Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Criminal Trial Lawyers Association; National Council of
United States Magistrate Judges; Federal Magistrate
Judges Association. Co-Chair, Governor's Citizens Advi-
sory Board for Western Maryland.
PAUL A. McGUCKIAN. Associate Judge, Mont-
gomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since
1989. Associate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District
6, Montgomery County, 1987-89. Born in Norwood, Mas-
sachusetts, May 3, 1938. Dickinson College, B.A., 1960;
George Washington University Law School, LL.B., 1964.
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1965. Served in U.S. Army.
Member, American Bar Association; Maryland State Bar
Association (board of governors, 1987-88; long-range plan-
ning committee); Montgomery County Bar Association
(chair, long-range planning committee; juvenile law com-
mittee; administrative law committee). Board of Directors,
Montgomery County Bar Foundation. Former Town Attor-
ney, Town of Somerset. Legal consultant to Maryland-Na-
tional Capital Park and Planning Commission (citizens
advisory committee-blue ribbon committee). Counsel,
Housing Opportunities Commission, Montgomery County.
Assistant County Attorney, Montgomery County, 1966-71.
Counsel, Montgomery County Delegation to General As-
sembly, 1974-78. County Attorney, Montgomery County,
1979-87. Member, Rockville Charter Review Commission;
Montgomery County Council Task Force on Real Property
Assessment Practices. President, West End Citizens Associa-
tion, Rockville.
GRAYDON S. McKEE III. Circuit Administrative
Judge, Prince George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial
Circuit, since 1992 (Associate Judge, 1987-92). District
Administrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, District
5, Prince George's Comity, 1981-87 (Associate Judge,
1977-81). Master of Juvenile Causes, Prince George's
County, 1970-75. Born in New Brighton, Pennsylvania,
November 8, 1937. McGuffy High School, Claysville,
Pennsylvania; Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio;
University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1967; Uni-
versity of Virginia (international law); College of Juvenile
Justice; National Judicial College on Court Administra-
tion, 1980. Served in U.S. Marine Corps. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1967. Member, American and Maryland
State Bar Associations; Prince George's County Bar Asso-
ciation (past chair, mental health committee). Member,
National Council of Juvenile Court Judges. Member,
Prince George's County Board of Education, 1972-73.
Member, Prince George's County Joint Committee on
Mental Health. Chairman, Prince George's County Cor-
rections Advisory Board, 1982-92. Past president, New
Carrollton Recreation Club.
J. JAMES McKENNA. Associate Judge, Montgomery
County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since 1986. Born in
East Orange, New Jersey, December 17, 1935. Seton Hall
University, BA., 1958. Served in U.S. Army, 1958-60. Geor-
getown University Law Center, LL.B., 1963. Law clerk to
Judge Edward A. Tamm, U.S. District Court for District of
Columbia, 1962-63. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1970. Mem-
ber, American Bar Association; Maryland State Bar Associa-
tion (ethics committee, 1981-83; special committee on
professional responsibility, 1982-83); Montgomery County
Bar Association (judicial selections committee, 1975-77; ethics
committee, 1976-80, chair, 1979-80; executive committee,
1980-81). Member, Association of Trial Lawyers of America;
Maryland Trial lawyers Association (board of governors,
1981-83); National Association of Criminal Defense Attor-
neys; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association
Circuit Courts / 633
(chair, education committee, 1984-85; president, 1985-
86). Founder, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice. Member,
The Barristers. Assistant corporation counsel. District of
Columbia, 1965-66. Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of
Maryland, 1966-69. Assistant State's Attorney,
Montgomery County, 1970-72; Deputy State's Attorney,
1972-73. District Public Defender, District 6,
Montgomery County, 1973-79. District Advisory Board,
Public Defender System, Montgomery County, 1979-86.
Board of Trustees, Public Defender System of Maryland,
Judge, Prince George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial
Circuit, since 1978. Born in Chicago, Illinois, December
20, 1930. Drake Academy, New York, New York;
Roanoke College; George Washington University, B.A.,
1955; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B.,
1962. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1962. Member, Mary-
land State and Prince George's County Bar Associations.
Woman of the Year (BPW), 1969; Ten Most Outstanding
Women of Laurel, 1971; Outstanding Citizen, Soropti-
mists International, Laurel, 1976.
WILLIAM C. MILLER. Associate Judge, Montgomery
County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since 1982. Associ-
ate Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 6, Montgomery
County, 1980-82. Born in Kokomo, Indiana, June 15, 1930.
Coolidge High School, Washington, DC; University of Mary-
land, BA., 1953. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1953-55. George
Washington Law School, LL.B., J.D., 1957. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1958. Member, Montgomery County Bar As-
sociation. Legislative counsel to Montgomery County Delega-
tion, 1961, 1967. Member, Judicial Nominating Commission
of Sixth Judicial Circuit, 1971-75.
WILLIAM D. MISSOURI. County Administrative
Judge, Prince George's County Circuit Court, 7th Judicial
Circuit, since 1992 (Associate Judge, 1987-92). Administra-
tive Judge, District Court of Maryland, 5th District, Prince
George's County, 1987 (Associate Judge, 1985-87). Mem-
ber, Special Joint Committee on Gender Bias in the Courts,
1987-89. Board of Directors, Judicial Institute of Maryland,
1991—. Born in Washington, DC, September 4, 1940.
Attended elementary and high school, Dalzell, South Caro-
lina; Bowie State College, B.S., 1975; University of Mary-
land School of Law, J.D., 1978. Served in U.S. Air Force.
Member, American and J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Associa-
tions. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of
governors, 1990-92; judicial administration section; pattern
jury instruction subcommittee). Member, Prince George's
County Bar Association (chair, continuing legal education
committee, 1986-87; chair, special committee to review bar
association committee structure, 1987-88; board of direc-
tors, 1983-88). State's Attorney's Office, Prince George's
County, 1978-85. Member, Executive Committee, Univer-
sity of Maryland Law School Alumni Association, 1986—.
Member, Phi Alpha Delta International Law Fraternity;
National District Attorneys Association; Association of
Criminal Defense Lawyers. Instructor, Paralegal Studies,
Prince George's Community College, 1985—. American
Inns of Court, Marlborough Chapter (master of the bench,
1988-90; president, 1990-91). Prince Hall Masons, Prudent
Lodge no. 27 (worshipful master, 1971, 1972). Jonathan
Davis Consistory no. One, 33 degree, Mecca Temple, no.
Ten Shriners. Member, parish council, St. Joseph's Church,