The Commission has nine members appointed
for five-year terms by the Secretary of Public Safety
and Correctional Services with the approval of the
Governor. Membership must be geographically
representative of the State (Code 1957, Art. 38A).
LaMont W. Flanagan, Commissioner of Pretrial
Detention & Services
Harry A. Sizelove, Deputy Commissioner
401 East Eager St.
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 637-1319
The Division of Pretrial Detention and Services
was established within the Department in 1991
(Chapter 59, Acts of 1991). At that time, the State
assumed responsibility for the Baltimore City Jail
and renamed it the Baltimore City Detention Cen-
ter. Maryland is the only state which has adminis-
trative control over a large local detention center.
The Division oversees the Baltimore City Deten-
tion Center and Pretrial Release Services for those
awaiting trial in criminal proceedings before the
District Court or the Circuit Court of Baltimore
City. Appointed by the Secretary of Public Safety
and Correctional Services with the Governor's ap-
proval, the Commissioner of Pretrial Detention and
Services heads the Division (Code 1957, Art. 41,
sees. 4-1401 through 4-1414).
John R. Camou, Director
Robert S. Weisengoff, Deputy Director
Mitchell Courthouse, Room 508
100 North Calvert St.
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333-3833
Formerly under the Circuit Court for Baltimore
City, the Pretrial Release Services Division became
a unit of the Division of Parole and Probation in
1985 (Chapter 725, Acts of 1985). In 1988, the
Pretrial Release Services Division was established as
a separate division within the Department of Public
Safety and Correctional Services (Chapter 474,
Acts of 1988). The Division was reorganized as a
program within the Division of Pretrial Detention
and Services in 1991 (Chapter 59, Acts of 1991).
Pretrial Release Services investigates all defen-
dants awaiting trial in criminal proceedings before
the Baltimore City Circuit Court and the District
Court of Maryland for Baltimore City. The Program
then provides the courts with verified information
regarding the defendant's ties to the community
and special problems such as alcoholism, drug ad-
diction, or residential placement needs. The Pro-
gram also makes recommendations to the courts
regarding pretrial release or detention of defendants
awaiting trial.
Of some 51,978 defendants screened annually,
the Program supervises and monitors approxi-
mately 19,000 defendants for whom the court or-
ders pretrial release. Urine testing surveillance is
used for some of these defendants. At trial or in
subsequent proceedings, the Program reports to
the court on the defendant's compliance with the
terms of pretrial release. These compliance reports
are used for sentencing decisions and, in some in-
stances, plea bargaining negotiations.
To minimize unnecessary incarceration, the Pro-
gram develops alternative sanction plans under
court supervision, and arbitrates or mediates dis-
putes when requested by the court. Under scrutiny
of the courts, the State's Attorney, and the Public
Defender or private counsel, the Program presents
and defends alternatives to prosecution.
In addition, the Program reviews the status of
defendants in pretrial detention in the Baltimore
City Detention Center. To manage the Center's
inmate capacity, the Program recommends options
to the court, such as scheduling early trials; moni-
tors writs, detainers, and violations of court orders;
and further investigates the feasibility of recogni-
zance or reduced bail for some defendants.
The Director and Deputy Director are ap-
pointed by the Commissioner of Pretrial Detention
and Services with the approval of the Secretary of
Public Safety and Correctional Services (Code
1957, Art. 41, secs. 4-1401 through 4-1406).
Alfred I. Murphy, Warden
(410) 909-9674
The Central Booking and Intake Facility is
scheduled to open in 1995 in Baltimore City. All
persons arrested in Baltimore City will be processed
or "booked" at the Facility. The Facility will include
Pretrial Release Services; the District Court Com-
missioners for Baltimore City; the Office of State's
Attorney for Baltimore City; and Baltimore City
Police Services (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 4-1414).
Bernard D. Smith, Warden
401 East Eager St.
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 637-1109
The Baltimore City Detention Center, formerly the
Baltimore City Jail, became part of the Division of
Pretrial Detention and Services in 1991 (Chapter 59,
Acts of 1991). The Baltimore City Jail originated in
the eighteenth century and was replaced by a new jail
on Mill Street on the east side of Jones Falls in 1802.
An annex for women inmates was constructed in
1823. The jail structure served until 1860 when a new