400/Department of Licensing & Regulation
three in some aspect of harness racing. The Gover-
nor designates the chairperson. The Secretary of
Licensing and Regulation appoints the Executive
Director. Authorization for the Commission con-
tinues until July 1, 2001 (Code Business Regula-
tion Article, secs. 11-201 through 11-214).
John H. Mosner, Chairperson, 1994
(410) 333-6267
In 1962, the Maryland-Bred Race Fund Advisory
Committee was created to administer the Maryland-
Bred Race Program and the Maryland-Bred Race
Fund (Chapter 137, Acts of 1962). The Fund is
supported by an assessment on each thoroughbred
track licensee of a portion of the mutuel pool of all its
horse races during the year. The Fund is then appor-
tioned between a purse for races involving Maryland-
bred horses and awards given to breeder, owner, and
stallion for horses bred in Maryland.
The Committee consists of five members ap-
pointed to one-year terms by the Maryland Racing
Commission with the approval of the Secretary of
Licensing and Regulation. Two members represent
the Maryland Horse Breeders' Association, one repre-
sents the mile track associations, and one the half-mile
track associations. One is a member of the Maryland
Racing Commission. Authorization for the Commit-
tee continues until July 1, 2001 (Code Business Regu-
lation Article, secs. 11-529 through 11-541).
Eric Frederick, Chairperson, 1994
(410) 333-6267
The Maryland Standardbred Race Fund Advisory
Committee was introduced in 1971 (Chapter 771,
Acts of 1971). The Committee assists and advises the
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
Maryland Racing Commission on the administra-
tion of the Standardbred Race Program, the Stand-
ardbred Race Fund, and the Standardbred Sires
Stakes Program. The Standardbred Race Fund is
supported by an assessment on each harness track
licensee of a portion of the mutuel pool of all its
horse races during the year. The Fund is then used
as a purse for races involving Standardbred horses.
The Committee consists of five members. Four
members are appointed to four-year terms and the
chairperson to a one-year term by the Maryland
Racing Commission with the approval of the Sec-
retary of Licensing and Regulation. Two members
are nominated by the organization representing a
majority of the standard breeders in Maryland, and
one is nominated by the Cloverleaf Standardbred
Owners'Association. One member is a commercial
breeder, one is a harness track licensee, and one is a
member of the Maryland Racing Commission.
Authorization for the Committee continues until
July 1, 2001 (Code Business Regulation Article,
secs. 11-623 through 11-636).
(410) 333-6267
In January 1986, the Maryland Jockey Injury
Compensation Fund, Inc., was established as a
nonprofit corporation (Chapter 757, Acts of
1985). The Fund secures workmen's compensation
insurance coverage on a blanket basis for jockeys
licensed by the Maryland Racing Commission to
ride thoroughbred horses.
The Fund is managed by a three-member Board
of Directors, appointed by the Secretary of Licens-
ing and Regulation (Code Business Regulation Ar-
ticle, secs. 11-901 through 11-907).