Maryland Manual 1994-1995
view Commission, 1989-90. Former member, Reister-
stown Revitalization Study Task Force; Baltimore County
Community College Task Force; Employment Steering
Committee, National Association of Counties; Reister-
stown-Owings Mills-Glyndon (R.O.G.) Coordinating
Council; Hathaway Improvement Association; Reister-
stown Jaycees; Reisterstown Area Recreation Council.
Outstanding Young Man of Reisterstown, 1974. Chosen
one of five Outstanding Young Marylanders by Maryland
Jaycees, 1973 (JCI Senator, 1979). Distinguished Alumni
of the Year, Wheeling Jesuit College, 1987. Member, J.
Dudley Digges Inn of Court, 1986-92 (president, 1992-
PAUL A. SMITH. Associate Judge, Baltimore City Cir-
cuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 1990. Associate
Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 1, Baltimore
City, 1983-90. Master in Chancery, Baltimore City Circuit
Court, 1971-83. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 14,
1936. Dunbar Sr. High School; Morgan State College,
B.A., 1963; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D.,
1967; National College of Juvenile Justice, University of
Nevada, 1974. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1967. Member,
Monumental City Bar Association. Assistant interim pub-
lic defender, Legal Aid Bureau, Inc., 1970-71. Member,
Mayor's Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, Balti-
more City. Member, Baltimore Alumni Senate, Delta
Theta Phi Law Fraternity; Masons; Elks.
RICHARD H. SOTHORON, JR. Associate Judge,
Prince George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit,
since 1991. Born in Cheverly, Maryland, November 25,
1944. University of Maryland, B.S., 1966; University of
Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1969. Member, Maryland
State Bar Association (board of governors, 1991-93);
Prince George's County Bar Association (president,
1990). Member, Trial Court Judicial Nominating Com-
mission, 7th Judicial Circuit, 1979-83,1988-90. Member,
Personnel Board, Prince George's County, 1982-86; Cor-
rectional Advisory Board, Prince George's County, 1982-
87, 1990—. Chairman, Citizens' Advisory Committee,
Prince George's County Public Master Plan, 1986-89.
Secretary, Industrial Development Authority, Prince
George's County, 1987-91. Counsel, Board of Ethics,
Prince George's County, 1988-91. Member, Blue Ribbon
Commission for Public Safety and Community Relations,
Prince George's County, 1989. Member, Workers' Com-
pensation Benefit and Insurance Oversight Committee,
1991. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, Distinguished
Service Award, Prince George's County Bar Association,
1988, 1989, 1990. Distinguished Service Award, Mary-
land-National Capital Park and Planning Commission,
1989. Member, University of Maryland Alumni Associa-
tion; Terrapin Club; Marlboro Boys and Girls Club; Trin-
ity Episcopal Church. Board of Overseers, Queen Anne
School, 1992—.
Prince George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial Circuit,
since 1992. Born in Washington, DC, November 5,1942.
University of Scranton, B.A., 1965; Villanova University
Law School, J.D., 1968. Served in U.S. Army, 1968-70
(Americal Division, Republic of Vietnam, 1969-70). As-
sistant State's Attorney, Prince George's County, 1971-76.
Associate, then partner, O'Malley & Miles, 1976-92.
Member, Maryland State Bar Association (alternative dis-
pute resolution subcommittee, 1990—); Prince George's
County Bar Association (bd. of directors, 1990-96; treas-
urer, 1992-93). Member, American and District of Colum-
Circuit Courts /637
bia Bar Associations; Maryland Defense Trial Lawyers
Association; Marlborough Inn of Court. Fellow, Mary-
land Bar Foundation, 1989—.
MARVIN B. STEINBERG. Associate Judge, Baltimore
City Circuit Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, since 1985. Born
in Baltimore, Maryland, September 10, 1929. University
of Baltimore, A.A., 1949; University of Baltimore School
of Law, LL.B., cum laude, 1952. Admitted to Maryland
Bar, 1952. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1953-54. Member,
American Bar Association; Baltimore City Bar Association
(past chair, workmen's compensation committee); Mary-
land State Bar Association (board of governors, 1971-72;
past chair, section on legal education & admissions to the
bar; past chair, section on judicial administration). Mem-
ber, American and Maryland Trial Lawyers Associations.
Member, Judicial Nominating Committee, 8th Judicial
Circuit, 1974-78. Chairman of panels for Health Claims
Arbitration Office. Past chairman, Maryland Retardate
Trust. Arbitrator for Better Business Bureau. Member,
Remington Improvement Association. Board member,
International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists,
MARY ANN STEPLER. Associate Judge, Frederick
County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since 1986. Ad-
ministrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 11,
Frederick County, 1982-86 (Associate Judge, 1980-82).
Born in York, Pennsylvania, November 7,1942. American
University, BA., 1967; University of Baltimore School of
Law, LL.B., cum laude, 1974. Member, Heuisler Honor
Society. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1974. Member, Ameri-
can, Maryland State and Frederick County Bar Associations;
American Judges Association; National Association of
Women Judges. Former newspaper reporter and editor,
1967-70. Diplomate, National Institute for Trial Advocacy.
Partner, Stepler and Stepler, 1974-80. Panel Attorney,
Frederick County Public Defender's Office, 1974-75. Assis-
tant State's Attorney, Frederick County, 1975-80 (chief
prosecuting attorney, 1977-80).
DENNIS M. SWEENEY. Associate Judge, Howard
County Circuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, since 1991.
Born in Louisville, Kentucky, July 23,1945. Loyola Col-
lege, B.A., 1967; Georgetown University Law Center,
J.D., 1971. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1971. Member,
American Bar Association (vice-chair, committee on
health & human services, 1978-82); Maryland State Bar
Association (chair, administrative law section, 1984);
Howard County Bar Association. Staff attorney, Balti-
more Legal Aid Bureau, Inc., 1971-75. Assistant Federal
Public Defender, 1975. Chief Attorney, Baltimore Legal
Aid Bureau, Inc., 1975-79. Assistant attorney general and
Special Assistant to Attorney General, 1979-81. Chief,
Civil Division and Chief, General Counsel, Office of At-
torney General, 1981-84. Deputy Attorney General,
1984-91. Member, U.S. District Court Trial Experience
Committee, 1984-88. Member, Governor's Task Force on
Administrative Hearing Officers, 1987-88; Advisory
Council to Maryland Legal Services Corporation, 1987-
89; Special Ad Hoc Committee to Implement Maryland's
New Domestic Violence Law, 1992. President, Public
Lawyers Legal Services Program, Inc., 1989-91. Chair-
man, State Advisory Council on Administrative Hearings,
1989-91; General Assembly's Task Force on Uninsured
Employers, 1990. Vice-Chairman, Governor's Prescrip-
tion Drug Commission, 1990-91.