organize, and sponsor a statewide conference on
neighborhood revitalizadon. After the conference,
the Commission will submit a report to the Gover-
nor. Authorization for the Commission continues
until December 31, 1996.
The Commission has thirty members. Of these,
the Governor appoints twenty-two, the Senate
President appoints two, the House Speaker ap-
points two, and five serve ex officio. The Governor
selects the Commission's two co-chairpersons.
J. Rodney Little, Director & State Historic
Preservation Officer
100 Community Place
Crownsville, MD 21032 (410) 514-7600
The Division of Historical and Cultural Programs
directs four offices: Management, Planning, and Edu-
cational Outreach; Research, Survey, and Registra-
tion; Preservation Services; and Museum Services.
The Director serves as the designee of the Secretary of
Housing and Community Development in all aspects
of State cultural programs.
Mark R. Edwards, Deputy Director & Chief
Programs Administrator
100 Community Place
Crownsville, MD 21032 (410) 514-7600
The Office of Management, Planning, and Edu-
cational Outreach originated in 1989 as the Office
of Management and Planning. The Office received
its present name in 1992. The Office oversees the
Maryland Historical Trust, the Archaeology Office,
and all other programs of the Division of Historical
and Cultural Programs.
Harrison E. Wetherill, Jr., Chairperson, 1995
Mark R. Edwards, Chief Programs Administrator
& Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer
100 Community Place
Crownsville, MD 21032 (410) 514-7600
The Maryland Historical Tnist was formed in 1961
to preserve, protect, and enhance districts, sites, build-
ings, structures, and objects significant in the prehis-
tory, history, upland and underwater archaeology,
architecture, engineering, and culture of the State
(Chapter 620, Acts of 1961). The Trust also encour-
ages others in the field and promotes interest in and
study of such matters. In 1970, the Trust became an
agency of the Department of Economic and Commu-
nity Development. The Trust was placed under the
Department of Housing and Community Develop-
ment in 1987 (Chapter 311, Acts of 1987).
The Trust acquires and maintains properties of
historic or architectural merit by gift, grant, or
purchase. Through an easement program, it holds
partial interest in such properties in order to moni-
tor their condition and appearance without the
necessity of public ownership.
The Trust helps organizations, local govern-
ments, businesses, and individuals restore and ac-
quire historic properties through State-funded
grants-in-aid, and a revolving fund loan program.
Matching grants-in-aid from the National Park
Service of the U.S. Department of the Interior are
made through the Trust. They support a variety of
programs, including historic resource identification
(i.e., survey), evaluation (i.e., registration), preser-
vation planning, education, and "Certified Local
Government" programs.
The Trust contracts with local jurisdictions to sur-
vey Maryland historic sites. Results of these surveys
are published. The most significant sites are eligible for
nomination to the National Register through the
Trust. Properties listed on the National Register re-
ceive a degree of protection from federally licensed or
funded projects that might adversely affect them.
Through its community education program, the
Trust administers a local volunteer network, repre-
sented by advisory organizations (one in each county,
in Baltimore City and Annapolis). These organiza-
tions, besides carrying out their own local preservation
programs, assist the Trust by promoting its programs,
grants, and loans; sponsoring Preservation Week ac-
tivities; and advising on preservation needs and inter-
ests. The Trust conducts an annual conference and
sponsors regional workshops. It hosts special events
and issues publications, including news sheets and a
quarterly news magazine.
The Trust maintains a library of archival and
photographic material relating to Maryland's ar-
chaeological and architectural history.
The Board of Trustees of the Maryland Historical
Trust is composed of fifteen members. Twelve are
appointed to four-year terms by the Governor with
Senate advice and consent. Three serve ex officio: the
Governor, the Senate President, and the Speaker of
the House of Delegates, or their designees. Trustees
appoint eight area representatives to serve one-year
terms. The Board also appoints the Director.
Maryland's State Historic Preservation Officer, ap-
pointed by the Governor pursuant to the National
Historic Preservation Act of 1966, is a member of the
Trust staff. Preservation activities as required by the
federal government are carried out by the State His-
toric Preservation Officer in concert with the Trust
(Code 1957, Art. 83B, secs. 5-601 through 5-619).