488 /Independent agencies
The Committee's seven members are appointed
to three-year terms by the Director on Aging (Code
1957, Art. 70B, sec. 17A).
Bernard Popick, Chief
(410) 225-1064
The Management Division is responsible for
budgeting and financial management, personnel,
training, procurement, general administration, and
monitoring and auditing.
Ilene W. Rosenthal, Chief
(410) 225-1118
The Housing and Long-Term Care Division began as
the Housing and Continuing Care Division. It was
reorganized under its present name in 1993 and assigned
functions of the former Long-Term Care Division.
The Division administers home- and commu-
nity-based long-term care for vulnerable older per-
sons who need assistance with activities of daily
living and may be at risk of entering a nursing home.
Senior Assisted-Housing combines housing with
support services for frail residents of senior apart-
ment projects and group homes. Senior Care, a
system of coordinated in-home services, enables
seniors with medical disabilities to continue residing
in their homes. The Division also regulates continu-
ing-care retirement communities which provide
housing and health-related services for the payment
of an entrance fee and a monthly service fee.
Violet Sloat, Chief
(410) 225-1270
The Planning and Intergovernmental Affairs Divi-
sion started as the Planning and Evaluation Division.
It was reorganized under its current name in 1993. The
Division plans, develops, and assesses programs and
sets their priorities. The Division also coordinates the
evaluation of area agency on aging plans and is respon-
sible for the public information activities of the Office.
In addition, the Division develops and recommends
State and federal legislation, as well as projects for
program and statistical research.
Janette C. Martin, Chief
(410) 225-1095
The Community Services and Nutrition Division
was formerly the Nutrition and Community Services
Division. It received its present name in 1993. The
Division gives statewide direction to the local admini-
stration of aging programs and services. These include
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
nutrition, transportation, senior information and
assistance, health promotion, physical fitness, sen-
ior center operations and construction, and senior
advocacy (legal assistance, long-term care ombuds-
man, public guardianship, elder abuse prevention
and senior health insurance counseling and advo-
cacy). The Division monitors and technically aids a
network of nineteen area agencies on aging. The
agencies receive grants of federal and State funds
from the Office on Aging to serve the elderly in their
geographic areas. Area agencies encompass all
counties and Baltimore City. Funding sources for
grants include Title III of the federal Older Ameri-
cans Act; Section 700 of the federal Food and
Agriculture Act; and State general funds.
Under the Community Services and Nutrition Di-
vision, Senior Information and Assistance is a coordi-
nated statewide program that helps older persons
obtain information and services. In each county and in
Baltimore City, the Senior Information and Assistance
office is the point of contact for older persons seeking
services and benefits from public and private agencies.
Chairperson: Rosalie S. Abrams, Director on Aging
Appointed by Governor (who names chair): Jay
Magaziner, Ph.D.; Philip H. Pushkin, D.D.S. Terms
expire 1995.
Ex officio: Nelson J. Sabatini, Secretary of Health &
Mental Hygiene; Carolyn W. Colvin, Secretary of
Human Resources; Mark L. Wasserman, Secretary
of Economic & Employment Development;
Jacqueline H. Rogers, Secretary of Housing &
Community Development; O. James Lighthizer,
Secretary of Transportation.
301 West Preston St., Room 1004
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-1102
Annual Consolidated Operating Budget for Aging
Services submitted to Governor & General Assembly.
Annual Report to General Assembly.
The Interagency Committee on Aging Services was
formed within the Executive Department in 1982
(Chapters 101 and 330, Acts of 1982). The Commit-
tee develops and updates a plan to coordinate State and
local health and sodal services for Maryland's elderly.
The Committee consists of the Director on Aging,
the Secretaries of Economic and Employment Devel-
opment, Health and Mental Hygiene, Housing and
Community Development, Human Resources, and
Transportation. The Director on Aging serves as chair-
person (Code 1957, Art. 70B, secs. 4A-4H).