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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 35   View pdf image
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Maryland. Manual 1994-1995 Legislature /35



Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., President

State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-3700


Casper R. Taylor, Jr., Speaker

State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-3800


BUDGET (CODE 21.00.00)


General Funds ................
Special Funds .................
Total Funds ................



$37,241,859. ........
$ 220,000 .........
$37,461,859 .........



$37,553,303 ..........
$ 200,000 ..........
$37,753,303 ..........



$ 200,000








Authorized Positions ...........

...... 659.5 .........

........ 655 ..........

....... 652



General Assembly Switchboard .... (410) 841-3000
Information & Bill Status......... (410) 841-3810
Bill Room. ..................... (410) 841-3840
Legislative Sales ................. (410) 841-3883

Allegany County Delegation

John W. Derr, Senate Chairperson (410) 841-3575
Casper R. Taylor, Jr., House Chairperson (410) 841-3800

Anne Arundel County Delegation

Philip C. Jimeno, Senate Chairperson . . (410) 841-3658
Victor A. Sulin, House Chairperson .... (410) 841-3233

Baltimore City Delegation

John A. Pica, Jr., Senate Chairperson. . . (410) 841-3145
Frank D. Boston, Jr., House Chairperson (410) 841-3283

Baltimore County Delegation

Thomas L. Bromwell, Senate Chairperson. (410) 841-3620
E. Farrell Maddox, House Chairperson . (410) 841-3332

Calvert County Delegation

C. Bernard Fowler, Senate Chairperson. (410) 841-3673
George W. Owings, House Chairperson (410) 841-3231

Caroline County Delegation

Robert A. Thornton, )r.. House Chairperson

Carroll County Delegation

Charles H. Smelser, Senate Chairperson (410) 841 -3704
Richard C. Matthews, House Chairperson (410) 841-3371

Cecil County Delegation

Ethel A. Murray, House Chairperson . . . (410) 841-3444

Charles County Delegation

C. Bernard Fowler, Senate Chairperson. (410) 841 -3673
Stephen J. Braun, House Chairperson. . . (410) 841-3247

Dorchester County Delegation

Samuel Q. Johnson III, House Chairperson
(410) 841-3427

Frederick County Delegation

Charles H. Smelser, Senate Chairperson (410) 841-3704
James E. McClellan, House Chairperson (410) 841-3240

Garrett County Delegation

John W. Derr, Senate Chairperson (410) 841-3575
George C. Edwards, House Chairperson . (410) 841-3435

Harford County Delegation

William H. Amoss, Senate Chairperson. . (410) 841-3603
Rose Mary Hatem Bonsack, House Chairperson
(410) 841-3289

Howard County Delegation

Thomas M. Yeager, Senate Chairperson (410) 841-3572
Robert L. Flanagan, House Chairperson (410) 841-3200

Kent County Delegation

W. Michael Newnam, House Chairperson (410) 841-3189

Montgomery County Delegation

Ida G. Ruben, Senate Chairperson .... (410) 841-3634
Gene W. Counihan, House Chairperson (410) 841-3001

Prince George's County Delegation

Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., Senate Chairperson
(410) 841-3700
Pauline H. Menes, House Chairperson. . (410) 841-3074

Queen Anne's County Delegation

C. Ronald Franks, House Chairperson. . . (410) 841-3410

St. Mary's County Delegation

C. Bernard Fowler, Senate Chairperson (410) 841-3673
J. Ernest Bell II, House Chairperson .... (410) 841-3314

Somerset County Delegation

Charles A. (Charlie Mac) McClenahan, House
(410) 841-3433

Talbot County Delegation

Kenneth D. Schisler, House Chairperson (410) 841-3429

Washington County Delegation

John W. Derr, Senate Chairperson .... (410) 841-3575
Peter G. Callas, House Chairperson. . . . (410) 841-3449

Wicomico County Delegation

Norman H. Conway, House Chairperson. (410) 841-3425

Worcester County Delegation

Bennett Bozman, House Chairperson . . . (410) 841-3431


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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 35   View pdf image
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