columbia Bar Asso-
ciations. Member, numerous committees of Maryland Ju-
dicial Conference, Maryland State and Montgomery
County Bar Associations. Assistant U.S. Attorney for Dis-
trict of Columbia, 1964-69. Member, Montgomery
County Task Force on Spousal Abuse, 1988—. Past presi-
dent, Orchardale Citizen Association; past chair, Little
Flower Parish Council. Member, Friendly Sons of St.
Patrick. Board of Directors, Catholic Youth Organization;
Immaculata College High School, Rockville, Md., 1985-
86. Member, Catholic War Veterans; Disabled American
Veterans. Moot Court Judge, Georgetown and American
University Law Schools. Member, Montgomery County
Bar Foundation; Montgomery County Chapter, American
Inns of Court.
DOUGLAS H. MOORE, JR. Associate Judge,
Montgomery County, District 6, District Court of Mary-
land, since 1967. Judge, People's Court for Juvenile
Causes, Montgomery County, 1967-71. Judge-in-charge,
Juvenile Division, District 6, District Court of Maryland.
Member, Committee on Juvenile and Family Law and
Procedure, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1978. Born in
Washington, DC, January 30, 1926. Bethesda-Chevy
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Chase High School. Served in U.S. Army Air Corps,
1944-46. George Washington University, B.S., 1950;
George Washington University Law School, J.D., 1953.
Admitted to Maryland and District of Columbia Bars,
1954, to U.S. Supreme Court, 1962. Member, Maryland
State, Montgomery County and District of Columbia Bar
Associations; National Council of Juvenile Court Judges;
Maryland Council of Juvenile Court Judges; Maryland
Juvenile Justice Advisory Council; Metro Area Council of
Juvenile Court Judges. Assistant corporation counsel, Dis-
trict of Columbia, 1956-58. Assistant county attorney,
Montgomery County, 1958-60. Deputy county attorney,
Montgomery County, 1960-67. Chairman, State Advisory
Board of Juvenile Services, 1975-81; Member, Benchbook
Committee for Maryland Courts. Washingtonian of the
Year Award, Washingtonian Magazine; President's Award for
Service to the Youth of Montgomery County, Bethesda-Chevy
Chase Chamber of Commerce.
RICHARD O. MOTSAY. Associate Judge, Baltimore
City, District 1, District Court of Maryland, since 1978.
Born in Carbondale, Pennsylvania, May 26, 1925. Ben-
jamin Franklin High School. Served in U.S. Army Air
Corps. University of Baltimore, B.A., 1949; University of
Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1952; Boston College;
fellow, Institute for Court Management. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1952. Member, American, Maryland State
and Baltimore City Bar Associations. Former appeals
counsel, Board of Liquor License Commissioners, Balti-
more City. Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City.
Director, Pre-Trial Release Division, Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City. Author of journal articles for American
and Maryland State Bar Associations, and study on civil,
criminal and grand jury system in 8th Judicial Circuit of
Maryland. Heuisler Honor Key, University of Baltimore
School of Law; Award of Merit, Afro-American. Consult-
ant on pre-trial release with LEAA, American University,
and American Corrections Association. Secretary, Archdi-
ocesan Holy Name Society. American Legion judge advo-
cate for the Department of Maryland.
VINCENT A. MULIERI. Associate Judge, Anne Arun-
del County, District 7, District Court of Maryland, since
1991. Born in Augusta, Georgia, July 15, 1938. Served in
U.S. Army (6 months active duty, 5 years reserve). Uni-
versity of North Carolina, B.A., 1960; University of Mary-
land School of Law, LL.B., 1963. Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1963. Member, Maryland State and Anne Arundel
County Bar Associations. Assistant county solicitor, Anne
Arundel County, 1965-66. Assistant State's Attorney,
Anne Arundel County, 1967-72. Board of Trustees, Anne
Arundel Community College, 1978-83. Member, Human
Relations Commission, 1989-91; Inquiry Panel, Attorney
Grievance Commission, 1989-91. Member, Margaret
Brent Inn of Court.
THERESA A. NOLAN. Associate Judge, Prince
George's County, District 5, District Court of Maryland,
since 1985. Chair, Executive Committee, Maryland Judi-
cial Conference, 1992. Master for Domestic Relations,
Prince George's County Circuit Court, 1980-85. Born in
Washington, DC, December 10, 1930. University of Bal-
timore, B.A., 1972; University of Baltimore School of
Law, J.D., 1975. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976. Mem-
ber, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors,
1985-87, 1989-91); Prince George's County Bar Associa-
tion (president, 1985); Women's Bar Association. Chair,
Prince George's County Cable Television Commission,
1978. Judicial College, Reno, Nevada, 1982, 1990. Mem-