Maryland Manual 1994-1995
To prevent long-term dependence on public
assistance, the Program encourages welfare recipi-
ents to take responsibility for their children's school
attendance and health care. The Program requires
parents to secure regular comprehensive, preventive
health care for their children from birth to age 6.
School-age children must attend school at least 80
percent of the time. For each child not in compli-
ance, a standard deduction is made from the family's
monthly benefit check. Supportive intervention
services, such as counseling and seminars, are avail-
able to assist parents. Also, bonuses may be earned
for prenatal health care of pregnant women or for
preventive health care of children over age 6.
David F. Baker, Manager
(410) 767-8910
Begun in 1987, the Disability Entitlement Ad-
vocacy Program helps disabled recipients of General
Public Assistance apply for federal Medicaid, Social
Security, and Supplemental Security Income bene-
fits. The Program also aids in the documentation
process and acts as advocate for persons with dis-
abilities at entitlement and appeal hearings.
Vacancy, Director
(410) 767-7185
The Office of Quality Assurance formerly was
the Office of Field Operations and was reorganized
under its current name in 1992. The Office assures
that local departments of social services comply
with State and federal regulations for programs
administered by the Income Maintenance Admini-
stration. The Office also serves as a liaison between
the local departments and State agencies.
Richard E. Larson, Director
(410) 767-7150
The Office of Program Innovations originated in
1980 as the Office of Program Support and was
reorganized in 1992 under its present name. The
Office staffs the Governor's Commission on Welfare
Policy, charged with comprehensively revamping or
replacing the current system of federal and State
public assistance. The Office also oversees the Wel-
fare Policy Institute through which Morgan State
University, University of Maryland at Baltimore,
and the University of Baltimore provide technical
and research expertise to the Governor's Commis-
sion on Welfare Policy.
Department of Human Resources /361
Michael C. Blum, Director
(410) 767-7028
The Office of Administrative Services provides cen-
tralized administrative services for budget, procure-
ment, inventory, equipment, personnel, and audit.
The Office also oversees research and analysis.
Eugene P. Bartell, Executive Director
311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 767-7761
The Community Services Administration began as
the Maryland Office of Economic Opportunity, cre-
ated by Executive Order in 1964. The Office was
established by statute in 1965 (Chapter 306, Acts of
1965) and renamed the Maryland Office of Commu-
nity Services in 1979 (Chapter 50, Acts of 1979). By
Executive Order, the Community Programs Admini-
stration was merged in 1982 with the Office. The
Office became the Community Services Administra-
tion in 1984 (Chapter 196, Acts of 1984).
The Community Services Administration serves
the poor, disadvantaged, and others in need. Pro-
grams include adult services, energy assistance, and
services to women in crisis. The Administration also
coordinates and provides technical support to com-
missions and special programs (Code 1957, Art. 41,
secs. 6-201 through 6-204).
The Executive Director is appointed by the Sec-
retary of Human Resources with the Governor's
approval (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 6-202).
The Administration works through seven pro-
grams: Adult Services; Maryland Energy Assistance;
Food and Nutrition Services; Homeless Services; Le-
gal Services; Refugee Affairs; and Women's Services.
Four boards also are overseen by the Administration:
the Maryland Commission for Women; the Gover-
nor's Commission on Migratory and Seasonal Farm
Labor; the Governor's Commission on Hispanic Af-
fairs; and the Governor's Advisory Committee on
Asian-Pacific American Affairs through the Office of
Asian-Pacific American Affairs.
Phyllis B. Trickett, Chairperson, 1993
JoAnne Saltzberg, Executive Director
311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 767-7556
The Commission originated in 1965 as the Gover-
nor's Commission on the Status of Women. To exam-
ine pressing social problems and foster an
understanding of issues affecting women, the Com-
mission was reactivated in 1968 as the Maryland