430 /Department of Personnel
Sara Miller, Assistant Secretary/or
Human Resource Management & Development
301 West Preston St., Room 602
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4751
Human Resource Management and Develop-
ment was organized in 1991 from units previously
administered by Compensation and Employee Se-
lection, Administration, and Employee Services.
The Assistant Secretary for Human Resource Man-
agement and Development is responsible for three
divisions: Recruitment and Examination; Salary
Administration and Position Classification; and
Work Force Quality.
Nelson L. Sutton III, Director
300 West Preston St., Room 406
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4846
public information: (410) 225-4847
The Recruitment and Examination Division was
formed in 1970. The Division recruits, tests, and
certifies candidates as eligible for employment in
Merit System positions within State government.
Information about Maryland State employment
opportunities and applications may be obtained by
calling the Division. Personnel specialists also are
available for employment counseling at Division
Merit System vacancies are advertised in the
newspapers, in bulletins sent to State agencies, and
are listed with the Maryland Job Service. Applicants
submit a completed MS 100 application form which
is evaluated by the Division. For some positions,
candidates are rated based on the application and
notified of their rating. For other positions, appli-
cants who meet the minimum requirements of the
job description are notified where and when to
report for a required examination. For all vacancies,
an eligible list is compiled which ranks applicants
either by rating or examination score. The eligible
list of candidates is sent to the State agency with the
vacancy. A person is selected from among the five
highest ranking on the list. Names remain on eligi-
ble lists for one year.
The average time span between a vacancy being
advertised and the sending of an eligible list is about
seventy days.
The Division works through three units: Re-
cruitment; Examination Research and Develop-
ment; and Test Administration.
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Michael A. Glass, Director
301 West Preston St., Room 603
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4778
The Salary Administration and Position Classifi-
cation Division determines the classification for all
State employee positions under the jurisdiction of
the Secretary of Personnel. The Division analyzes
individual positions and systematically maintains
the classification plan. The Division also maintains
the State Salary Plan. In addition, the Division
recommends emergency salary actions and devel-
ops salary and benefits data and costs for pay rec-
ommendations .
Jeanne M. Zarnoch, Director
300 West Preston St., Room 204
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4943
Formerly Employee Development and Training,
the Work Force Quality Division was organized in
1992. The Division oversees the Employee Devel-
opment Center and coordinates the State Quality
Initiative. The Division also custom designs training
programs and provides consultant services to fed-
eral, State and local government agencies, and non-
profit organizations. The Director is responsible for
statewide coordination of training and employee
awards programs.
Vacancy, Chief
300 West Preston St., Room 204
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-4683
The Employee Development Center offers
courses in administration, communication, com-
puter applications, leadership development, occu-
pational health and safety, personnel management,
and total quality process. Curriculum offerings are
based on assessments of the training needs of State
Tina Romanowski, State Quality Coordinator
(410) 225-4687
In June 1992, the Governor established the
Total Quality Process to make State government
efficient and cost-effective (Executive Order
01.01.1992.15). The Total Quality Initiative is co-
ordinated by the Department of Personnel through
the State Quality Council.