Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Vacancy, Chairperson
David E. Harmon, Vice-Chairperson, 1994
Appointed by Governor (who names chair): Edith
Gordine Blount; Howard N. Hall; David E,
Harmon; one vacancy. Terms expire 1994.
Representative of Md. Disability Law Center appointed
by Governor: Elizabeth Jones
Ex officio: Rosalie S. Abrams, Director on Aging; Carolyn
W. Colvin, Secretary of Human Resources; Nelson J.
Sabatini, Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene.
Staff: Barbara M. Strein
c/o Office of Planning
301 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4514
The Domiciliary Care Facilities Board was cre-
ated by the Governor at the request of the General
Assembly in 1984 (Joint Resolution no. 23, Acts of
1984). In 1986, the Board was established by law
(Chapter 726, Acts of 1986).
Because the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, the Department of Human Resources,
and the Office on Aging all license and regulate
domiciliary care facilities, the Board formulates and
implements policy and coordinates agency respon-
sibility. The Board also reviews and approves poli-
cies and regulations that govern domiciliary care
facilities and related programs. Such facilities pro-
vide domiciliary, personal or nursing care to unre-
lated individuals who are dependent on the facility
for assistance with daily living activities in a safe,
sanitary and healthful environment.
The Board has nine members. Four are ap-
pointed to four-year terms by the Governor and
include a domiciliary care facility provider, and three
consumers. One member, appointed by the Gover-
nor, represents the Maryland Disability Law Center.
Four serve ex officio. The Governor designates the
chairperson (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 10-601).
Merle S. Elliott, Chairperson, 1995
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent:
H. Lee Boatwright III, 1992; W. Edwin Cole, Jr.,
1994; Gerald K. Holthaus, 1994; Walter H.
Plosila, Ph.D., 1994; Jerry C. Lymas, 1995;
Vernon C. Terry, 1995; Leonard R. Sachs, 1996;
Martha A. Smith, Ph.D., 1996; Mario F.
VillaSanta, 1996.
Independent Agencies /505
Ex officio: Mark L. Wasserman, Secretary of
Economic & Employment Development; O. James
Lighthizer, Secretary of Transportation.
Hans F. Mayer, Executive Director
36 South Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 625-0051
Established in 1984, the Maryland Economic
Development Corporation is a public instrumental-
ity of the State (Chapter 498, Acts of 1984). The
Corporation enables the State to develop property
for economic purposes. To serve the public interest,
the Corporation develops vacant or unused indus-
trial sites and facilities and other economic resources
in which the private sector has shown no significant
interest or development capability.
The Corporation operates in economically dis-
tressed areas of the State. It helps State and local
economic development agencies expand, modern-
ize, and retain businesses, and attract new ones.
The Board of Directors is appointed by the
Governor with Senate advice and consent. It con-
sists of twelve members, including two ex officio
voting members. Members serve four-year terms.
With the Governor's approval, the Board appoints
the Executive Director (Code 1957, Art. 83A, secs.
5-101 through 5-116).
Herbert H. Fincher, Chairperson
Representing Maryland Higher Education
Commission: Osborne A. Payne; Walter Sondheim,
Jr.; Constance Cornell Stuart.
Representing State Board of Education: Robert C.
Embry, Jr.; Christopher E. Grant; Harry D.
Shapiro, Esq.
Ex officio: Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State
Superintendent of Schools; Shaila R. Aery, Ed.D.,
Secretary of Higher Education.
c/o Maryland Higher Education Commission
16 Francis St.
Annapolis. MD 21401 (410) 974-2971
The Education Coordinating Committee was
formed in 1976 (Chapter 538, Acts of 1976). The
Committee coordinates the policies and activities of
the State Board of Education, the State Superinten-
dent of Schools, the Maryland Higher Education
Commission, and the Secretary of Higher Educa-
tion. The Committee studies and makes recommen-
dations regarding educational policies that concern
or affect elementary, secondary or higher education.
The Committee is comprised of eight members:
three members of the State Board of Education
selected by its president; three members of the