Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Richard E. Shatzer, Superintendent
1122 Sunrise Beach Road
Crownsville, MD 21032 . . . (410) 987-6320
BALTIMORE COUNTY (Garrison Forest)
E. Barnes Fleming, Superintendent
P.O. Box 409
11501 Garrison Forest Road
Owings Mills, MD 21117 . . (410) 363-6090
Denzil T. Cheek, Superintendent
6827 East New Market
Ellwood Road
Hurlock, MD 21643 ...... (410) 943-3420
Vacancy, Superintendent
P.O. Box 10
11301 Crain Highway
Cheltenham, MD 20623 ... (301) 372-6398
FY1994 appropriation ............. $95,819
FY1994 authorized positions .............. 2
Michael Olienyk, Manager .... (410) 333-4428
...................... (410) 354-3550
Middle Branch Park
2825 South Hanover St.
Baltimore, MD 21225 (410) 354-3550
Canton Waterfront Park
2903 Boston St.
Baltimore, MD 21224..... (410) 354-3550
Origins of the Maryland Veterans Commission
trace to 1924, when the State created a relief fund for
disabled veterans of World War I (Chapter 344,
Acts of 1924). From 1929, the Veterans Relief
Commission administered the fund (Chapter 134,
Acts of 1929). The Commission was renamed the
Maryland Veterans Commission in 1935 (Chapter
481, Acts of 1935). In 1971, the Commission became
part of the Department of Employment and Social
Services, which became the Department of Human
Resources in 1975 (Chapters 370 and 617, Acts of
1971). In 1977, the Commission was made an inde-
pendent agency (Chapter 895, Acts of 1977).
The Commission serves Maryland veterans and
their dependents. It works through three programs:
Veterans Service, conducted through veterans serv-
ice centers across the State; Veterans Cemetery, in
five counties, and a Civil War cemetery; and Veter-
ans Memorials and Monuments, in Baltimore City.
The Commission also provides staff support and
assistance to the Maryland Veterans Home Com-
mission and the War Memorial Commission.
The Commission prepares and issues booklets,
brochures, and flyers on federal, State and local
benefits available to veterans. These publications
are distributed to the public by selected State agen-
cies and by all State veterans organizations.
Independent Agencies /575
Composed of twenty-five Maryland veterans, the
Commission is appointed to seven-year terms by the
Governor. The chairperson of the Maryland Veterans
Home Commission serves as a member, each congres-
sional district is represented by one member, and one
member serves at large. Of the remaining members,
one each is appointed from the following: American
Ex-Prisoners of War, Inc.; American Legion; AM-
VETS; Catholic War Veterans; Disabled American
Veterans; Fleet Reserve Association; Jewish War Vet-
erans; Korean War Veterans Association; Veterans of
Foreign Wars; Veterans of World War I; Maryland
Retired Officers Association; Marine Corps League;
Polish-American War Veterans; Military Order of the
Purple Heart; and Vietnam Veterans of America. The
Governor designates the chairperson. The Commis-
sion appoints the Director (Code State Government
Article, secs. 9-904 through 9-914).
Samuel E. Pruett, President, 1996
c/o Maryland Veterans Commission
Federal Building
31 Hopkins Plaza
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 333-4428
In 1982, the Washington Cemetery Board of Trus-
tees was transferred from the Department of General
Services to the Maryland Veterans Commission
(Chapter 269, Acts of 1982). The Washington Ceme-
tery Board of Trustees oversees the maintenance of
Washington Cemetery, Hagerstown, where the Con-
federate dead of the battles of Antietam and South
Mountain are buried. At the Cemetery, 2,468 bodies
are interred. Of this number, 346 have been identified.
The Board of Trustees was chartered in 1870
(Chapter 213, Acts of 1870). Originally the Board
was composed of five members: three from
Maryland and one representative each from Virginia
and West Virginia. Virginia and West Virginia in-
itially contributed to the cost for funding and main-
taining the Cemetery and so were given a place on
the Board. In over one hundred years, however,
neither Virginia nor West Virginia has appointed a
representative. Presently, the Board has only three
active members, all from Maryland. They are ap-
pointed by the Governor to serve three-year terms.
Robert E. Barron, Manager
Federal Building, Room 110
31 Hopkins Plaza
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 962-4701
(410) 333-4429
Through its Service Program, The Maryland
Veterans Commission advises, assists, and repre-
sents Maryland veterans, their dependents, and
survivors seeking federal, State and local veteran